International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) <p>In today's globalization and economic complexity, a thorough understanding of the latest economic and business trends, problems, and innovations is critical. Rapid technological advances, government regulations, market dynamics, and consumer behavior have produced a dynamic and demanding environment for economics and business practitioners, academics, and decision-makers. To overcome these problems and capitalize on available opportunities, a platform that allows professionals, researchers, and relevant stakeholders to interact, share knowledge, and collaborate in devising effective strategies is required. International Students Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC – BEAM) 2023 aims to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge, innovative ideas, and in-depth discussions around the latest trends and challenges faced by the economic and business<br>community.</p> en-US (Rahmi, S.E., M.S.M.) (Aji Ahmadi Sasmi, S.Ak., M.Ak.) Thu, 31 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 The Impact of Social Media Marketing, E-Service Quality, and Review Content on Online Purchase Intention Analyzing the Role of Trust in Grab <p align="justify">In the We Are Social 2020-Digital 2020 Indonesia report as of January 2020, it was revealed that more than 21.7 million people in Indonesia had adopted ride-hailing or ride-sharing services, including the use of the Grab application. In this context, this research aims to examine the factors that influence the trust of Grab application users, by analyzing the influence of Social Media Marketing, E-Service Quality, and Content Reviews on Online Purchase Intentions. The purpose of this research is to explain the relationship between Social Media Marketing (X1), E-service Quality (X2), and Review Content (X3) with Purchase Intention(Y1) in the context of using the Grab application, as well as how Purchase Intention acts as a mediator in this relationship. Additionally, this research will explore how Trust Level (Z1) is influenced by Purchase Intention and other factors in the Grab ecosystem. This research uses quantitative research and a descriptive approach to determine each variable. Empirical results highlight that social media marketing and e-service quality have an influence on purchase intention. However, content reviews do not have a significant influence on purchase intentions, and social media marketing variables, electronic service quality, and content reviews through trust variables do not have an influence on purchase intentions.</p> Kaneshia Achmadi, Syadela Novitasar, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Tue, 06 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Unraveling the Interplay between Financial Knowledge and FOMO in Shaping Adolescent Consumptive Behavior in Jakarta <p>This study seeks to investigate the impact of two variables, namely financial knowledge and the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), on the behavior of teenagers in Jakarta as consumers. Financial knowledge and FOMO are considered as exogenous variables, while consumer behavior is treated as the endogenous variable. A total of 160 samples were utilized for this research, employing purposive sampling as the data collection technique. The analysis method employed was the Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The data analysis for the outer model involved validity and reliability testing, while for the inner model, various techniques such as the coefficient of determination (R-Squares), multicollinearity test, and hypothesis testing were utilized. The findings indicate a significant positive impact of both financial knowledge and FOMO on consumer behavior. Additionally, it was observed that financial knowledge has a notable positive effect on the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).</p> Nisas Shofsofa Bilbina Putri, Umi Widyastuti, Titis Fatarina Mahfirah Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Tue, 06 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Influence of Benefits, Usability, and Security on Sustained Use of DANA with User Satisfaction Mediation: A Case Study of DKI Jakarta Generation Z Users. <p>This research aimed to investigate the influence of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and security aspects on the intention to sustain DANA usage among Generation Z users in the DKI Jakarta area, with user satisfaction playing a mediating role. The study involved active DANA users for transactions, with a purposive sample of 100 respondents who participated in a questionnaire. The analysis was conducted using SmartPLS software. The results indicated significant positive correlations: perceived usefulness positively impacted user satisfaction, perceived ease of use had a positive effect on user satisfaction, and perceived security also positively influenced user satisfaction. Additionally, user satisfaction had a significant effect on the intention to continue using the platform. Furthermore, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security showed significant positive effects on the intention to continue using DANA, all mediated by user satisfaction.</p> Adristy Yumi Andini, Aisyah Nur Sadjadah, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 12:19:04 +0700 Analyzing Sociolla Electronic Commerce Repurchase Intentions with Customer Satisfaction as a Mediator <p>This study examines the factors that influence recurrent purchases on Sociolla E-Commerce, paying particular attention to e-service quality, user interface, and user experience. The purpose of the study is to ascertain how these factors affect customer satisfaction and, in turn, repurchase intentions. The study uses a quantitative, explanatory method with purposive sampling and applies the Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) technique for data analysis. The empirical results highlight the critical roles that user experience and e-service quality play in influencing customer perceptions by showing a considerable impact on customer satisfaction. Still, the user interface has a relatively small effect on client satisfaction. The significant function that customer satisfaction plays as a mediator between the independent and dependent variables in this analysis is worth mentioning. Remarkably, neither user experience nor e-service quality appear to be significantly correlated with repurchase intentions. This insightful discovery implies that a customer's inclination to repurchase is influenced by a variety of elements that extend beyond the immediate experience domain. The Sociolla Company, marketers, and researchers are all affected by these findings, which call for a deeper investigation into the nuances of client repurchase intentions. To maximize Sociolla E-Commerce's operational effectiveness and competitive positioning in the market, a deep comprehension of the relationships between different influencing elements and consumer happiness is essential.</p> Syadela Novitasari, Kaneshia Achmadi, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Blockchain Technology and Energy Consumption: A Comprehensive Analysis and Sustainability Considerations <p>Blockchain technology has emerged as a revolutionary force in various industries, providing unmatched transparency and security in data management. But besides its increase, there have been concerns about high energy consumption associated with blockchain operations mainly due to energy-intensive design methods This paper will effectively address these concerns with energy-saving features analyzing the use of blockchain and proposing solutions to reduce its impact on the environment Efforts This study includes an in-depth case study of Bitcoin dynamics of application that focuses on the scope of the issue. It also examines the status of current research in this area, identifying key findings and features, and emphasizing the need for urgent action.</p> <p>To address the blockchain resource consumption challenge, the paper explores alternative conceptualization techniques such as proof of stake (PoS) and delegated proof of stake (DPoS) and examines the role of resource generation no new and energy-efficient hardware and mining practices Sustainable One is the main theme, which advocates the integration of blockchain with environmentally friendly practices and offers possible solutions to create a blockchain environment our more ecologically sensitive surroundings. The paper draws on successful case studies to provide valuable insights and best practices for sustainable blockchain development. In conclusion, it summarizes the main findings and offers a call to action, hoping for a future where blockchain technology coexists with a sustainable and environmentally friendly world .