• Usman Modjo BP Paud dan Dikmas Gorontalo, Jl. H. Ada, Hoesa No. 106 Pentadio Timur, Telaga Biru, Gorontalo 96181
Keywords: supervision, instructional Moliti’O


Supervision is seen as important to be developed after taking into account the facts, problems, and stakeholders of PAUD in the exploration study in May 2017. The Moleconomic Instructional Supervision Model aims to (1) solve the problems faced by PAUD educators regarding PAUD education standards, (2) concepts that underlie the supervision of Moliti’O instructional become one of the problems faced by PAUD educators regarding PAUD education standards, and (3) Finding a model of supervision of Moliti’O instructional that can foster the imagination of learners. The results of the discussion show a model of supervision of instructional needs to consider the characteristics of the subject studied. Early-age children who are still in the preoperational stage require a model of instructional supervision that can foster the imagination within the learners as well as the deepening of a model of supervision of instructional Moliti’O as well as guidelines for supervision of instructional Moliti’O.



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How to Cite
Modjo, U. (2018). MODEL SUPERVISI PEMBELAJARAN MOLIT’O PAUD. JIV-Jurnal Ilmiah Visi, 13(1), 61 - 66.