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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


  1. Persyaratan Naskah

Naskah yang dikirimkan kepada editor dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris yang merupakan gagasan/karya tulis asli, belum pernah diterbitkan, tidak sedang dipertimbangkan untuk dimuat di media, jurnal, atau majalah lain baik nasional maupun internasional, dan belum pernah dikirim ke media cetak lain. Penulis menjamin bahwa naskah yang diajukan tidak mengandung unsur plagiarisme atau pelanggaran etika akademik lainnya. Setiap pelanggaran sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab penulis.

  1. Ragam Naskah

Naskah dapat berupa hasil hasil penelitian, kajian kepustakaan/literatur, kajian empiris, studi kasus, evaluasi, kajian kebijakan, isu-isu mutakhir pendidikan, atau resensi buku. Naskah dapat berupa pengembangan dari skripsi, tesis, disertasi, atau penelitian lain.

  1. Stuktur Naskah
  2. Judul: Menggambarkan isi naskah yang disajikan secara singkat dan padat, tidak terlalu spesifik/sempit, tetapi juga tidak terlalu umum, dengan panjang paling banyak 14 kata.
  3. Identitas Penulis: Nama penulis ditulis secara lengkap, tanpa gelar, alamat e-mail, serta nama dan institusi/ lembaga. Apabila penulis naskah lebih dari satu orang, alamat email yang dicantumkan adalah alamat penulis utama yang disebutkan pada urutan terdepan nama penulis.
  4. Abstrak: Bersifat informatif, berisi latar belakang, masalah, tujuan, metode, tempat dan waktu penelitian, hasil dan saran. Abstrak ditulis secara singkat tanpa memuat rumus/ perhitungan statistik, dengan panjang antara 200 kata dan disusun dalam satu paragraf, serta dilengkapi dengan paling sedikit tiga kata kunci yang merupakan konsep penting dalam naskah. Judul dan abstrak ditulis dalam versi Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris.
  5. Pendahuluan: berisi latar belakang dan rumusan masalah, manfaat penelitian, serta kajian pustaka/ teori tanpa menggunakan subjudul. Isi pendahuluan tidak melebihi 20% dari keseluruhan tulisan.
  6. Metode Penelitian: berisi jenis, tempat dan waktu, serta prosedur penelitian (sumber data, teknik pengumpulan data, dan teknik analisis data.
  7. Hasil dan Pembahasan: mencakup hasil/ data kualitatif dan/atau kuantitatif yang diikuti dengan pembahasan serta implikasi.
  8. Penutup: terdiri atas (a) kesimpulan temuan penelitian yang berupa jawaban atas pertanyaan penelitian atau berupa intisari hasil pembahasan, dan (b) saran. Kesimpulan dan saran disajikan dalam bentuk paragraf.
  9. Perujukan dan Pengutipan: menggunakan teknik rujukan berkurung (nama akhir, tahun). Contoh: (Sitepu, 2014)
  10. Daftar Pustaka: hanya memuat sumber-sumber yang dirujuk, dan semua sumber yang dirujuk harus tercantum dalam daftar rujukan. Sumber rujukan minimal 80% berupa pustaka terbitan 10 tahun terakhir. Jumlah pustaka yang diacu untuk hasil penelitian paling sedikit 10 pustaka dan untuk hasil kajian paling sedikit 25 pustaka. Contoh penulisan daftar pustaka disusun dengan tata cara seperti contoh berikut ini, diurutkan secara alfabetis dan kronologis:
  11. Fisik Naskah

Naskah diketik dengan format A4, menggunakan jenis huruf Times New Roman ukuran 11 point dengan spasi 1. Panjang naskah berkisar antara 5.000 – 7.000 kata. Tabel diberi nomor secara berurut dan diberikan judul secara singkat, diletakan di atas tabel dan diketik menggunakan huruf kapital pada setiap awal kata. Gambar, termasuk grafik, bagan, diagram, peta, foto, atau sketsa diberikan nomor secara berurut dengan penjelasan dan diletakan di bawah gambar.

