IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management 2023-08-01T14:30:26+07:00 Agung Purwanto Open Journal Systems <div id="journalDescription"> <p align="justify"><img src="/unj//public/site/images/ijeem2/cover_issue_760_en_US.jpg"></p> <p align="justify">Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education And Management&nbsp;(IJEEM)&nbsp;merupakan jurnal enam bulanan yang memuat naskah di bidang pendidikan lingkungan dan manajemen lingkungan. Ruang lingkup dari IJEEM berupa hasil penelitian dan &nbsp;kajian analitis-kritis di bidang tersebut. Pemuatan artikel di jurnal ini dialamatkan ke kantor editor. Informasi lengkap untuk pemuatan artikel dan petunjuk penulisan artikel tersedia di dalam setiap terbitan. Artikel yang masuk akan melalui proses seleksi mitra bestari (blind reviewers). Jurnal ini terbit secara berkala sebanyak dua &nbsp;kali dalam &nbsp;setahun &nbsp;yaitu Januari dan Juli.</p> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Peran Pemuda Dayak Katab Kebahan Terhadap Sumberdaya Air Berkelanjutan di Desa Semadin Lengkong 2023-07-27T01:07:20+07:00 Ahmad Khoiri Eko Rudiansyah <p><em>This study aims to determine the role of Dayak Katab Kebahan youth in sustainable water resources in Semadin Lengkong Village. This research is a qualitative research using case study method. Methods of data collection using in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The data validation technique uses the source triangulation technique. The results of the study show that: The role of the Dayak Kebahan youth includes collaboration, innovation, communication, evaluation and realization of sustainable programs by working together with various parties. Sustainable issues will continue to be fought for while creating a good history and protecting future civilizations by protecting springs, protecting forests, protecting the environment by protecting yourself, protecting others and protecting the earth.</em></p> 2023-07-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management Analisis Kepekaan Lingkungan Dan Kebutuhan Bahan Ajar Perubahan Lingkungan Siswa Sman 5 Kota Depok 2023-08-01T14:30:26+07:00 Deden Ibnu Sisean Baga Hafid Abbas Nadiroh I Made Astra <p><em>Environmental problems are a necessity that is difficult to separate from human life as a result of human behavior that pollutes the environment. As living beings, humans always try to make ends meet by utilizing natural resources provided by the surrounding environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of environmental sensitivity of high school students in Depok City and the need for teaching materials currently used in schools in biology lessons. Research Methods with a survey approach to 90 high school students in Depok City. The results of this study are high school students in Depok's environmental sensitivity is still low and biology learning currently still uses conventional teaching materials and is still relevant to the applicable curriculum. However, what is currently being noted is that teachers are faced with the development of information technology which makes teachers have to adapt and need teaching materials that are adaptive to current technological developments so that learning outcomes can be effective and efficient</em></p> 2023-07-27T00:39:41+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Guru (Teachers Leadership) dan Integritas (Integrity) terhadap Students Performance 2023-07-30T01:02:50+07:00 Lita Izzatunnisa I Made Putrawan Daniar Setyo Rini <p><em>Kinerja siswa yang terangkum dalam prestasi siswa mengalami penurunan sehingga guru memiliki peran penting dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, serta integritas peserta didik yang dapat membangun lingkungan positif dalam proses belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan guru terhadap kinerja siswa melalui integritas. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei studi kausal dan analisis jalur, dengan memilih 70 siswa secara acak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMAN 12 Jakarta. Hasil perhitungan koefisien reliabilitas instrumen kinerja siswa sebesar 0,91, kepemimpinan guru sebesar 0,94, dan integritas sebesar 0,923. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan guru berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja siswa secara signifikan, kepemimpinan guru berpengaruh langsung terhadap integritas siswa secara signifikan, integritas berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja siswa secara signifikan, dan kepemimpinan guru tidak berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap kinerja siswa melalui integritas siswa. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa integritas belum menjadi mediator yang baik antara kepemimpinan guru dengan kinerja siswa.</em></p> 2023-07-30T00:59:12+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management