</p> Amr Elsayed, aylin erdogdu, sara elsayed Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 12:45:31 +0700 The Influence of Financial Literacy, Perceived Benefits, and Perceived Ease of Use on QRIS Usage Decision among Students in DKI Jakarta with Trust as a Mediating Variable. <p>This study aims to determine the influence of financial literacy, perceived benefits, perceived ease of use on usage decisions mediated by trust in the Indonesian Standard Quick Response (QRIS) transaction service among students in DKI Jakarta. The sample size in this study consists of 102 student respondents in DKI Jakarta who conduct transactions with QRIS. The chosen sampling method is purposive sampling. The independent variables in this study are financial literacy, perceived benefits, and perceived ease of use. The dependent variable in this study is the usage decision, while the mediating variable in this study is trust. The study employs data analysis using partial least squares (PLS) through the SmartPLS version 4.0 software application.</p> Kirayna Evitasari Kirayna Evitasari, Nelvina Ivana, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Influence of Product Review Features and Shipping Cost Subsidiaries on Purchase Decisions in The Shopee Marketplace <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of product review features and postage subsidies on consumer purchasing decisions on the Shopee marketplace platform. The Shopee marketplace has become one of the leading e-commerce platforms in Indonesia, and the factors influencing purchasing decisions on this platform are essential to understand. This research uses a quantitative approach by collecting data through online surveys with several respondents who are active Shopee users. The data obtained was analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS. The research results show that the product review feature has a significant favorable influence on consumer purchasing decisions on Shopee. Product reviews provide consumers with important information about the quality and clarity of the product, influencing their decision to buy or not. Apart from that, shipping cost subsidies also have a significant favorable influence on purchasing decisions. Shipping cost subsidies can be a factor in attracting consumers to continue their purchases. The findings of this research provide valuable insight for business people, especially online sellers and merchants, to understand how product review features and postage subsidies can be used as strategies to increase sales on the Shopee platform.</p> Mutiara Eka Putri, Tulus Suryanto, Hanif Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Role of the Green Economy in Economic Growth in Indonesia Based on an Islamic Economic Perspective <p>Over the past few years, the concept of a green economy has been recognized as a vital mechanism for achieving economic progress in both developed and emerging nations. This study aims to analyze the role of the green economy in Indonesia's economic expansion based on an Islamic economic perspective. The research methodology employs library analysis and content assessment. The data sources utilized in this study were gathered from previous research, articles, regulations, and reference literature pertaining to green economics, economic growth, and Islamic economics. The results denote that the green economy bears tremendous potential to support economic advancement in Indonesia under an Islamic economic lens. By applying key tenets such as the obligation to safeguard nature and the judicious utilization of resources, Indonesia can cultivate a development paradigm that is sustainable and beneficial across all societal strata. This research recommends that private and public sector entities continue endorsing and integrating green economy principles moving forward. Specifically, Islamic financial instruments can be directed toward eco-friendly investments like renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, green technologies, and environmentally-conscious infrastructure. Such participations from Islamic economics in "greening" the economy signify promising trajectories aligning ethical and sustainable finance. As the world grapples with urgent ecological crises, policy frameworks in Indonesia should incentivize collective societal and commercial transitions toward greener fiscal practices. Islamic finance with its underlying moral philosophy can potentially transform finance itself into an apparatus upholding both economic and environmental welfare.</p> Lis Yulitasari, Tulus Suryanto, Syamsul Hilal Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 13:26:54 +0700 Analysis of the Value For Money in Measuring the Financial Performance of Pamekasan District Government for Fiscal Year 2017-2021 <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This study to determine the financial performance Government of Pamekasan Regency by using the Value for Money concept to measure the level of economical, eficiency and ef ectiveness of the regional finance of the Pamekasan Regency for the 2017- 2021 fisical year. The research used secondary data from the Pamekasan Regency Regional Revenue and Financial Management agency website. This research was conducted by taking data for 5 years. This research is a descriptive study with the object being studied is the data of the Financial Report of Pamekasan Regency Local Government which is the Government’s Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Realization Report (RAPBD). The data collection method used is documentation. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of research on local financial performance Government of Pamekasan regency using the Value for Money concept based on 3 main ratio such as economy, efficiency, effectiveness.</p> <p>The results of the research from an economic level are that in the 2017 to 2021 budget year, the Pamekasan Regency Government succeeded in achieving an economic performance level of between 80.4% and 88% with the "economic" criteria. The average economic level for 5 years is 83.58%, which means it is in the economic category. In terms of efficiency, the research results show that the efficiency level of the Pamekasan Regency Government's financial performance in 2017-2018 was efficient and in 2019-2021 it was inefficient. The average efficiency level for 5 years is 100.003%, which means it is in the inefficient category. The results of calculating the level of effectiveness of the Pamekasan Regency Government's financial performance in 2017-2018 were in the "effective" category and in 2019-2021 described "ineffective" in revenue management with an average effectiveness level of 100.7%.</p> <p>Based on the results of these studies, the Value for Money concept is very good to be applied to the Government of Pamekasan Regency because it can comprehensive performance overview.</p> <p><strong>Keyword:</strong> <em>Value for Money</em>; <em>Regional </em><em>Financial Performance</em>; <em>economy, efficiency, effectiveness</em><em>.</em></p> Asti Talitha Rahima Widya Paramesti, Diah Armeliza, Hera Khairunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 13:37:51 +0700 The Influence of Celebrity Endorsers, Brand Image, and Quality of Service on Buying Decisions through Consumer Trust in Digital Video Streaming Service: A Case Study of Disney+ Hotstar <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between celebrity endorsers, brand image, quality of service, and consumer trust, and how they impact consumer buying decisions. The data for this research was collected via a GoogleForm questionnaire, and was </span>shared through social media. The study was conducted over a period of one month, from October 19 to November 2, 2023. The research population consists of people residing in Jabodetabek who have used Disney's digital video streaming services for at least a month. The research methodology uses quantitative analysis with the Fornell-Larcker criterion, goodness of fit R-square, and hypothesis testing based on T statistics. The Smart PLS 4.0 application program was used for data analysis. The research conducted ten tests and hypotheses, out of which six tests showed a positive effect, while four other tests had no effect. The hypothesis tests were carried out to investigate the influence of brand image variables on buying decisions, quality of service on buying decisions, celebrity endorsers on consumer trust, and celebrity endorser variables on buying decisions through consumer trust. However, The results of the test indicate rejection of the hypothesis, suggesting that no significant effect was found between one variable and another. This research is expected to contribute to the development of knowledge in Marketing Management, especially for scientists interested in analyzing the relationship between celebrity endorsers, brand image, and quality of service on buying decisions through consumer trust.