Tinjauan Filsafat Ilmu, Konsentrasi Ilmu Komunikasi, Pemikiran Jurgens Habermas, Hans-Georg Gadamer, serta Gary P. Radford

  • Ludwig Suparmo Value Consult, Management Consultant
Keywords: communication transmission concept – language as reality – main philosophical thinking – the three societal importances – theory of communication actions – speaking about  communication – the world will look as it is



This write-up is a literature study on Philosophical Sciences in view of Communications Study. Studying philosophy is a never ending effort.  The communication philosophy refers to the ethics theories and guidelines. The most profound of these is the formulation of the dialogic coordinates, a standard set of prerequisite communication elements necessary for inciting dialogue. A short study of three prominent philosophers’, i.e.: Jürgen Habermas, Hans Georg-Gadamer and Gary P. Radford are discussed here as examples to encourage scientific class discussionns.



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How to Cite
Suparmo, L. (2020). Tinjauan Filsafat Ilmu, Konsentrasi Ilmu Komunikasi, Pemikiran Jurgens Habermas, Hans-Georg Gadamer, serta Gary P. Radford. Communicology: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 8(2), 162 - 174. https://doi.org/10.21009/COMMUNICOLOGY.020.02