• Nugrahana Fitria Ruhyana Bappelitbangda Kab. Sumedang; l. Prabu Gajah Agung No.9 Sumedang, Jawa Barat, 45252
Keywords: accessibilities, children, early childhood education programs, family


The early age is a substantial period in human development. The long-term benefit from participating in the early childhood education programs is increasing opportunities for the children to complete their higher education in order to get the better welfare future. In Sumedang regency - the location of this study - the children’s participations in joining the early childhood education programs had not been optimized yet. Approximately 47% of the children aged 4-6 years had not participated in the early childhood education programs yet. Thus, it was significant to seek out the factors influencing the children’s accessibilities to participate in the early childhood education programs in Sumedang regency in order to find out the alternative policy to increase their accessibilities to participate in the early childhood
education programs. The research was conducted in 2017 using the quantitative method. The data were obtained from the “2015 Susenas†which involved 300 respondents. The data analysis was performed by using the logistic regression with the 12th version of STATA software. The findings showed that the children’s accessibilities to participate in the early childhood education programs in Sumedang regency was determined by the educational background of the head of family, the marital status of the parents, the head of the family’s income, the number of the family members, and the children’s domicile. Giving knowledge about the importance of early childhood education to the lower educational background parents and enlarging the early childhood schools’ facilities and infrastructures especially in rural areas of Sumedang regency still needed to be improved in order to have better human resources in the future. 


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How to Cite
Ruhyana, N. F. (2018). AKSESIBILITAS ANAK MENGIKUTI PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI DI KABUPATEN SUMEDANG. JIV-Jurnal Ilmiah Visi, 13(2), 101 - 111. https://doi.org/10.21009/JIV.1302.4