Cultivation Values of Pancasila to Early Chilhood Through Traditional Ceremony in Banceuy Village, Subang, West Java

  • Tjipto Sumadi Jakarta State University, Indonesia


This study aims to find a model for the cultivation of Pancasila values in
early childhood through a traditional ceremony in the traditional village of
Banceuy, Subang, West Java. This research is a descriptive research with a
qualitative approach. To obtain data, observation and in-depth interviews were
carried out. In order to obtain accurate data, four validation steps were carried out
using, member check, trial audit, triangulation, and theoretical expert opinion. This
study discusses (1) whether in the Traditional Ceremony there are Pancasila values
that are in accordance with the needs of early childhood, (2) what Pancasila values
are instilled in early childhood through the Ruwatan Bumi and Nyapu Lembur
Traditional Ceremony, (3) how to cultivation Pancasila values in early childhood
through the Ruwatan Bumi and Nyapu Lembur Traditional Ceremonies that occur
in Banceuy Traditional Village. This research concludes that the Pancasila values
cultivation in early childhood through the Ruwatan Bumi and Nyapu Lembur
ceremonies in the Banceuy Traditional Village, Subang, West Java, are devotion to
God Almighty, deliberation, equity and justice, respect for the environment, respect
for ancestors, preserving traditional cuisine, preserving and preserving culture, and
caring for environmental cleanliness. These values are cultivation through inserts
in the Traditional Ceremonies of Ruwatan Bumi and Nyapu Lembur, in the form of
cikibung, jibrut, miruha, and kolecer.

How to Cite
Tjipto Sumadi. (2021). Cultivation Values of Pancasila to Early Chilhood Through Traditional Ceremony in Banceuy Village, Subang, West Java. ICHELSS: International Conference on Humanities, Education, Law, and Social Sciences, 1(1), 625-631. Retrieved from