Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi <p><span id="result_box" lang="en"><strong>Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi (Journal of Biology Education)</strong>&nbsp;is published as one of the efforts to publish research results related to Biology education. Journal of Biology Education Indonesia received research results from various parties oriented to the upgrades of science and technology education in biological scope, in order to become a source of scientific information that can contribute to overcoming educational problems, especially in the increasingly complex biology.</span></p> Universitas Negeri Jakarta en-US Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 0853-2451 <p>The Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if accepted for publication, copyright of the article shall be assigned to <strong>Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan</strong> Biologi (Biosferjpb) and Departement of Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta as publisher of the journal.</p> Promoting health literacy in school: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis <p>Health literacy is the capacity of an individual to locate, read, comprehend, and internalize health-related information in their environment. This study aims to: (1) identify the design of health literacy learning in Biology subjects at the high school level, (2) map out learning designs that can affect students' health literacy in Biology subjects at the high school level, (3) analyzing the design learning can affect students' health literacy in Biology subjects at the high school level. &nbsp;The chosen research methodology involves a systematic literature review of articles released between 2011 and 2021. This comprehensive analysis encompasses 20 articles and adheres to the established PRISMA guidelines. The data analysis technique uses thematic analysis, which includes methods to identify, analyze, and report themes in the data. The results of the distribution visualization show that the research topics are grouped into four clusters: PBL, media, school policies, and curriculum. The results of the research topic test were based on the highest Cohens'd criteria, namely PBL topics, curriculum, school policies, and media. The PBL variable with the media, school policy with the media, and school policy with the curriculum have the most vital relationships in the correlation test between concerns. &nbsp;We can use educational techniques like PBL and practical, theoretical tasks to improve health literacy. Due to its student-centered design, which encouraged collaborative problem-solving by utilizing knowledge and information from many sources, the learning model received higher results.</p> Vianka Amalia Pradipta Risya Pramana Situmorang Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 1 21 10.21009/biosferjpb.27629 Development science modules interactive of shared type to increase reading interest and concept understanding <p>This research and development aims to produce shared-type interactive e-modules on energy sub-materials and energy sources. The e-module development model uses ADDIE by integrating energy transformation materials, energy applications in living things, as well as energy source-forming compounds. In field trials, using a type of pre-experiment research with a one-group pretest-posttest design. This research was carried out at SMPIT Bakti Insani class VII with saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique uses essay questions to find out the results of understanding the concept and a likert scale questionnaire to find out the results of reading interest. The data analysis technique uses a paired T test with the aim of seeing the significance of the e-module to reading interest and concept understanding and the n gain test to see an increase in the value of reading interest and concept understanding. Based on theoretical feasibility tests by experts, an average of 40.4 with excellent categories and empirical feasibility tests by students were 63.75 with excellent categories. Based on the development and research, it can be concluded that 1) the shared type interactive science e-module product is feasible to use with an excellent category; 2) the shared type interactive science e-module affects the interest in reading and understanding concepts with a significance of 0.000; 3) the shared-type interactive science e-module is able to increase reading interest by 0.52 with medium category and increase understanding of concepts 0.81 with high category.</p> Feby Permata Sari Jumadi Jumadi Maryati Maryati Aditya Fahlevi Arina Novia Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 22 31 10.21009/biosferjpb.27827 Development e-module on genetic materials to enhance student’s critical thinking skills <p>Genetic material is classified as material that is difficult for students to understand because the material is abstract, there are many foreign terms, and there are many complex molecular reactions, so students have difficulty developing critical thinking skills. Therefore, developing a good,&nbsp; suitable, effective, and attractive media is necessary. . This study aims to develop an e-module on the topic of genetic substance, to test the feasibility of the e-module, and to determine the differences in critical thinking skills before and after the implementation of the e-module. This type of research is research and development research with a 4D Thiagarajan model consisting of define, design, development,and disseminate. . This research was conducted without the dissemination stage. The results of the validation of media experts are 81.7% (fair enough) and material experts are 85.5% (very feasible). The results of the trial were limited to 10 students, namely 92.1% (very decent) and 80.4% biology teachers (quite decent). The results of field trials are 90.2% (very feasible). The results of the t-test indicate that there are differences in critical thinking skills before and after the implementation of the e-module. This study implicate that e-modules on the topic of genetic substances are feasible to use and to empower students’s critical thinking skills.