Jurnal Pendidikan Tari Volume 2 issue 2 contains 6 papers: 1) Visualization of the Mythology of Kala Rahu "Candra Graha" as a Theme in the Creating of Dance Works on the Legong Dance; 2) The Creation of Ngies Dance in the Buang Jong Traditional Procession of the Sawang Tribe with the Footing of the Kedidi Dance Using Alma M Hawkins's Method the Moving From Within; 3) Description of Women in Peranakan Culture Through the Creating of a Cokek Dance Work Title Nyai Cukin Era of Jakarta Tempo Doeloe; 4) Education of Melinting’s Dance with Demonstration and Drill Methods of Extracurricular Activities in Senior High School Way Jepara, East Lampung; 5) Revitalization of Jaran Kepang Art, Temanggung Regency, Central Java; 6) Increasing Musical Ability Through the Mouth Gamelan Method (Gamut) in Courses Betawi-Sunda Dance Accompaniment.

Published: 2022-04-30