</p> Alya Chantika, Rosmalina, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 13:47:31 +0700 Accountabillity and Transparency of Village Fund Management in Gunung Putri Village, Gunungputri District, Bogor Regency <p>The aim of this study was to determine the degree of accountability and transparency in the management of village money in Gunung Putri Village. This study utilises a descriptive qualitative methodology. The research aims to analyse the governmental structure of Gunung Putri Village as the main unit of investigation. The data collection methods utilised included observation, interview, and documentation. The data employed in this study consist of primary data acquired directly from the village government through observations and interviews, as well as secondary data collected from literature and necessary documents.</p> <p>The study's findings indicate that Gunungputri Village exhibits accountability in managing village money by adhering to Permendagri Number 20 of 2018. However, the accountability report for the execution of operations has been delayed due to impediments in implementation, causing the head and subordinate head to submit the accountability report to the village head late. Gunungputri Village has exhibited transparency through the active engagement of its residents in village assemblies and the utilisation of many communication mediums such as notice boards, billboards, village websites, and social media platforms. These platforms are used to distribute information on village finances and other community activities.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Siti Nur Hamidah, Adam Zakaria, Diah Armeliza Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 15:35:32 +0700 Key to Startup Success in Indonesia: Analysing the Influence of Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurship Education, and Entrepreneurial Mindset <p>This research aims to develop a theoretical model of how factors affect startup development, in terms of entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurship education, and entrepreneurial mindset. The theories used in this study are various factors that affect startup development. The research method used is qualitative with literature studies, theoretically analyzing theories and previous researchers and determining the main factors as predictors of building startups, with a comparison of various correlation results as the findings of this study. The results showed that entrepreneurial culture, entrepreneurship education, and entrepreneurial mindset affect the creation of young people's digital businesses. Entrepreneurial cultural factors include cultural values that influence the way young people think and act in creating startups. Entrepreneurship education factors with the right pedagogical approach will influence youth in creating startups. The entrepreneurial mindset factor includes the mindset and attitude of youth in facing challenges and opportunities in creating startups. Recommendations to future researchers to be able to examine the influence of other variables on creating startups both tested quantitatively and developed on a broader aspect of other variables.</p> Rahmatul Khalik Alwiyasa, Exaudi Situmorang, Taufik Irwansyah, Harlina Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 15:52:39 +0700 The Influence Of Information Technology And Tax Awareness On Interest In Participating Tax Amnesty <p>The country's biggest source of income is taxes. Taxes have a dominant role in developing the country both in terms of infrastructure and alleviating poverty and community needs in terms of health, education and social security for those in need. Efforts to increase tax revenues can be implemented optimally and require supporting methods, including extensification and intensification. Apart from that, technology and information are needed to create awareness of non-compliant taxation so that it can increase compliance interest in participating in the tax amnesty. The aim of this research is to examine the tax stimulus in the technological sphere regarding awareness of interest in following the tax amnesty policy. The research method used is qualitative research with a Literature Review approach model examining previous research for the 2017-2022 period, totaling 40 journals. The aim of the research is to determine the effect of internet technology in increasing awareness of participating in the tax amnesty program. The results prove that technology and information have a positive effect in increasing taxpayer awareness of the tax amnesty program because in the midst of the digitalization era, it is necessary for all humans to switch to manual access to changes in technology and information.</p> Yessi Avita Sari, Heni Noviarita, Erike Anggraeni Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 15:58:36 +0700 Analysis of the Level of Regional Independence in Regencies and Cities in Central Java Province for 2019-2022 <p>The research objective is to measure the level of regional independence in regencies &amp; cities in Central Java Province in 2019-2022. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach and trend analysis of regency &amp; city financial reports in Central Java Province from 2019 to 2022.</p> <p>The research was conducted on Regional Government Financial Reports for regencies &amp; cities in Central Java Province. The sample used is 10 regencies/cities, namely 3 regencies/cities with the highest PAD, 3 regencies/cities with the lowest PAD and 4 regencies/cities with medium PAD.</p> <p>The data analysis technique in this study collected LRA data from each regency &amp; city in Central Java province for the 2019-2022 period. Then the analysis uses the ratio of the degree of fiscal decentralization, the ratio of regional independence, the ratio of regional dependence. Then applied to trend analysis to see the tendency of the level of independence based on the ratio used.</p> <p>The results obtained from this study are that in the regencies/cities in Central Java Province, only Semarang City gets a Good categorization in terms of the percentage measurement of the ratio of fiscal decentralization and the ratio of regional independence. Meanwhile for the measurement of the regional dependency ratio, only Semarang that received an adequate categorization for the counting period 2019-2022.</p> Dewi Ingriyani, Diah Armeliza, Ayatulloh Michael Musyaffi Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:08:44 +0700 The The Impact of E-WOM On Purchase Intention in Shopee's E-Commerce: The Mediating Role of Perceived Quality <p>Technological developments make it easier for us to carry out buying and selling transactions for<br>goods and services, one of which is the presence of various online shopping platforms such as<br>Shopee. This growth and development is of course supported by many factors, one of which is<br>the effective implementation of e-WOM and the celebrities who participate in encouraging the<br>progress of this platform through their campaigns. This research aims to study the influence of<br>e-WOM, celebrity endorsers, brand image on buying interest in people living in the Jabodetabek<br>area and its surroundings. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of e-WOM<br>has an influence on buying interest which is greater than before. This research provides an<br>understanding of e-WOM, celebrity endorsers and brand image in purchasing interest through<br>Shopee e-commerce.</p> Diah Ayu Ragasiwi, Estu Handayani, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:16:08 +0700 Analysis of the Influence of Interactive Communication, Consumer Preferences, and Promotional Effectiveness on Purchasing Decisions on the Shopee Live Streaming Features <p>With the popularity of the live streaming features as a marketing strategy, there is a need to understand in more depth how factors such as Interactive Communication, Consumer Preferences, and Promotional Effectiveness influence consumer purchasing decisions in the context of using Shopee's live streaming feature. It is important to understand how direct interactions between sellers and consumers via live broadcasts influence consumer perceptions of products or services, as well as the extent to which consumer preferences and promotional effectiveness can influence consumer purchase intentions through these features. In this case the researcher uses quantitative research with a comparative causal type because it discusses the cause-and-effect relationship of two or more variables, namely the influence of independent variables in the form of interactive communication, consumer preferences, and online promotions on the dependent variable, namely purchasing decisions with Shopee's live streaming feature. as the object. With Interactive Communication results are related to purchasing decisions because the T statistics value is above 1.96 and the p value is below 0.05 , the consumer preference variable is related to purchasing decisions because the T statistics value is above 1.96 and the p value is below 0.05 . However, the promotion effectiveness variable is not related to purchasing decisions because the T statistics value is below 1.96 and the p value is above 0.05. Streamers or sellers can increase interaction with customers, pay attention to their preferences, and don't just focus on promotions to attract customers.