</p> Fullaikhah Anjani Umi Fatmawati Joko Ariyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 32 44 10.21009/biosferjpb.29539 Developing science magazine integrated with contextual teaching and learning approach based on local potential in talang siring beach, Indonesia <p>One of exciting learning media is magazine in which students prefer to read this rather than books since magazine contains of various colorful images and appropriate information. Magazine can be developed by integrating with science learning approach in order that students can comprehend the concepts easier. This study aims at developing science magazine which is integrated with contextual teaching and learning approach according to the study findings in Talang Siring. The research included in a research and development study, using Borg and Gall model. The research was conducted on October to November 2022, which is located in Talang Siring Pamekasan, Indonesia by identifying ecosystem of beach and mangrove. Furthermore, the observation findings were arranged systematically in developing science magazine. Science magazine was evaluated by experts in concept and learning media. Findings indicated that the science magazine is valid with media validity score 93.5 and content validity score 91.6. Therefore, it is appropriate to implemented in science learning. Therefore, it can be concluded that science magazine is able to be used as learning media in science learning process</p> Aida Fikriyah Mochammad Ahied Nur Qomaria Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 45 52 10.21009/biosferjpb.32057 Profile of students conservation attitudes in forest management and plant diversity management based on local wisdom <p>The diversity of plant species found in the Temedak customary forest is relatively high but residents should not use it freely. Residents are prohibited from cutting or taking wood from the forest, they can only take fruit, rattan and bamboo for their own consumption and must have the permission of local traditional leaders. The higher the diversity of plants found in the Temedak customary forest, the higher the threat from outside. This is evidenced by the theft of wood, bamboo and other plants in the Temedak customary forest carried out by irresponsible people. For this reason, conservation attitude profile data is needed to identify categories of each indicator of students' conservation&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; attitudes&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; in&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; protecting&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; overcoming&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; surrounding biodiversity problems. This research uses quantitative descriptive method. Research participants&nbsp;&nbsp; included&nbsp;&nbsp; housewives,&nbsp;&nbsp; village&nbsp;&nbsp; shamans,&nbsp;&nbsp; local&nbsp;&nbsp; or community leaders. The instruments used are in the form of field notes of interview&nbsp;&nbsp; guidelines&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; conservation&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; attitude&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; questionnaires.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The questionnaire was in the form of 38 statements tested to XI MIPA SMA students consisting of 40 respondents. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the Temedak customary forest has endemic plant species, namely pacat wood (<em>Harpullia arborea</em>) and carrion flowers namely <em>Amorphophallus gigas</em>. There are 57 types of plants that generally used by the people of Keluru Village such as foodstuffs, buildings, medicins, wicker, local technology and art, as well as for the benefit or complement of traditional ceremonies. The results of obtaining student conservation attitudes from 40 respondents showed differences in each indicator.</p> Defita Permata Sari Try Susanti Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 63 78 10.21009/biosferjpb.32459 Identification of learning dificulties and factors causing learning difficulties in online lectures on basic biology concepts <p>This study aims to identifying learning difficulties from reviewing material and factors causing learning difficulties faced by Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education study program in online lectures basic concepts of biology. The research particiants were 80 third-semester in 2021/2022 academic year. The research method used quantitative. The data collection technique in this study is a survey technique. The research instrument is a questionnaires were made to collect student data regarding learning difficulties in basic concepts of biology and the factors that cause student learning difficulties. Questionnaires were given to students via a google form. The data analyzed by descriptive statistics and used as reference data to determine the learning difficulties faced by students in the form of subject matter, internal and external factors causing learning difficulties. The results showed: a) In online lectures on basic concepts of biology, the material that students consider the most difficult is genetics, b) Internal factors that cause learning difficulties are lack of preparation before lectures, too much memorization, lack of self-motivation, physical tiredness, and laziness to read the material, c) External factors that cause students’ learning difficulties in basic biology concepts lectures, namely lectures resources and materials, lecture facilities, lecture strategies, lecture environment, and lecture hours.