Education of Melinting’s Dance with Demonstration and Drill Methods of Extracurricular Activities in Senior High School Way Jepara, East Lampung.

  • Agnes Agustini Afrida Yeni Mahasiswa
  • Deden Haerudin
  • Dwi Kusumawardani
Keywords: Learning Dance, Melinting Dance, Demonstration Methods, Drill Methods


This research is abouth education with demonstration and drill methods of extracurricular activities. The purpose of this research is for describe education interaction process of melinting's dance. This research happened because there are advantages and disadvantages in using demontration and drill methods. This research conducted with qulitative methology and data collection by using observation, interview, and literature review. Data is analyzed through the process of data reduction, data persentation, and verification. Then, data is tested for it is credibility by using triangulation method. The result show how the demontration and drill methods in melinting's dance for extracurricular acrivities in high school and has advantage for teacher and student interaction. The result also for education, because teacher plays a role in education. But, it also has weakness in optmizing interaction between teacher and student.

How to Cite
Afrida Yeni, A. A., Haerudin, D., & Kusumawardani, D. (2022). Education of Melinting’s Dance with Demonstration and Drill Methods of Extracurricular Activities in Senior High School Way Jepara, East Lampung. Jurnal Pendidikan Tari, 2(2), 52 - 63.