Saskara : Indonesian Journal of Society Studies <div class="page_index_journal"> <div class="additional_content"> <div class="page_index_journal"> <div class="additional_content"> <div class="page_index_journal"> <div class="additional_content"> <div class="page_index_journal"> <div class="additional_content"> <p><strong>Saskara :&nbsp; Indonesian Journal of Society Studies</strong> is published by LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta, and operated by the Laboratory of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Derived from Sanskrit, Saskara means truth and pure. Therefore, this journal main aim to spread pure critical and original analysis related to truth studies about sociology aspect which consist of-but not limited to studies about civil society and development, society development strategies, society empowerment, gender and development, etc. from all related academic researchers and practitioners in Indonesia. The writing is published after undergoing a peer-review process by providing an exclusive analysis from various perspectives.</p> <p><strong>Saskara :&nbsp; Indonesian Journal of Society Studies </strong>provides high-quality studies outcomes and a new thoughts for academic practitioners, researchers, and publics to break down the complexity and dynamics of contemporary sociology change. Published twice a year, in July and December. The printed version has been published since 2020 and the online version is also available since 2021. Saskara: Indonesian Journal of Society Studies invites researcher, academician, practitioners, and publics to submit their critical writings and to contribute to the development of sociology.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Sociology Study Program, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta en-US Saskara : Indonesian Journal of Society Studies 2807-8888 Pernikahan Dini dan Reproduksi Budaya Patriarki di Solear, Kabupaten Tangerang <p>Marriages that occur in the early age group, run with an interpretation of the limitations of the couple to create equality in the family. This research aims to find out the involvement of the phenomenon of early marriage in reproducing patriarchal culture, especially in the household and to find out the form of patriarchal culture reproduced in households born from early marriage in Solear, Tangerang Regency. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study approach. This research was conducted based on Kate Millet's concept of patriarchy and Randall Collins' gender stratified family. The results of this study show that the phenomenon of early marriage in the Solear Subdistrict area shows the process of reproducing patriarchal culture through the institutionalization of patriarchal social values in the family, thus ultimately giving birth to four (marginalization, subordination, stereotyping, and double burden) of the five forms of gender injustice initiated by Mansour Fakih. However, the research findings also show that the reproduction of patriarchal culture comes from those who marry at the ideal age.</p> syahid sabilillah Copyright (c) 2024 Saskara: Indonesian Journal of Society Studies 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 4 1 95 114 10.21009/Saskara.041.01 Analisis Triangle Pada Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sampah DKI Jakarta di Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Terpadu (TPST) Bantargebang, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat <p>The centralized management of waste from Jakarta at the Bantargebang Integrated Waste Management Site (TPST) in Bekasi City has an impact on the environment and communities in the Bantargebang District. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has made local regulations on waste management but has not yet contributed optimally to the quality of life of affected communities. This study aims to analyze the implementation of Jakarta's waste management policy at TPST Bantargebang. The method used is a document study, which examines regional regulations on waste management, using triangle analysis. The results of the content analysis of Jakarta's waste management policy have changed, but it has not been identified between the people of Jakarta and the affected communities. The interaction of the actors is characterized by the synergy of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and Bekasi City Government, as well as the community as compensation recipients. The distribution of compensation is influenced by four contexts: situational, structural, cultural, and international. Researchers recommend a review of waste management policies and regulations by classifying community typologies so that the regulation of rights and obligations is clearer, and the sacrifice and treatment of the rights of affected communities are equal.</p> Wahyu Pratama Tamba Bambang Shergi Laksmono Copyright (c) 2024 Saskara: Indonesian Journal of Society Studies 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 4 1 115 133 10.21009/Saskara.041.02 Peran Bank Sampah dalam Memperkuat Ekonomi Lokal dan Membangun Lingkungan Berkelanjutan <p>Waste Banks, as an innovation in sustainable waste management, are rooted in the principles of social engineering that encourage communities to actively segregate and manage their waste. Amidst this dynamic, this research focuses on the Waste Bank of the Environmental Care Group 'Serasi' in Nania Village, Ambon City. This approach delves deeper into various aspects that support the sustainability of waste banks, including operational technicalities, institutional structures, the prevailing legal framework, the financing models applied, and community interaction and participation. By adopting a mixed-methods approach, this study combines field observation techniques, in-depth interviews with stakeholders, and the distribution of questionnaires to the public. Findings from the analysis affirm that, despite facing some technical challenges, the Waste Bank management has effectively executed its functions. Furthermore, the existence of this Waste Bank has generated tangible positive impacts in the social, economic, and environmental dimensions, providing strong evidence of the potential and relevance of waste banks as innovative solutions to contemporary waste management challenges.</p> Afdhal Afdhal Copyright (c) 2024 Saskara: Indonesian Journal of Society Studies 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 4 1 134 154 10.21009/Saskara.041.03 Evaluasi Dampak Terhadap Program Koperasi Simpan-Pinjam Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga (PEKKA) <p>Koperasi Simpan Pinjam PEKKA is an initiative established by Yayasan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga (PEKKA). This program aims to empower female heads of households by enhancing their economic capabilities. This study seeks to evaluate the implementation of the PEKKA Cooperative Program using five key indicators: income growth, fulfillment of basic living needs, capital adequacy ratio, capital turnover, loan volume, non-performing loan (NPL) ratio, and member attendance intensity. The research employs a descriptive qualitative approach, incorporating the objective-based and needs-based impact evaluation methods proposed by John Owen. The study findings reveal that the Koperasi PEKKA has been demonstrably successful and has had a positive impact on its members. Indicators such as income growth, capital change, and training participation demonstrate a high degree of success. Meanwhile, other indicators, including capital adequacy ratio, loan volume, and NPL ratio, exhibit moderate success. To further enhance the program's effectiveness, certain regulations require refinement. The cooperative could strengthen its loan repayment regulations and implement more robust sanctions for members who consistently default on their obligations.</p> Debi Rachmi Saharani Dilla Lingga Walaseci Shinta Maulida Annisa Puteri Nawanisyah Maura Laura Hapsari Muhammad Fadhli Suprapto Copyright (c) 2024 Saskara: Indonesian Journal of Society Studies 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 4 1 155 173 10.21009/Saskara.041.04 Quarter Life Crisis Among College Students <p><em>Quarter life crisis is a term used to describe a period of uncertainty generally experienced by adults in their 20s. This research aims to explore the phenomenon, identify factors, and describe students attitudes in dealing with quarter life crisis. The research informants consisted of seven students in the Special Region of Yogyakarta from the D3, D4, S1 and S2 levels. This research is descriptive qualitative research that uses purposive sampling as a subject determination. The data analysis techniques used is interactive model including Data Condensation, Data Presentation, and Consclusion Drawing. Data collection techniques use observation and interviews. Based on the research results, it was found that the quarter life crisis experienced by informants with informants with D3, D4, and S1 education levels was more complex crisis than informants with masters education levels. The crisis experienced by informant was caused by internal and external factors as well as many demands in the form of career paths, finances, education and interpersonal relationships. Quarter life crisis has an impact on mood and reduced self-confidence which then continues to compare. Each informant has there own way and strategy to survive in quarter life crisis. </em></p> Putri Resha Grendi Hendrastomo Copyright (c) 2024 Saskara: Indonesian Journal of Society Studies 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 4 1 174 190 10.21009/Saskara.041.05