</p> Dwi Purbowati Erlinda Rahma Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 79 89 10.21009/biosferjpb.32851 Critical study of the concept of scientific hybridization of islamic education and neuroscience <p>Critical study of Islamic Education Neuroscience is still not sufficiently carried out in accounting for its knowledge, in order to confirm and fill in gaps in its scientific development. The purpose of this study is to examine the various scientific varieties of Islamic Education Neuroscience using the epistemology of Islamic Education, in order to find, fill, and develop their scientific potential, also from the perspective of developing hybridization of other Islamic Education scholarships. The method used in this study uses a qualitative type of literature according to Creswell: 2015, meaning that it is processed from various kinds of analytical theory from various sources of literature. The results of the study show that Islamic Education Neuroscience in epistemology also refers to Islamic law. Epistemologically, Irfani refers to the background of the scientific dichotomy between neuroscience, education, and Islam. Epistemologically, Burhani refers to empirical facts about the importance of collaboration between Islamic educators and neurologists in designing curricula and learning that optimizes students' brains in achieving Islamic education goals. Referring to the hybridization of other disciplines such as anthropology and psychology of Islamic education, this scientific development can further deepen the derivatives and clusters knowledge and more adapted to the needs of students.</p> Kun Hidayat Suyadi Suyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 90 101 10.21009/biosferjpb.32892 Improving critical thinking and metacognitive skills through the discovery learning model assisted by practicum for high school students <p>Metacognitive abilities and critical thinking support the success of learning biology, so these skills need to be empowered. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the practicum-based discovery learning model to improve critical and metacognitive thinking skills in digestive system material. The research method is a quasi-experimental research with a one-grub pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted from November to December 2022 at SMA Negeri 9. The research was carried out from November to December 2022 at one of the high schools in Mataram City. The research population was 98 students of class XI Science. The research sampling technique is a purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique used a test technique, namely 9 critical thinking essay questions and MAI. The instruments used in this study were the ability to think critically about the digestive system with several questions and the MAI instrument. The data analysis technique uses inferential statistics using the Paired Sample T-Test Assisted by SPSS IBM 27 software. The results of the study show that with an alpha of 5%, the practicum-based discovery learning model is effective for increasing critical thinking skills and metacognitive abilities. The average pre-test of critical thinking skills on the digestive system material was 54.0333 and the post-test was 75.8667. While the average pre-test of metacognitive abilities is 73.37 and the post-test of metacognitive abilities is 76.93 The application of the practicum-based discovery learning model effectively improves students' critical thinking and metacognitive skills with an alpha significance level of 5%.</p> Aditya Pratama Tasya Novian Indah Sari Nurul Istiqomah Eka Riana Widiyanti Yen Kusniati Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 102 112 10.21009/biosferjpb.34481 Student’s knowledge on primates: Long-tailed macaque educonservation efforts through primatology course <p>Within 15 years, the population of <em>Macaca fascicularis</em> has declined rapidly. In early 2022, the IUCN Red List classified them as “Endangered”, though they were considered a species of “Least Concern” in 2008. Land alteration, illegal hunting, and human-macaque conflict often halt long-tailed macaque conservation efforts. Through the Primatology course, anthropology students are taught the importance of macaque conservation and its complications. This preliminary study aims to reveal anthropology students’ knowledge regarding the long-tailed macaque’s status quo and its conservation efforts, pre- and post- their enrolment in the course. