The Influence Of Personal Grooming And Interpersonal Communication Capability Of Frontliner Employees On Customer Satisfaction Of Bank Syariah Indonesia (Bsi) Kcp Batulicin Jhonlin

  • Irnanda Rosanda universitas islam negeri antasari banjarmasin
  • Faqih El Wafa Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Antasari Banjarmasin State Islamic University


This research aims to determine the satisfaction of Indonesian sharia bank customers on the
influence of personal grooming and interpersonal communication of frontline employees.
This research is motivated by the requirements for recruiting new employees or opening job
vacancies which always contain the requirements of having an attractive appearance and
being able to communicate well.
This research is field research using a quantitative research approach using descriptive
methods in explaining casual relationships and influences between variables through
hypothesis testing. To obtain data using a questionnaire filled out by customers
The results of this research show that the variables Personal Grooming and Interpersonal
Communication have a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction with a Rsquere value of
0.797 or 79.7%. In the t test for the Personal Grooming variable, the value of tcount was
2.655 > ttable 1.986 with a significance value of 0.00 < 0.05, so that the Personal Grooming
variable (X1) was partially declared to have an influence on customer satisfaction. In the t
test for the Interpersonal Communication variable, the t value was 12.003 > ttable1,986 with a
significance value of 0.00 < 0.05, so that the Interpersonal Communication variable (X2) is
partially stated to have an influence on customer satisfaction. In the F test, the Fcount value
was 182,713 > Ftable 2,700 with a significance value of 0.00 < 0.05, so it can be concluded
that the variables of personal grooming and interpersonal communication together
(simultaneously) are stated to have an influence on customer satisfaction.
