Technology adoption in the sustainability ecosystem of the palm oil industry


  • Sean Andrew Labansing Universiti Malaysia Sabah
  • Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Sidah Idris
  • Dr. Rini Suryati Sulong


certified sustainable palm oil, technology, stakeholder theory, business ecosystem


The study explored how technology adoption influenced stakeholder commitment and contributions to Certified Sustainable Palm Oil within the palm oil industry. Using qualitative methods like qualitative content analysis and interviews, it investigated the challenges stakeholders faced in integrating technology into the Certified Sustainable Palm Oil ecosystem, such as initial investment costs and data security concerns. Despite these hurdles, stakeholders recognized technology's potential to enhance supply chain management and sustainability efforts. Stakeholders deemed collaborative efforts necessary to address challenges like the digital divide and ensure inclusive access to technology, particularly for smallholders. The study also examined the impacts of external disruptions, highlighting the importance of technology adoption by the stakeholders. Overall, the research provided insights into leveraging technology for sustainability practices in the palm oil industry, contributing to the discourse on corporate responsibility and environmental stewardship in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Labansing, S. A., Idris, S., & Sulong, R. S. (2024). Technology adoption in the sustainability ecosystem of the palm oil industry. International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM), 2(1), 3046–3051. Retrieved from