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach, this study conducted in-depth interviews with 10 consenting informants—active undergraduate anthropology students. After the transcription process, the data was analyzed by dividing it into multiple subchapters and reviewed with existing literature. More than half of the informants’ knowledge about <em>Macaca fascicularis</em> and primates, in general, is quite satisfactory, though they are still unaware of their current conservation status. According to the informants, cultural and religious factors are closely related to long-tailed macaque conservation, shown in Balinese Hindu temples, Javanese <em>wayang</em>, and <em>topeng monyet</em>. The study concluded that primatology is important because it raises awareness about human’s closest relatives, their ecological significance, and their conservation measures. Adoption or adaptation of the ethnoprimatological framework in biology education as a means of sociocultural exploration and primate conservation is highly recommended. Further research on ethnoprimatology in Indonesia is much needed since Indonesia has many cultural values that might assure the people about contemporary conservation efforts</p> Azzah Kania Budianto Sayf Muhammad Alaydrus Rizki Miftakhurahma Myrtati Dyah Artaria Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 113 125 10.21009/biosferjpb.35253 Inquiry research trends through bibliometric analysis (2020-2023) <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This article aims to analyze the trend of Inquiry research through bibliometrics in the Google schoolar database from 2020 to 2023. The article consists of a total of 993 articles, then sorted into 788 suitable articles and analyzed. The method used in this research is article analysis using bibliometrics with the following stages: keyword search, initial search results, refining search results, compiling initial data, and data analysis. The results show that publications in scientific articles regarding Inquiry vary every year. Then, the description in Education research trends produces seven clusters, namely science process skills, science teacher, argument driven inquiry, framework, experience, critical thinking skills, and senior high school. The findings of this study are expected to help other researchers who are interested in studying and researching related to Inquiry research trends and recommend directions for further research</p> Lilis Lismaya Wiyanto Wiyanto Saiful Ridlo Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 126 141 10.21009/biosferjpb.36161 Mastery concepts and misconceptions in biotechnology courses with a three tier diagnostic test <p>This research aims to determine the mastery of concepts and misconceptions of students in the Biology Education Study Program wich is in Pekanbaru. This type of research is survey research with a porpusive sampling type. The population of the study was all students who had taken biotechnology courses, while the research sample was 6th semester students who had just completed biotechnology courses in the previous semester. The total research sample was 32 students. The instrument used to measure mastery of concepts and misconceptions is a diagnostic test with 20 multiple choice questions accompanied by reasons and level of belief. The questions are given using a Google form and students work on the questions during class and are given 90 minutes.The research data were analyzed descriptively. Based on the results showed that for indicator 1 30.01% of students understood the basic concepts of biotechnology well and 55.63 had misconceptions. In indicator 2, only 5% of students understood the concept of biotechnology process while 64.38% had misconceptions and 29.38 did not understand the concept. Indicator 3, as many as 10.63% of students understand the concept of conventional and modern biotechnology characteristics and 59.38% of students have misconceptions and 25.63% do not understand the concept while indicator 4 as many as 30.63% of students understand the examples of biotechnology products while still 43.13% have misconceptions and 22.50% still do not understand the concept. Students' mastery of concepts in biotechnology courses is in a very low category and while more than half of the students still experience misconceptions and do not understand the concepts.</p> Tengku Idris Topik Hidayat Adi Rahmat Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 142 152 10.21009/biosferjpb.36900 Integrating a blended discovery learning model with a bioenial website to empower science process skills and scientific attitude <p>This study aims to determine; 1) the effect of integrating blended discovery learning with a bioenial website to empower Science Process Skills (SPS) of grade X students on the material of environmental change and preservation and 2) the effect of integrating blended discovery learning with a bioenial website to empower the scientific attitude of grade X students on the material of environmental change. The research method used a quasi experiment with a quantitative approach. The research design used posttest only control group design to measure SPS and pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design to measure scientific attitudes. The population in this study were X grade students of SMA Negeri A Sukoharjon the 2022/2023 academic year. The samples of this study were X2 class as experimental class 1 as many as 36 students, X4 as experimental class 2 as many as 36 students, and X5 as control class as many as 36 students. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. Data collection questionnaire (scientific attitude), observation (SPS, scientific attitude, syntax implementation), and documentation. Data analysis technique used ANOVA hypothesis test for SPS and ANCOVA for scientific attitude. The ANOVA test results showed the effect of integrating blended discovery learning with the bioenial website to empower SPS. The results of further testing with LSD show that Blended Discovery Learning is a treatment that is significantly different among the three class groups. The ANCOVA test results show that there is no effect of integrating blended discovery learning with the bioenial website to empower scientific attitudes</p> Ainanur Fauziyah Almaas Harlita Harlita Bowo Sugiharto Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 153 163 10.21009/biosferjpb.37293 Correlation between belief in science and belief in pseudoscience in high school students <p><span lang="EN-US">Dissemination of news through social media is one of the biggest causes of increasing student’s trust in pseudoscience. The purpose of this correlational study was to analyze the relationship between belief in science and pseudoscience beliefs related to biology in high school students. This research entails a correlational study conducted through a survey methodology. The results of the study show that the ability to believe in science has a significant effect on students' belief in pseudoscience related to biology for high school students. Based on the research, the initial hypothesis of the study was rejected, that there is a positive relationship between belief in science and belief in pseudoscience related to biology, thus indicating that increasing students' confidence in science will also increase students' confidence in pseudoscience related to biology. This is due to the continuous spread of unscientific issues through social media which will affect the increase in trust in pseudoscience. The increase in pseudoscience is due to the lack of student media literacy so that it can affect the way students respond to news that is on social media. The lack of education regarding students' media literacy is a factor in increasing students' confidence in pseudoscience related to biology for high school students. </span></p> Adinda Zahwatun Maghfiroh Yuni Pantiwati H. Husamah Tutut Indria Permana Ahmad Fauzi Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 164 171 10.21009/biosferjpb.37447 What are the valuable lessons from global research on environmental literacy in the last two decades? A systematic literature review <p><span lang="EN-US">Publications on environmental literacy (EL) in reputable international journals have continued to increase and develop in the last two decades, making it interesting to study. This systematic literature review (SLR) aims to investigatively review various studies published in journals indexed in the Scopus database related to EL. The review focuses on publication trends and valuable lessons to be learned from global research over the past two decades. We used the phrase “environmental literature” in the Scopus disbursement menu and found 296 articles. The inclusion and exclusion model used is PRISMA, so only 37 articles met the criteria to be analyzed. Data shows that EL publications have fluctuated, starting to increase in number from 2017 to 2023 although it had decreased in 2021. EL publications are mostly researched using quantitative methods, and some with qualitative, mix-method, and R&amp;D. The dominant name in EL studies is F. X. Bogner. The two main keywords related to the EL keyword are environmental education and knowledge. Most of the articles published are collaborative, both internationally and between universities within one country. We discussed the valuable lessons in question, namely the sample size, gender, institution level, and main goal of each article. These findings can serve as a consideration or baseline for researchers to study EL according to their respective interests, needs and missions.</span></p> H. Husamah Abdulkadir Rahardjanto Samsun Hadi Nurdiyah Lestari Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 172 195 10.21009/biosferjpb.37491 The effect of augmented reality application (ARSINAPS) on learning motivation and outcomes in biology <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using the ARSINAPS mobile augmented reality application on learning motivation and outcomes in high school and biology education students. The method used in this study was quasi-experimental with a post-test control group design. The research sample consisted of two experimental classes and two control classes from three schools in the Jakarta, Bekasi, and Tangerang areas, totalling 140 students, and from the college level, consisting of one experimental class and one control class, totalling 68 students. The data obtained were in the form of learning outcomes in the respiratory system and learning motivation scores in biology learning. The average high school-level motivation score in the control class was 85.99, and the overall average for learning outcomes was 77.33 and 63.05. Based on the results of the data calculations, the application effectively improves students’ learning outcomes at the high school and undergraduate levels</p> Daniar Setyo Rini Eka Putri Azrai Anidya Annisa Khansa Mathias Bagas Kurnianto Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 196 203 10.21009/biosferjpb.37752 Metacognitive self regulation integrated with science technology society to improving problem solving ability in microbiology courses <p>The purpose of this study was to improve students’ problem-solving ability and metacognitive self-regulation (MSR) by applying science technology society (STS) learning model integrated with metacognitive self-regulation. The participants were 13 students from Department of Biology Education who took microbiology courses. A quasi-experimental method with one-group pre and posttest design was used in this study. Data were collected through pre and posttest with eight open ended questions to measure students’ problem-solving ability on four microbiology topics (food, pathogen, waste and water microbiology). These topics were studied sequentially in two months. The instrument used to measure MSR is a questionnaire with open-ended questions. This questionnaire was developed based on three aspects of MSR namely, planning, monitoring and evaluation. MSR questionnaire was administered to students at the end of each topic. The N-gain test was used to analyze the improvement of students' problem-solving ability on each topic. The average score of all aspects in MSR questionnaire was used to explore students’ metacognitive self-regulation. The correlation between MSR and problem-solving ability was analyzed using Pearson correlation. The results revealed that the N gain score of problem-solving ability was increased from 0.56 in the first topic to 0.7 in the next three topics. The average of MSR score also increased from 66.15 in the first topic to 87.23 in fourth topic. There was a positive correlation between students’ MSR and problem-solving ability. These results indicated that application of Science Technology Society integrated with MSR is an effective strategy in improving students’ problem-solving ability and MSR. The implementation of this research is to develop a lecture program as an effort to improve the learning process</p> Euis Erlin Adi Rahmat Widi Purwianingsih Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 204 214 10.21009/biosferjpb.38102 Creativity profile of biology teacher candidates: An exploratory study <p><strong>Abstract:</strong>&nbsp;Creativity is one of the important skills that teachers must have today. Creativity can be defined as the human ability to generate new and valuable ideas. In addition, creativity is considered as a basic competency that needs to be possessed by students in higher education. The purpose of this study was to determine the creativity of prospective biology teachers and its relationship with students' knowledge mastery. For this purpose, a descriptive and correlational study was conducted on 13 biology pre-service students. The instrument used in this study was the Torrance creativity test based on 4 creativity indicators: fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. Descriptive and correlational analyses were conducted to identify students' creativity profiles and the relationship between students' creativity and their knowledge mastery. The results showed that there were three types of creativity owned by prospective biology teacher students, namely students with low (38.46%), medium (38.46%) and high (23, 07%) levels of creativity. The correlation test results show that concept mastery correlates with student creativity (r=0.3).&nbsp; The conclusion of this study is that prospective biology teacher students have different creativity, and there is a correlation between students' concept mastery and their creativity level so that there needs to be an effort from lecturers by designing learning strategies that can increase student creativity and concept mastery.</p> Setiono Sitiana Windyariani Nur Agustiani Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 215 222 10.21009/biosferjpb.38636 Empowering prospective teachers’ scientific and digital literacy through exploring-resuming integrated criticizing (ERIC) in biology classroom <p>Prospective Science teachers need well-developed science and digital literacy to help the process of thinking, learning, communicating, working together, and working with their creativity. Unfortunately, various studies show that students' abilities regarding these two types of literacy still need to improve, especially in first-year students. This study aims to (1) analyze the potential impact of the ERIC learning model with the lesson study-based TPACK framework on science and digital literacy and (2) analyze the contribution of lesson study implementation during ERIC learning to the professional development of educators. This study used a concurrent mixed method. In-depth analysis through lesson study was conducted during the implementation of the ERIC learning model in a quasi-experimental setting. The collected data was then analyzed using the ANCOVA test to reveal the difference in mean scores between the experimental and control classes. At the same time, the results of learning observations and reflection on the lesson study phase were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the ERIC learning model with the TPACK framework had a significant effect on scientific and digital literacy. In addition, implementing lesson study enables educators to become more aware of students' learning difficulties and needs and, therefore, develop deeper knowledge about learning requirements</p> Shefa Dwijayanti Ramadani Ayu Lestari Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 17 1 223 232 10.21009/biosferjpb.40886 Validity and practicality of ethnovlog media on the production of typical Riau smoked fish (salai) as a science learning media <p><span lang="EN-US">Scientific studies on vlogs, ethnosciences, and social media literacy are current studies. A study on the development of ethno-vlog that raises local character and can be used as a learning medium is crucial. This study aims to develop a valid and practical ethno-vlog on the production of typical Riau smoked fish (<em>salai fish</em>)&nbsp; as a science learning media, especially in food preservation studies. The research is development research using a 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The ethno-vlog validity is carried out by disseminating questionnaires to 5 validators from three universities, namely Universitas Lancang Kuning, Universitas Negeri Padang, and Universitas Negeri Semarang, whereas the ethno-vlog practicality was conducted by three lecturers and 27 students of prospective Biology teachers at Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia. The feasibility test results in that the ethno-vlog of food preservation in the production of typical Riau <em>salai fish</em> is valid and practical to be used as a learning media of food preservation for students of prospective Biology teachers at Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia.</span></p> Ermina Sari Raudhah Awal Martalasari Sudarmin Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-05-14 2024-05-14 17 1 233 242 10.21009/biosferjpb.32089 Analysis of scientific argumentation skills of prospective biology teacher students in inquiry-oriented laboratory activities <p><span lang="EN-US">Laboratory activities are essential and meaningful in science learning, especially biology. However, students often have no sufficient understanding of what is being practiced, beside they do not use their sklills to solve problems in the field of biology.&nbsp; Scientific argumentation is one of the skills that a prospective science teacher needs to develop and needs to be trained so that prospective teachers have experience and skills to apply when they become teachers later.&nbsp; The scientific argumentation skills in laboratory activities needs to be trained to provide training to students to use the results of laboratory activity to answer problems in the field of biology.&nbsp; This study aims to apply inquiry-oriented laboratory activities that focus on scientific argumentation in laboratory courses and to analyze the quality of scientific arguments of prospective biology teacher students during laboratory activities.&nbsp; The method used in this study is mixed <em>methods research</em>&nbsp; type <em>exploratoryy</em> which combines qualitative and quantitative approaches with complementarity.&nbsp; The research subject is a prospective student of a 5th semester biology teacher who takes microbiology courses.&nbsp; The results showed that the application of scientific argumentation in laboratory activity was carried out in 3 stages, namely initial discussion, experiment, observation and final discussion after experiment.&nbsp; The results of the analysis of the quality of scientific argumentation show that the argumentation skills of some students is at the middle level.&nbsp; The conclusion of this laboratory activity shows that students' scientific argumentation skills can develop well if they have the opportunity to discuss critically by using experimental data and their knowledge obtained from literature studies.</span></p> Dewi Cahyani Ria Yulia Gloria Evi Roviati Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 17 1 243 256 10.21009/biosferjpb.34021 Development of four-tier multiple-choice diagnostic instrument to identify middle school students' misconceptions about biology material <p><span lang="EN-US">Misconceptions are a condition where students have a mismatch between personal and scientific concepts that influence the learning process. Efforts to identify misconceptions using the Four-Tier Multiple Choice (4TMC) Diagnostic instrument. The aim of the research was to develop the 4TMC diagnostic instrument to identify misconceptions and types of misconceptions of Class VII students regarding the classification of living things. Type of research Research &amp; Development. The research was carried out October 2021-March 2022 at one of the State Middle Schools in Magetan Regency, Indonesia. Subject 4TMC students 197 Class VII students. Data collection techniques using tests and non-tests. Non-test instruments in the research include teacher interview sheets and expert validation sheets. Meanwhile, the test instruments include the two-tier open ended and 4TMC tests. The research results showed that the assessment by experts and teachers obtained a feasible instrument. Testing the validity of the question items obtained 43 valid questions with a reliability degree of 0.848. The questions consist of 10 difficult questions and 33 medium questions. Furthermore, 6 different power questions were poor, 13 different power questions were sufficient and 24 different power questions were very good. Apart from that, the results of the misconception test showed that 47% of students had moderate misconceptions, 28% understood the concept, 17% did not understand the concept and 7% made errors. The types of misconceptions that occur among students include three forms, namely classificational misconceptions 44%, correlational misconceptions 33% and theoretical misconceptions 13%. The results of instrument development can be used again to identify misconceptions and types by teachers or future researchers.</span></p> Tasya Novian Indah Sari Yuni Pantiwati Ahmad Fauzi Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 17 1 257 273 10.21009/biosferjpb.35289 Analytical thinking ability: Implementation of modified free inquiry (mfi) learning models on environmental pollution <p>Students' analytical thinking skills need to be developed and improved in biology learning. The lack of varied learning models used in learning makes students feel bored in learning. The modified free inquiry (MFI) learning model is one of the learning models that is thought to be suitable for improving students' analytical thinking skills. This study aims to determine and analyzed the effect of the application of the MFI learning model on students' analytical thinking skills on environmental pollution material. The method used in this research is quasi-experiment with the research design, namely pre-test and post-test control group design, and the sample used is 60 class X students. The data showed gain score in both classes is normally distributed and homogeneous. This research showed that MFI learning model effected the students' analytical thinking skills on environmental pollution. The application of the MFI learning model could be an alternative for teachers to improve students' analytical thinking skills, because this model encourages students' activeness in constructing knowledge so that it creates a meaningful learning experience.