</p> Heny Andria, Alissa Shalma, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:23:24 +0700 Can Purchasing Decisions be Mediated by Brand Awareness? <p>This study aims to examine how Social Media Marketing, Brand Ambassadors, and Promotions influence the Purchasing Decisions of Menantea products, as well as the mediating role of Brand Awareness in connecting these independent variables and Purchasing Decisions of Menantea products. Employing a survey method with purposive sampling, data was gathered from consumers of Menantea products who had purchased the product at least once. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) via SmartPLS 4 software was utilized for data anlaysis. The findings indicate that promotions directly significant effect on Menantea Product Purchase Decisions, while Social Media Marketing and Brand Ambassadors do not affect on Menantea Product Purchase Decisions. Furthermore, Brand Awareness has a significant direct effect on Menantea Product Purchasing Decisions and acts as a mediator, social media marketing through brand awareness has no influence on purchasing decisions, while brand ambassadors and promotions through brand awareness have an indirect influence on purchasing decisions for Menantea products. This study aims to provide valuable insights into developing marketing strategies for Menantea products and similar products.</p> Ezar Atira Anamta Ghifari, Muhammad Arifin Ridwan, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:28:41 +0700 Modeling Nurse Job Satisfaction Mediated Remuneration Supported Career Development and Transformational Leadership <p>Objective: The objective of this study is to examine and create a model that proposes that views of compensation, in conjunction with career development and transformational leadership, operate as a mediating factor in nurse job satisfaction. Methodology: 200 clinical nurses participated in the survey-based study, which was carried out at the Embung Fatimah Regional General Hospital in Batam City. Stratified random sampling was used for the sampling process. The structural model's results show that career development has a favorable and considerable impact on job satisfaction, which is higher than the effects of transformational leadership and compensation. Greater than the impact of transformational leadership on compensation is the direct and substantial influence of career development on compensation. There is an indirect influence of career development on job satisfaction through remuneration that is greater than the influence of transformational leadership on job satisfaction through remuneration. Conclusion: Since compensation is a mediating variable, our research introduces it. It is imperative for nurses to prioritize their professional career development and adhere to existing legislation when it comes to remuneration management in order to enhance job satisfaction.</p> Nelli Roza Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:33:03 +0700 Analysis of the Value for Money in Measuring the Financial Performance of Pamekasan District Government for Fiscal Year 2017-2021 <p>This study to determine the financial performance Government of Pamekasan Regency by using the Value for Money concept to measure the level of economical, eficiency and ef ectiveness of the regional finance of the Pamekasan Regency for the 2017- 2021 fisical year. The research used secondary data from the Pamekasan Regency Regional Revenue and Financial Management agency website. This research was conducted by taking data for 5 years. This research is a descriptive study with the object being studied is the data of the Financial Report of Pamekasan Regency Local Government which is the Government’s Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Realization Report (RAPBD). The data collection method used is documentation. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of research on local financial performance Government of Pamekasan regency using the Value for Money concept based on 3 main ratio such as economy, efficiency, effectiveness.</p> <p>The results of the research from an economic level are that in the 2017 to 2021 budget year, the Pamekasan Regency Government succeeded in achieving an economic performance level of between 80.4% and 88% with the "economic" criteria. The average economic level for 5 years is 83.58%, which means it is in the economic category. In terms of efficiency, the research results show that the efficiency level of the Pamekasan Regency Government's financial performance in 2017-2018 was efficient and in 2019-2021 it was inefficient. The average efficiency level for 5 years is 100.66%, which means it is in the inefficient category. The results of calculating the level of effectiveness of the Pamekasan Regency Government's financial performance in 2017-2018 were in the "effective" category and in 2019-2021 described "ineffective" in revenue management with an average effectiveness level of 100.7%.</p> <p>Based on the results of these studies, the Value for Money concept is very good to be applied to the Government of Pamekasan Regency because it can comprehensive performance overview.</p> Asti Talitha Rahima Widya Paramesti, Diah Armeliza, Hera Khairunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:37:28 +0700 Initiation of a Marketplace-Based Creative Freelance Service Provider to Optimize MSMEs Digital Marketing in Indonesia <p>Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is a sector that has a major contribution to the Gross Domestic Product. However, there are still many problems faced by MSMEs, including digital marketing. One of the causes of these problems is the lack of skills of MSMEs actors in the creative field. Beside that, the number of creative freelancers continuously increase as well. These two conditions are the right momentum to create an innovation that can make it easier for MSMEs actors to optimize their marketing. Therefore, this paper aims to provide alternative solutions for MSMEs actors in assisting to optimize digital marketing more effectively and efficiently. This writing uses a qualitative approach with a Business Model Canvas (BMC) as the analysis tool. The result of this writing is the creation of an application for providing freelance worker services in the field of creative work to optimize MSMEs marketing. This application carries the marketplace concept, which can make it easier for MSMEs actors to find freelancers who offer services in the field of digital marketing.</p> Nailis Sa'adah, Nony Rahmawati, Aulia Dewi Puspita, Risanda Alirastra Budiantoro Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:43:07 +0700 Investigating the Impact of the of Technological Developments, Environmental Quality, and Economy on Tourism Receipts in Indonesia <p>This paper uses a panel technique to investigate the relationship between Technological Developments, Environmental, and GDP Quality on Tourism Receipts in Indonesia (including 33 provinces) for the 2011-2022 period. As a country with rich natural, cultural and ancestral heritage, Indonesia has the potential to attract foreign tourists. Especially with technological advancements that have made tourism promotion possible on a massive scale. On the other hand, an increase in the number of tourists has an impact on the environment as explained in the theory of the Environmental Kuznet Curve (EKC). The research method used is Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) model and Granger causality test. Environmental quality is measured through the Environmental Quality Index indicator. Meanwhile, technology development is measured through the Information and Communication Technology Development Index. The research results explain that Economy, Environmental Quality, and Technological Developments have a positive impact on Tourism Receipts in Indonesia. Therefore, it is important for the government to utilize digital technology to introduce Indonesia's tourism wealth. The increase in tourists must also be accompanied by efforts to protect the environment so that it does not have a negative impact on environmental damage.