Application of the Learning Model "Baca Dulu" Break Out Class Daring and Luring as an Effort to Overcome the Various Obstacles of Online Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic at UNIMA Sociology Education Study Program
The situation of the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in lectures having to be carried out online. The impact of this online implementation makes all parties expected to be technology sensitive. Another thing that becomes a problem is that the use of this technology requires a lot of money. Students respond to the implementation of this online lecture with complaints about the high cost of the required quota and the problem of uneven internet networks, as well as lectures that are considered careless and ineffective. Some of the direct impacts that occur are: lecture effectiveness is not optimal, it burdens students financially, and especially there is no justice in access to lectures for students who do not have enough resources compared to students who able and have the resources to take online lectures. The goals I want to achieve as a lecturer in implementing this learning model are: Optimizing online and offline learning in order to ease the financial burden of students and increase the effectiveness of learning in lectures during a pandemic. As a result, the application of the BACA DULU learning model is structured into 6 activities, namely the compilation of teaching program designs, the socialization of the BACA DULU learning model to students, the making of BACA DULU learning media for students, the making of learning video content for students, the implementation of the BACA DULU learning model, Reporting the results of applying the model learning BACA DULU to the head of the study program.