Policy Analysis of European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) on Indonesian Palm Oil Exports
EUDR Policy, Deforestation, Exports, Palm OilAbstract
This study aims to analyze EUDR policy towards Indonesian palm oil exports. Indonesia is ranked number one as a producer country and as the largest consumer of palm oil in the world. This makes palm oil the largest foreign exchange contributor from palm oil exports and its derivatives. However, EUDR policy states that Indonesian palm oil causes environmental damage or deforestation. Where, the policy focuses on reducing deforestation rates without considering economic aspects including palm oil exports. Of course, this is a challenge for Indonesia because it has an impact on palm oil imports from the European Union. This research is qualitative research using secondary data. The results of this study will answer the sustainability of the condition and impact of Indonesian palm oil exports after the EUDR policy. The recommendation to the next researcher is to be able to follow up this research on a wider scale.
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