</p> Maya Sulistiyowati, Dwi Rahmayani Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:49:51 +0700 Malaysian Graduates Employability Challenges: A Critical Review <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching implications for individuals, societies, and economies, disrupting established patterns in education, employment, and career trajectories. This paper explores a narrative review of the literature that studied the graduates’ employability post pandemic. Narrative review is suitable to be applied in this study, as it tends to achieve exploratory research where a new or emerging field is explored, providing holistic perspective in which a wide range of studies is summarized, consequently synthesizing diverse evidence that highlight the trends across various studies. This review highlights the multifaceted challenges facing Malaysian graduates, emphasizing the far-reaching circumstance of the COVID-19 pandemic on graduates' employment dynamics. It underscores disparities in the quality of employment, wage gaps, and the vulnerability of workers in informal sectors. A range of factors impacting employability can be considered, including self-efficacy, curriculum support, employability skills development, and work placement learning. The study also explores the impact of postgraduate studies on employment prospects, gender disparities in employability skills, and the significance of soft skills and non-technical skills in aviation careers. Furthermore, it delves into how graduates' knowledge and soft skills development vary by education level and how emerging concepts like Industry 5.0 are reshaping the employment landscape. Confronting globalization and evolving labor market dynamics, graduates must embrace self-development and adaptability so forth meeting the changing needs of the job market.</p> Chi Yi Beh, Sing Yun Wong Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:56:52 +0700 Factors That Influence Online Game Consumer Loyalty through Consumer Satisfaction <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of product quality, product features, product style and design, brand image, and brand experience on consumer loyalty in the online gaming industry in the Depok, Bogor, Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek) area, with consumer satisfaction as an intervention variable. The results of data analysis show that online game product quality does not have a significant influence on consumer satisfaction, and the same thing applies to the direct influence of product quality on consumer loyalty. Online game product features also do not have a direct influence on consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Product style and design do not directly influence consumer satisfaction and loyalty in online games. However, brand image has a direct influence on consumer satisfaction, while brand experience has a direct influence on satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction, in turn, has a positive impact on consumer loyalty. Some factors, such as product quality, product features, and product style and design, may have an indirect influence on loyalty through satisfaction. Therefore, this research provides valuable insights for companies in developing marketing strategies and increasing consumer loyalty in the online gaming industry in the Depok, Bogor Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi (Jabodetabek) area.</p> Bernadus Orudu Richard Zendrato, Hani Fildzah Zakiya, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 17:01:32 +0700 Implementation of the Project to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students (P5) to Grow the Entrepreneurial <p>This Research aims to Determine the Effect of Implementing the Project for Strengthening the Profile of Pancasila Student Entrepreneurship Themes in Fostering Students' Entrepreneurial Spirit. Effect of Implementation The Problem Study Is The Extent To Which The Project Strengthens The Pancasila Student Profile And Fosters Students' Entrepreneurial Spirit. This Research Examines The Project For Strengthening The Pancasila Student Profile, The Entrepreneurship Project For The Growth Of The Entrepreneurial Spirit, The Method Used Is Qualitative With Literature And Literature Studies, Theoretically And Empirically Analyzing The Growth Of The Entrepreneurial Spirit. This Research Also Explains Theoretical Measuring Factors For Further Research And Describes, Explains, And Measures The Growth Of Entrepreneurial Spirit Based On Theoretical Studies.</p> Harlina Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 17:06:16 +0700 The Influence of User Factors on AI and User Experience in the Lazada <p>This research reviews specific problems in considering how much influence the factors of user data security, user satisfaction, user retention, application of artificial intelligence (AI) and impact on user experience. The goal is to provide useful guidance for app developers and e-commerce business owners to improve User Experience and integrate AI effectively. This research is included in Quantitative study by distribute questionnaires online to Lazada application users. The aim is to understand user views of Lazada application services. And these factors have a significant role in maintaining competitiveness and improving applications. And the research concludes that user data security and user retention factors have worthy of attention on applications of artificial intelligence and user experience. However, user experience with the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and user experience have an insignificant influence.</p> Dinda Virgia Yurendira, Brilian Dwi Saputra, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 17:11:16 +0700 The The Effect of Firm Size, Growth Opportunity and Net Working Capital on Cash Holding in Main Board Healthcare Sector Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange <p>This research aims to test and analyze the influence of firm size, growth opportunity and net working capital on cash holding. The population used in this research is main board healthcare sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020-2022 using a purposive sampling method, so the total sample for this research is 36 financial report data from main board healthcare companies listed on the IDX for 3 years. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear analysis method and hypothesis testing. The results of this research show that firm size has no effect on cash holding, growth opportunity has no effect on cash holding and net working capital has a significant positive effect on cash holding.</p> Yanti Zalsabila, Nuramal, Anwar Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The The Influence of Competency and Compensation on Performance and Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Study in Construction Services Companies <p>The purpose of this study is to ascertain how job satisfaction among employees in construction services organizations influences performance in terms of competency and compensation<strong>.</strong> The participants in this research were workers of PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, one of Indonesia's state owned enterprises providing construction services<strong>. </strong>&nbsp;The population of this study was 950, with a sample size of 255 people. Relying on a 5% percentage allowance, the calculation sample originates from the Isaac-Michael table. The research employs a quantitative methodology in conjunction with an explanatory strategy. The questionnaire used for data collection was given to 255 workers of PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk who held manager-level positions. The Smart PLS (Partial Least Square Analysis) application is used in conjunction with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis approach. According to the findings, competence and compensation have a considerable yet beneficial impact on performance. Job satisfaction is positively yet significantly impacted by both competence and compensation. Although there is a slight but favorable influence of job satisfaction on performance. Additionally, there is a positive but non-significant influence of competence and compensation on performance as measured by the intervening variable of job satisfaction.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Job satisfaction, employee performance, competency, and</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; compensation &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> Heru Santoso, Osly Usman, Budi Santoso Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 17 Feb 2024 17:27:10 +0700 Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Level on E-Commerce in DKI Jakarta <p>Bukalapak as one of the largest e-commerce in Indonesia has the least number of visits compared to similar companies, even though the higher the number of visits, the greater the potential for transactions. This research aims to determine the level of customer satisfaction and can evaluate and optimize the services that Bukalapak has provided to customers. This research uses webqual dimensions consisting of usability, information quality and interaction. This research uses the research methods of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Gap Analysis (GA). The sampling technique used was purposive sampling by distributing online questionnaires to 106 respondents. Based on CSI, Bukalapak customer satisfaction is in the very satisfied category, based on IPA there are four attributes that need to be improved, four attributes that need to be maintained and seven attributes need to be reduced in priority, based on GA there is one attribute that has a large enough Gap, namely security of personal data. Based on the results of this study, Bukalapak can prioritize improvements to the attributes of personal data security.