A Analysis of 21st-Century Teacher Competency with TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) in the Office Management and Business Services Expertise Program throughout Surabaya.
TPACK, teacher's skills, teacher of office management and business servicesAbstract
In Indonesia's education context, increasing teachers' TPACK skills is necessary. Teachers' ability to master learning technology must be increased through TPACK by examining the factors that influence the development of teachers' TPACK capabilities. Teachers who can optimize using technology to aid in education can create a classroom atmosphere that is more dynamic, interactive, and interesting for students. Learning with technology can also increase comprehension and understanding of subject matter, creating a more profound learning experience. Implementing TPACK is a supporting factor for developing 21st-century abilities, which is also essential for students. This research aimed to analyze the ability of teachers in the 21st century to implement TPACK as a significant framework in supporting teachers' ability to improve the overall quality of education in vocational high schools in the office management and business services expertise program throughout Surabaya. This research uses a quantitative descriptive research approach. Data collection in this research used questionnaires distributed offline to vocational high schools in the office management and business services expertise program throughout Surabaya.
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