Jurnal Sains Boga https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga <p>Jurnal Sains Boga (JSB)</p> <p>E-ISSN: 2622-5557</p> <p>Published since 2018, Journal Sains Boga is a scientific journal containing various research articles and reviews related to the fields of learning, food processing, bread and cakes, business management, and nutrition and food technology.&nbsp;Journal Sains Boga is published two times a year in May and November</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Diterbitkan semenjak tahun 2018, Jurnal Sains Boga adalah jurnal ilmiah yang memuat berbagai artikel hasil penelitian dan telaah&nbsp;(<em>review</em>) yang berkaitan dengan bidang pembelajaran, pengolahan makanan, &nbsp;roti dan kue, &nbsp;manajemen usaha, serta &nbsp;gizi &nbsp;dan teknologi pangan. Jurnal sains boga diterbitkan &nbsp;dua kali setahun pada bulan Mei&nbsp;dan&nbsp;November</p> en-US guspri@unj.ac.id (Dr. Guspri Devi Artanti, S.Pd, M.Si) yeni.yulianti@unj.ac.id (Yeni Yulianti, M.Pd) Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:04:56 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Acceptability of Korean Fish Cake Made from Patin Fish https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga/article/view/35041 <p><em>Catfish is one of the many fish species cultivated in Indonesia so that the number increases rapidly every year, but this is not in line with the diversity of processed catfish products. One way to increase the diversity of processed catfish is by diversifying the product into Korean fish cake. This study aims to develop a formula and determine the acceptability of Korean fish cake made from catfish. This research was conducted by experimental method. Based on the results of the recipe analysis, the starting recipe was produced which was then tested 3 times. From the QDA test conducted by 3 expert panelists, the best sample was chosen, namely KFCIP 3 with a composition of catfish 29.9%, squid 29.9%, shrimp 14.9%, wheat flour 3.7%, potato starch 5, 3%, garlic 3.2%, onion 4.3%, egg white, 4.3%, salt 1.9%, sugar 2.2% and white pepper 0.4%. Furthermore, organoleptic tests were carried out to determine the acceptability of 30 untrained panelists. From the results of the research and analysis carried out, it shows that the composition of taste, aroma, color, texture has acceptance with the "very favorable" category. Overall, Korean catfish fish cake has an acceptance category of "very liked". This research also produced a Korean fish cake formulation made from catfish which was positively received by consumers.</em></p> Yolanda Siti Hajar, Ai Mahmudatussa’adah, Rita Patriasih Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Sains Boga https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga/article/view/35041 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Development of Wondershare Filmora Food Photography Learning Media in Culinary Arts Course at Medan State University https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga/article/view/34947 <p>This research aims to: (1) Produce Wondershare Filmora-based learning media in Culinary Arts Subject; (2) Test the feasibility of Wondershare Filmora-based learning media in Culinary Arts Subject according to material experts and media experts. The research location was conducted at the Culinary Education Study Program at Medan State University. The research time was November 2022 - January 2023. This research uses the ADDIE development model which is limited to 3 steps, namely (1) Analysis (needs analysis); (2) Design (making storyboards and making learning media); (3) Development (validation by material experts and media experts). The research subjects consisted of one material expert, one media expert, and 30 students of the Cosmetology Education Study Program. The data collection technique used a questionnaire to capture material quality data and media quality data. The data analysis technique was descriptive. Based on the results of this study, the results of the analysis of the needs of lecturers and students that all lecturers and students need Wondershare Filmora learning media, each score ≥ 50 percent. This media can be disseminated and implemented in the Culinary Arts course. The results of the material expert validation obtained a feasibility of 95.38 percent with the criteria "Very Feasible", and the results of the media expert validation obtained a feasibility of 94.12 percent with the criteria "Very Feasible" so that Wondershare Filmora media learning in the Culinary Arts course Food Photography material is included in the "Very Feasible" category with an average value of 94.75 percent. The results of student assessment of student response trials of Wondershare FIlmora learning in Culinary Arts courses Food Photography material are very high with a score of 4.63.