</p> Muhammad Nabil Basyair, Ika Febrilia , Sholikhah Sholikhah Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:05:19 +0700 Analysis of Factors Affecting Generation Z's Intention in Using Shopee PayLater <p>The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of several factors on generation Z's intention to use Shopee PayLater in the areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Perceived ease of use, ability to pay, sales promotion, and security are among the factors observed. Data from a sample of the local generation Z population was gathered for this study through the use of survey methodologies. The study findings indicate that intention to use Shopee PayLater among Generation Z was positively and significantly impacted by factors such as security and sales promotion. However, no significant relationship or impact was found between the perceived ease of use and the intention to use Shopee PayLater, as well as between the ability to pay and the intention to use Shopee PayLater.</p> Vira Deyana Cindy, Nurshinta, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:51:09 +0700 The Impact of Digitalization on then Credibility and Satisfaction of QRIS Users <p>This research examines the influence of digitalization, transaction security, service speed and creditworthiness on customer satisfaction levels through the use of Bank Indonesia's QRIS in the Jabodetabek region. We use a survey method to collect data from QRIS users. The results of the analysis will help in identifying the relationship between the variables mentioned above and user behavior. The findings of this research can provide valuable insights for the business world and financial institutions in increasing customer satisfaction using QRIS.</p> Alfian Maulana, Panca Ardhio Saputra, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 10:49:12 +0700 The Influence of Personal Grooming and Interpersonal Communication Capability of Frontliner Employees on Customer Satisfaction of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) KCP Batulicin Jhonlin <p>This research aims to determine the satisfaction of Indonesian sharia bank customers on the influence of personal grooming and interpersonal communication of frontline employees. This research is motivated by the requirements for recruiting new employees or opening job vacancies which always contain the requirements of having an attractive appearance and being able to communicate well. This research is field research using a quantitative research approach using descriptive methods in explaining casual relationships and influences between variables through hypothesis testing. To obtain data using a questionnaire filled out by customers The results of this research show that the variables Personal Grooming and Interpersonal Communication have a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction with a Rsquere value of 0.797 or 79.7%. In the t test for the Personal Grooming variable, the value of tcount was 2.655 &gt; ttable 1.986 with a significance value of 0.00 &lt; 0.05, so that the Personal Grooming variable (X1) was partially declared to have an influence on customer satisfaction. In the t test for the Interpersonal Communication variable, the t value was 12.003 &gt; ttable1,986 with a significance value of 0.00 &lt; 0.05, so that the Interpersonal Communication variable (X2) is partially stated to have an influence on customer satisfaction. In the F test, the Fcount value was 182,713 &gt; Ftable 2,700 with a significance value of 0.00 &lt; 0.05, so it can be concluded that the variables of personal grooming and interpersonal communication together (simultaneously) are stated to have an influence on customer satisfaction.</p> Irnanda Rosanda, Faqih El Wafa Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 11:42:56 +0700 Reinvigorating Unicorn Startup Employee Productivity Following Mass Layoffs <p><strong>The transition period from the pandemic back to normal and the global recession triggered many employee layoffs, especially in unicorn startup companies. This mass layoff also had an impact on the remaining employees. This research wants to analyze how to maintain the performance of remaining employees when viewed from the influence of work stress, communication and job satisfaction. The sample is company employees in Jakarta, and the sample size is 200 people. The Jakarta location was chosen because most unicorn startup companies are in this city. The research sample was selected using a purposive sampling technique. The quantitative data processing method is carried out using the survey method. The data is processed using the Lisrel application.</strong></p> <p>Unicorn startup employee, Employee Perfomance, Job satisfaction, Work stress, Communication</p> Rizki Firdausi Rachma Dania, Shaierah Gulabdin Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 11:56:23 +0700 The Utilization of Google Workspace in Economics Learning SMAN 68 Jakarta <p>This study aims to describe student engagement in post-pandemic face-to-face learning in economics lessons at SMAN 68 Jakarta. This study also aims to describe learning innovations designed by teachers by utilizing existing features in Google Workspace. Finally, this study presents recommendations for using Google Workspace for economic learning to increase student engagement. This study uses qualitative descriptive methods and research samples of economics teachers of SMAN 68 Jakarta. The method of data collection carried out is observation and interview. The data analysis method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The results indicate no shortage of student involvement in face-to-face learning in economics lessons. Teachers have taken advantage of the features in Google Workspace but haven't made the most of them. Teachers can use Google Docs and Google Slides for economics learning so that student engagement can increase significantly. This feature requires students to actively collaborate to complete assignments because teachers can monitor in real time the activities carried out by students.</p> Shofiyatul Hidayah, Agus Wibowo, Saparuddin Saparuddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 12:53:16 +0700 Policy Analysis of European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) on Indonesian Palm Oil Exports <p>This study aims to analyze EUDR policy towards Indonesian palm oil exports. Indonesia is ranked number one as a producer country and as the largest consumer of palm oil in the world. This makes palm oil the largest foreign exchange contributor from palm oil exports and its derivatives. However, EUDR policy states that Indonesian palm oil causes environmental damage or deforestation. Where, the policy focuses on reducing deforestation rates without considering economic aspects including palm oil exports. Of course, this is a challenge for Indonesia because it has an impact on palm oil imports from the European Union. This research is qualitative research using secondary data. The results of this study will answer the sustainability of the condition and impact of Indonesian palm oil exports after the EUDR policy. The recommendation to the next researcher is to be able to follow up this research on a wider scale.</p> Nissa Nur Awaliyah, Dicky Iranto, Saparuddin Mukhtar Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 13:26:52 +0700 Analysis of Factors that Influence Brand Awareness and Purchasing Decisions on Online Marketplace <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The expansion of digital technology and internet users in Indonesia parallels the expansion of marketplaces where consumers may purchase online. In recent years, Shopee, a marketplace app that offers a variety of products and services, has grown tremendously. However, in an increasingly competitive industry, Understanding the elements that drive brand awareness and consumer purchase decisions is critical. The study collected and analyzed data using quantitative research techniques. Data from the survey were analyzed using statistical software SEM PLS using the help of smart pls 4.0. Brand ambassador, brand personality, and price is substantial and has a positive impact on brand awareness and purchasing decisions. As Shopee at the top-of-mind level of consumers, it makes them continue to keep consumers in their minds and will continue to use Shopee to make product purchases.