
  • Ramdy Hamdani Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Shufhi Ramadhan Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Syufrijal Universitas Negeri Jakarta



Bird Pests, Rice Fields, Internet of Things, Blynk


Indonesia is an agricultural country and most of its population has an eye for searching in agriculture, especially rice cultivation. According to BPS data, rice production is not optimal because of the many obstacles in its cultivation, such as pest disturbances, especially bird pests. Farmers are often bothered by bird pests who always eat their rice so that the yields are not optimal. This study aims to create a prototype of an Internet of Things-based automatic bird repellent. This prototype uses an ESP32 Devkit as a microcontroller, a PIR sensor to detect bird pests that attack rice fields, a buzzer and a servo motor to repel bird pests, a light dependent resistor module sensor to turn on the lights when night falls, ultrasonic sensor to detect the movement of bird pests as well as its output to interfere with the presence of bird pests by emitting an ultrasonic sound that ranges from 20kHz. Notifications sent from the ESP32 Devkit to the smartphone will appear in the Blynk app. Based on the results of the study, this tool can repel bird pests automatically and the work process of the system can be monitored remotely via a smartphone that is connected to the internet network so that farmers do not need to be bothered to repel bird pests traditionally.

Indonesia merupakan negara agraris dan sebagian besar penduduknya bermata pencarian dibidang pertanian terutama budidaya padi. Produksi padi menurut data BPS belum maksimal karena banyaknya kendala dalam pembudidayaannya seperti gangguan hama terutama gangguan hama burung. Petani sering kali direpotkan oleh hama burung yang selalu memakan padi mereka sehingga hasil panen yang dihasilkan tidak maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat prototipe pengusir hama burung otomatis berbasis Internet of Things. Prototipe ini menggunakan ESP32 Devkit sebagai mikrokontroller, sensor PIR untuk mendeteksi hama burung yang menyerang area persawahan, buzzer dan motor servo untuk mengusir hama burung, sensor light dependent resistor module untuk menghidupkan lampu apabila malam telah tiba, sensor ultrasonik untuk mendeteksi pergerekan hama burung sekaligus outputnya untuk mengganggu keberadaan hama burung dengan mengeluarkan suara ultrasonik yang berkisar 20kHz. Notifkasi yang dikirim dari ESP32 Devkit ke smartphone akan muncul pada aplikasi Blynk


