Impulsive Buying Behaviour on Islamic Economic Perspective: The Impact of Product Display, Bundling and Discount


  • Nanda Safarida IAIN Langsa
  • Julpiyanti IAIN Langsa
  • Julpiyanti IAIN Langsa
  • Melia Sari IAIN Langsa
  • Rifyal Dahlawy IAIN Langsa


impulsive buying;, product display, bundling, discount


This research aims to analyze the influence of product displays, product bundling and price discounts on impulsive buying behaviour among society. The Islamic economic perspective on impulsive buying will also be reviewed. This is type of associative research with quantitative approach. The research was conducted on the society of Langsa city. The population are residents in the age range of 17 to 45 years who have made impulsive buying. The sample was 100 respondents selected by the accidental sampling method. Data collection techniques use observation, questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that partially the product display, bundling and discount have a significant effect on impulsive buying behaviour among society. Then product displays, bundling and discounts simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on impulsive buying behaviour among society. The contibution of all predictors is 0.507 that is means 50.7% of impulsive buying is caused by product displays, bundling and discounts while the remaining (49.3%) is caused by other predictors. Genenerally, The results also show that 31% respondents have made impulsive buying on needed products due to attractive offers. Based on Islamic Economic perspective that kind of consumption is still allowed as long as that goods are really needed or not just a desires. Eventually, most of purchasing are made without a plan. However, the consumer have to ensure that the purchase is made sensibly, not wasteful or excessive spending.

Author Biographies

Melia Sari, IAIN Langsa

















Rifyal Dahlawy, IAIN Langsa









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How to Cite

Safarida, N., Julpiyanti, Julpiyanti, Sari, M., & Dahlawy, R. (2024). Impulsive Buying Behaviour on Islamic Economic Perspective: The Impact of Product Display, Bundling and Discount. International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM), 2(1), 3081–3097. Retrieved from