</p> Yarisya Ferika Icha, Esi Emilia, Fatma Tresno Ingtyas, Ana Rahmi, Cucu Cahyana, Rachmat Mulyana Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Sains Boga https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga/article/view/34947 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Comparison of Consumer Acceptability of Chicken Nugget and Oyster Mushroom Nugget Processed with Premix Nugget Flour https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga/article/view/26101 <p>The research aims to identify the consumer's receptivity of gluten free nuggets with the raw materials of chicken and oyster mushrooms. The research was implemented in University Of Jakarta. Research time is carried out from Desember 2020 to Desember 2021. This research used experimental methods. The test results showed that gluten free nugget with the basic chicken ingredients preferred to the outer colors, the taste (chicken), the taste (savory), and the aroma of 3.63, 4.03, 4.40, and 4.33. Gluten free nugget based on oyster mushrooms is preferred to color (interior), texture (elasticity) and (softness), with a value of 3.70, 3.67, and 4.20. The research was using the U Mann Whitney test indicate that there was significant difference in acceptance on a significant scale a 0.05. The conclusion of this research is that there are significant differences in texture (elasticity), texture (tenderness), taste (savory), and taste (taste of chicken or taste of oyster mushrooms). While there are no significant differences in the aspects of internal color, exterior color and aroma.</p> Shabrina Finri Gustamiagi, Mahdiyah, Nur Riska Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Sains Boga https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga/article/view/26101 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of The Use Of Canva Learning Media in The Food and Beverage Sanitation Course in The Public Health Study Program, Prima Nusantara University Bukittinggi https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga/article/view/40211 <p><em>Based on data from the Ministry of Health, there were 4,792 cases of food poisoning in October 2023. The biggest source of mass poisoning was home cooking which accounted for 53% of cases. Household cooking is the cause of poisoning due to lack of attention to hygiene and sanitation when cooking. Therefore, it is very urgent to carry out the process of providing knowledge to students regarding food hygiene and sanitation by utilizing innovative learning media, with the hope of achieving the 3rd SDGs, namely increasing the level of health and welfare of the community. The aim of the research is to obtain information regarding the effectiveness of using Canva media in food and beverage sanitation lectures. This research was carried out at Prima Nusantara University Bukittinggi in September 2023 - November 2023. This research method was a quantitative method with a descriptive approach, involving 45 public health students, specializing in environmental health who were selected through purposive sampling. The research results show that the use of the Canva application in food and beverage sanitation lectures brings many benefits to students, not only the skills needed in the 21st century, but also creativity and imagination. Of course, in its use it requires assistance from lecturers or experts in the field. The conclusion obtained is that the Canva learning media is effective for use in food and beverage sanitation courses. Therefore, it is hoped that all lecturers and students at universities can take advantage of innovative learning media based on technology and artificial intelligence used in lectures so that they feel interesting and not monotonous.</em></p> Erian Fatria Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Sains Boga https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga/article/view/40211 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The Effect Of Local Flour Based Yudane On The Quality Of Shokupan Bread https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga/article/view/35727 <p><em>This research aims to analyze the quality of shokupan bread using yudane with local ingredients including rice flour, glutinous rice flour, and mocaf flour. The research was conducted at the Pastry &amp; Bakery Laboratory, Department of Culinary Education, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University. The method used in this research was an experiment, analyzing the quality of shokupan bread with a 20% local yudane. The quality testing was performed by 5 trained panelists using a hedonic quality scale, including external factors such as volume, shape symmetry, uniformity of baking, and crust characteristics, as well as internal factors such as pores, crumb color, texture, aroma, taste, and chewing quality. The research results showed that among the external factors, the shokupan bread variant with mocaf-based yudane obtained the highest score in terms of volume with a value of 3.8. Meanwhile, in terms of crust color, the shokupan bread variant with glutinous rice flour-based yudane received the highest rating with a value of 3.8. On the aspect of shape symmetry, the shokupan bread variant with rice flour-based yudane obtained the highest score of 3.2. In terms of internal factors, the shokupan bread variant with glutinous rice flour-based yudane showed the highest ratings in terms of pores (3.4), crumb color (3.4), texture (3.4), taste (3.4), and chewing quality (4.0). However, the aspect of aroma received the highest rating in the shokupan bread variant with mocaf-based yudane with an average value of 3.2. In conclusion, based on the research results, shokupan bread made with glutinous rice flour-based yudane produced the best quality bread.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sholahuddin Al Ayyubi, Cucu Cahyana, Ari Fadiati Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Sains Boga https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/boga/article/view/35727 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700