</p> Diana Vivanti Sigit Agung Satiya Budi Mieke Miarsyah Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 17 1 274 285 10.21009/biosferjpb.39125 Improving student’s biological literacy skills using ARVi learning media <p>Biological literacy is crucial for students to consider solutions to problems after analyzing them from various perspectives. The purpose of this research is to enhance biological literacy by using ARVi (Augmented Reality Virus) learning media. The research type is a quasi-experiment using a control group pretest-posttest design. The research instrument is a multiple-choice test validated by experts and empirical validation. The expert validation result shows an average score of 3.8, which can be interpreted as the test instrument being valid and suitable for use as a biological literacy measurement tool. The empirical validation result indicates that 3 questions are invalid, while 17 questions are valid as a biological literacy measurement tool. The reliability test result shows that the biological literacy test instrument has a reliability coefficient of 0.835, which can be interpreted as 70% confidence that the instrument can be trusted. The data analysis result shows that the data is normally distributed and not homogeneous. The independent t-test result is a t-statistic of 3.16 with a t-table of 1.98 at an α=0.05. This indicates that there is an increase in results between the control group to experimental group. The paired t-test result is a t-statistic of 15.7 with a t-table of 0.68 at an α=0.05. This indicates that there is an increase in posttest results compared to pretest results. This indicates that the ARVi media can enhance all aspects of biological literacy. The highest increase in biological literacy occurs in the nominal (82%), multidimensional (64%), structural (52%), and functional (32%).</p> Risda Putri Indriani Tri Handayani Kurniati Rizhal Hendi Ristanto Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 17 1 286 296 10.21009/biosferjpb.43976 Development of indigenous knowledge-based teaching materials on water cycle topic <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to develop indigenous knowledge-based teaching materials on water cycle topics under basic competencies 3.10 and 4.10 in junior high schools. The method used in this research is the type II developmental research of Richey &amp; Klein consisting of the exploration and evaluation stages (trial). This research was conducted in two cycles of evaluation. The results of the development of teaching materials were tested for validity by 5 validators, readability was tested to sixteen students using the gap test. Based on the research results, the validation value for the development of the teaching materials was 4.36 which falls into the very valid category. The readability test results were 91.17% and when converted using Bormuth criteria, it means that the product is easy to understand. In conclusion, this teaching material applies to junior high school students, particularly the water cycle topic.</span></p> Annisa Salsabila Meilinda Khoiron Nazip Riyanto Ratu Mutiara Wulandari Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 17 1 297 307 10.21009/biosferjpb.37996 Developing booklet of "vegetables aquaponic": Improving knowledge, interest of consumption and motivation of vegetable cultivation <p><span lang="EN-US">Lack of public knowledge, interest, and motivation regarding the benefits of vegetables as well as the development of vegetable cultivation techniques that are easy to apply on limited land have resulted in low levels of daily vegetable consumption. One effort to overcome the low consumption of vegetables is to increase knowledge about nutrition and nutrition contained in them by using booklet media. This research aims to develop a booklet with an attractive and easy-to-understand design, to increase interest in consuming and motivation to cultivate vegetables. Based on the results of media and material expert feasibility tests, the aquaponics booklet obtained a result of 92% in the very suitable category, while user testing in the development process obtained a result of 94% in the very suitable for use category. Based on the results of the t test, the 2-tailed Sig value was 0.009 &lt;0.05, which means there was a significant increase in knowledge about vegetables after participants took part in aquaponics training. The results of the correlation test show that there is a high and positive relationship between interest in consuming vegetables and motivation to grow vegetables with a correlation of 0.676. Thus, it can be concluded that the vegetable aquaponics booklet has met the feasibility based on user testing and can increase knowledge, consumption interest, and motivation to grow vegetables..</span></p> Supriyatin Sri Rahayu Fajarani Fitriasih Rizki Aditya Yanuar Taufik Ismail Fadillah Copyright (c) 2024 Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 2024-07-18 2024-07-18 17 1 308 316 10.21009/biosferjpb.40071