Naskah dikirim dalam bentuk soft copy dengan submit di http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jsce. Editor hanya menerima dan mempertimbangkan naskah yang memenuhi syarat seperti yang tertera di atas. Penulis tidak dikenakan biaya submisi dan Redaksi tidak berkewajiban untuk mengembalikan kepada penulis naskah yang tidak dimuat.

  1. 5. Telaahan Naskah

Naskah yang dinyatakan lolos dari seleksi pendahuluan dikirimkan kepada satu atau dua orang blind reviewer (penelaah tidak tahu nama penulis dan sebaliknya) untuk ditelaah kemungkinan penerbitannya. Penulis berkewajiban memperbaiki (bila perlu) naskah sesuai dengan saran penelaah sebagai syarat untuk penerbitan sebuah artikel.



  1. Requirements Manuscript

   Manuscripts submitted to editors in Indonesian or English which are original notes / papers, have not been published, are not being considered for publication in other national or international media, journals or magazines, and have not been sent to other print media. The author guarantees that the submitted text does not contain any element of plagiarism or other academic ethics violations. Any violation is entirely the responsibility of the author.

  1. Variety of Scripts

   The manuscripts may be results of research, literature review, empirical studies, case studies, evaluations, policy reviews, current educational issues, or book reviews. The manuscript may be the development of thesis, dissertation, or other research.

  1. Script Structure
  2. Title: Describes the contents of the manuscript which is presented briefly and densely, not too specific / narrow, but also not too general, with a length of at most 14 words.
  3. Author Identity: The author's name is written in full, without title, e-mail address, and name and institution / institution. If the author of the script is more than one person, the email address listed is the address of the primary author mentioned in the leading order of the author's name.
  4. Abstract: Informative, contains background, problem, objective, method, place and time of research, result and suggestion. The abstract is written briefly without a static formula / calculation, with a length of between 200 words and arranged in a paragraph, and comes with at least three keywords that are important concepts in the text. Titles and abstracts are written in both Indonesian and English versions.
  5. Introduction: contains background and problem formulation, research benefits, and literature review / theory without using subheads. The preliminary content does not exceed 20% of the entries.
  6. Research Methods: contains types, places and times, as well as research procedures (data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.
  7. Results and Discussion: includes qualitative and / or quantitative results / data followed by discussion and implications.
  8. Conclusion: consists of (a) the conclusions of research findings in the form of answers to research questions or in the form of a summary of the results of the discussion, and (b) suggestions. Conclusions and suggestions are presented in paragraph form.
  9. Referrals and Cites: using caged referral technique (final name, year). Example: (Sitepu, 2014)
  10. Bibliography: contains only referenced sources, and all referenced sources must be listed in the referral list. Referral sources of at least 80% of the literature published last 10 years. Number of referenced libraries for research results of at least 10 libraries and for the results of the study of at least 25 libraries. Examples of writing a bibliography are structured in the following manner, sorted alphabetically and chronologically:
  11. Physical Script

   The script is typed in A4 format, using Times New Roman font size 11 point with spaces 1. The length of the script ranges from 5,000 - 7,000 words. The tables are numbered sequentially and given the title briefly, placed above the table and typed in capital letters at the beginning of each word. Images, including graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, photographs or sketches are numbered sequentially with annotations and placed under the image.

   The manuscript is sent in soft copy form with submit at http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jsce. The editor only accepts and considers the eligible text listed above. Authors are not subject to submission fees and Editors are not obliged to return to the scriptwriters that are not loaded.

  1. Script Review

   Manuscripts passed from preliminary selection are sent to one or two blind reviewers (reviewers do not know the author's name and vice versa) to review the possibility of publication. The author is obliged to improve (if necessary) the text in accordance with the reviewers' suggestions as a condition for the publication of an article.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.