</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</span></em></p> Nadya Addinary Khairunisa, Sekar Ayu Kalila, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Implementation of Business Ethics on Floating Market Traders Lok Baintan, South Kalimantan <p>The Lok Baintan Floating Market in South Kalimantan is an intangible cultural heritage that is one of the cultural tourist attractions in the city of Banjarmasin. The floating market has existed since the 14th century, although there has been a decline in buyers because infrastructure growth on land has shifted. But currently, apart from buyers from riverside communities, tourists also dominate. The aim of this research is to provide insight into the Islamic business ethics of floating market traders and to increase awareness among floating market traders regarding good business ethics at a time when other businesses are developing rapidly in the modern business era. This research is a descriptive qualitative type of research using field research to provide information, facts, and data regarding the business ethics of Islamic traders at the Lok Baintan Floating Market, South Kalimantan. The population of this research is floating market traders. The sample in this study used a snowball sampling technique, so that 10 main informants were obtained from traders. As for research instruments using observations, interviews, and documentation. Research finds that business ethics is well applied by traders through the principles of unity, free will, equilibrium, responsibility<strong>, </strong>and benevolence. Although on the principle of free will found ways of forcing approaches and trying to convince buyers to buy, this behavior is just as a strategy of proactive marketing in a customer-seeking approach.</p> Raisa Radhiati, Oktaviani, Muhammad Qamaruddin Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 13:44:00 +0700 The Influences of Knowledge, Social Media on Entrepreneurial Interest in State University Jakarta <p>Indonesia faces serious challenges as the population growth is not proportional to the available job opportunities, resulting in an increasing unemployment problem. In the context of entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial knowledge and social media usage are significant factors in shaping entrepreneurial spirit, which is expected to be improved through research to contribute to the country's economic growth. This study examines the relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge, the use of social media Instagram and TikTok, and entrepreneurial interest among students of the Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. Using descriptive verification method and <em>Structural Equation Model </em>(SEM) analysis using <em>Partial Least Square</em> (PLS-SEM), the results show that entrepreneurial understanding and activities on social media affect students' interest and decision in entrepreneurship. The decision to engage in business also plays an important role in generating entrepreneurial interest and mediating the relationship between variables in Faculty of Economics students.</p> Estu Handayani, Diah Ayu Ragasiwi, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 14:03:03 +0700 Perceptions of Students in the Field of Education towards the Freedom of Learning Independent Campus Policy <p>Higher education in Indonesia has experienced significant developments in recent years, one of the latest efforts is the MBKM policy. Although MBKM brings hope for improving the quality of education and student independence, there are varying perceptions and reactions among students, especially in the education sector. The aim of the research is to explain the perceptions and understanding of education students regarding MBKM policies. This research uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive research design, to achieve the research objectives. The respondents in this study were 164 students. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive analysis using percentages to get an overview of student perceptions, with the help of the SPSS program. The research results show that the majority of students have a good understanding of the MBKM policy, the MBKM Teaching Assistance activity in the Education Unit is the most familiar and most popular activity, and students have several concerns when they take part in the MBKM program. This research contributes both theoretically and practically.</p> Endra Ubaidillah, Dedi Prestiadi, Maulana Amirul Adha, Imam Gunawan, Sasi Maulina, Aulia Nur Firdausi, Arumia Fairuz Husna, Yunita Erviana Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 14:09:29 +0700 Selecting Sustainable Project Portfolio By A Electre Method <p>Evaluating a sustainable project which encompasses both conventional and sustainability dimensions, stands as a crucial component of a company's strategic pursuit of a competitive edge. To solve this problem, one of the commonly used method, ELECTRE, is used. Once decision-makers, criteria, and the project set have been identified, the analysis focuses on assessing the factors that influence the evaluation process, aiming to pinpoint the most optimal sustainable project. Furthermore, the study incorporates nine criteria for appraising sustainable projects, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative considerations. Ultimately, a numerical illustration is provided to illustrate the practicability of the proposed method</p> Tran Phuoc Nguyen, Thi Bich Ha Nghiem Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 14:32:44 +0700 Online Shopping Culture and Internet Generation Consumer Behavior in Indonesia <p>The shopping culture of Indonesian people has changed from conventional shopping to online shopping as a result of advances in information technology. The aim of this research is to learn about the culture of online shopping and the behavior of Internet-generation customers in Indonesia. The study uses qualitative research methods and triangulation approaches to analyze the data. The study found that reviews or testimonials from relatives and Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) that the Internet Generation makes a prompt to buy goods or services significantly influence their online shopping behavior. The Internet generation uses the efficiency of time, location, and advertising as important factors in their shopping behavior, but price is the most important. In addition, the results show that consumer behavior and online shopping habits known by the internet generation in Indonesia are influenced by several factors such as brand, price, advertising, location and lifestyle. This is due to the Millennial Generation's assumption that the internet generation is able to utilize technology, the difficulty of shopping for products offline, decision making based on product factors and a consumptive lifestyle. Online shopping is very practical and easy, and the generation that is very familiar with the internet does not experience any difficulties. Besides, the Internet generation prefers to shop online through e-commerce, although sometimes they still do mixed shopping. Mix shopping here is defined as a mix between online and offline shopping, according to a particular consideration.</p> Ramdani Murdiana, Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro, Sri Setiawati, Amanda Lestari Putri Lubis, Rosalina Rosalina Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 14:59:19 +0700 AN Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Engagement in Startup Companies (Traveloka, and Pegipegi) <p>This research aims to observe human resource management policies to form employee engagement, especially in the millennial generation. The time for conducting this research is April to November 2023. This research uses a quantitative approach using non-probability sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Overall, 210 data were obtained with the criteria being that the respondents were permanent employees, had worked for three years and worked in a startup company. The data analysis technique used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using SMARTPLS. The results of this research state that five direct hypotheses and two indirect hypotheses are accepted</p> Dosriani Saragih, Dewi Susita, Widya Parimita Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 21:04:14 +0700 The Development of Interactive Learning Media Using Ispring Suite 10 for Office Management Lesson at 48 Vocational High School <p>Edutech is an innovation to help the learning process to be interactive that can lead to students to be more motivated and actively involved in class. Researcher develops a learning media using Ispring Suite 10 for office management lesson in 10<sup>th</sup> Grade at Vocational High School. The method used in this research is ADDIE. This research is being reviewed by learning experts, instructional design expert, media expert, one-on-one evaluation, small group evaluation, and field test. The result from learning expert, it got 88% or we can say it very decent. Then for instructional design review got 76% or decent. Media expert review got 100% or very decent. Then for one-to-one evaluation, the students give feedback, e.g., improving the font size, using Gather Town game for learning process, and rechecking each of link in the media to give more good user experience. The small group evaluation got 84,89% or very decent. For field test got 91,47% or very decent. Overall, this research motivates students to get involved in the learning process.