Kesalahan Morfologis dalam Kemampuan Wawancara Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas VIII SMP IT Cahaya Islam: Penelitian Analisis Isi

  • Wilda Istiana Nasution Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Error Analysis, Morphological Error, Skill of Interview


This research aims to describe morphological errors in Skill of Indonesian Interview of Class VIII Cahaya Islamic School. The Method used is content analysis. Data were collected throught 18 student’s word of Indonesian interview. The results showed that classification lingustic category, 3 classification of errors morphological in word of Indonesian interview students among other types of errors are : 36 affix, 5 reduplication, and 1 composation. In surface category in the word of Indonesia interview these types of errors : 30 omission, 5 addition, 41 misformation. In comparative category in word of Indonesian interview these types of errors : 23 interlingual errors and 42 intralingual errors. In communicative effect category in word of Indonesian interview these type of errors : 42 local errors. The cause errors morphological of student is the dominat Intralinguage.