</p> Thufailah Mujahidah, Roni Faslah, Marsofiyati Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 21 Feb 2024 22:05:15 +0700 Fostering Creative and Critical Thinking Skills through Collaborative Learning: A Theoretical Approach <p>This study aims to improve students' creative and critical thinking skills by using a collaborative learning model. The problem studied is the low motivation of students to learn, students who are less creative and not critical, so a collaborative learning model is needed. The method used is qualitative with literature and literature studies, theoretically and historically analyzing the development of learning models. The results of this study consistently show that collaborative learning has a positive impact on the development of students' creative and critical thinking skills. Collaborative learning allows students to interact, share ideas and work together to achieve common learning goals. In this way, they can gain deeper understanding, solve problems creatively and develop their critical thinking skills. In other words, collaborative learning is an effective approach to improving students' thinking ability in various aspects. This study also explains the theoretical measurement factors for future researchers and describes, explains and measures the development of learning models based on theoretical studies.</p> Siti Neno Muawiyah Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 03:58:00 +0700 The Influence of Digital Leadership on Organizational Performance in Jakarta <p>Digital technology's transformative influence in business is undeniable, reshaping strategies and operations. Embracing this change goes beyond tech adoption it requires aligning culture, structure, and people with the evolving landscape. Digital leadership is crucial in navigating this realm, impacting job motivation, innovation, and overall performance. However, the relationship between digital leadership, employee performance, and digital culture is complex and context-dependent. The study aims to investigate the impact of digital leadership on organizational performance, with digital culture, digital technology, and digital marketing as intervening variables concerning sustainability and organizational performance in Jakarta. It uses a quantitative approach to analyze the numerical relationship between the variables. Utilizing a Purposive Sampling design, the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach will be employed for study analysis, with assistance from the SMARTPLS 4.0 application. Digital culture, marketing, and technology are all has significant influence by digital leadership.&nbsp; Higher digital leadership positively correlates with increased digital culture, marketing, and technology, while lower digital leadership negatively affects these aspects. Digital culture significantly influences organizational performance. Meanwhile, digital marketing shows a positive influence on performance but lacks significance. Digital technology positively and significantly affects organizational performance. Prioritize the enhancement of digital leadership to advance digital culture, marketing strategies, and technological implementation within organizations. Examine how digital culture contributes to organizational performance, emphasizing a culture fostering innovation, adaptability, and collaboration.</p> Nurshinta, Vira Deyana Cindy, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 04:03:03 +0700 Saving Behavior Factors that Influence Generation Z Saving Behavior <p>This study's goal is to ascertain the factors that influence generation Z's saving behavior. The problem studied is that many young people today are still not aware of saving. In various studies there are theories of saving behavior, financial inclusion, and financial literacy, so a systematic literature review is needed to reaffirm the definition, concept, measurement and operationally in related dimensions and indicators. The author uses grounded theory with a literature study method in this qualitative research so as to provide the right position in the direction of updating indicators such as saving behavior, financial inclusion, and financial knowledge. The literature study's findings indicate that financial literacy influences saving behavior and financial inclusion, financial inclusion affects saving behavior. Recommendations to future researchers to be able to follow up this research in analyzing other factors, on a wider scale, and measuring qualitatively and empirically.</p> Qurotul Aini Qurotul Aini, Karuniana Dianta, Aditya Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 04:06:51 +0700 The Effect of Flash Sale on Purchasing Decisions: A Theoretical Approach <p>The current research was explored to analyze the Effect of Flash Sale on Purchasing Decisions on E-commerce. By applying a qualitative method, this research carried out to explore the prepositions of promotion study and conceptualized <em>flash sale promotion </em>as a promotional tool. The data collection technique applied a literature survey. The literature survey outlined some of the findings of previous researchers' references and elaborated the study using <em>grounded theory. </em>This research, methodically, was expected to be able to explain flash sales, and purchasing decisions. The findings proved that Flash Sale promotions had a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions, and encouraged impulse buying behavior on various platforms, such as Shopee and Lazada. Flash Sales provided attractive price reductions for consumers, encouraging them to make purchasing decisions. The results also showed that promotional strategies such as Flash Sale and Free Shipping offers promoted a positive impact on increasing product sales and influencing consumer purchasing decisions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:<em> Discount</em>, <em>Flash Sale, Purchasing Decision</em></strong></p> Ahmad Saoki Andriyana, Suparno Suparno, Agus Wibowo Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 04:10:16 +0700 Enhancing Indonesia's Education Quality: Identifying and Addressing Key Challenges <p>Education is an important effort in improving the quality of human resources. The purpose of this study is toevaluate the weaknesses in Indonesia's current education system. Education is recognized as a top priority in every country, and the quality of education is an important indicator of a nation's progress. This research adopts adescriptive qualitative approach and uses literature research as its method. The author collected information fromsources considered valid and relevant.</p> <p>The results of this study show that the quality of education in Indonesia is still low. This is due to a number of educational problems that Indonesia faces, including macro issues such as a complex curriculum, educational inequality, costs, teacher placement and low teacher quality. Key issues also involve monotonous teachingmethods, inadequate facilities and infrastructure, and unsatisfactory student learning outcomes.</p> <p>In the discussion, some solutions are suggested that are expected to overcome the problems of education in Indonesia and improve the quality of education, so that Indonesia can compete with or even surpass other countries.This paper aims to increase individual awareness in building a better and more advanced Indonesia, as well aspreparing quality human resources.</p> Ruth Abigail Tarigan Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 04:13:10 +0700 The Influence of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on ASEAN+5’s International Trade (IT) <p>In accordance with the ASEAN IPR Action Plan 2016-2025, this study explores the connections and causality of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on international trade (IT) of ASEAN+5 countries represented by Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia. According to this, international trade is measured in terms of trade (as a percentage of GDP). IPR is measured by patent applications filed by residents, patent applications filed by non-residents, industrial design applications filed by residents, and industrial design applications filed by non-residents. Along with IPR, the effect of government effectiveness (GE) on IT is also investigated. Foreign direct investment (FDI) and inflation are also utilized as control variables. This study adopts new growth theory as to further explain the variables involved. All ASEAN+5 data for the individual variables were derived from the World Bank Development database, and the panel dataset was investigated using the PFGLS estimator and Dumitrescu-Hurlin test for over 21-years period (2000-2020). The findings of this study revealed a strong effect between IPR and IT as well as a unidirectional relationship between IPR (except industrial design application, filed by residents) and IT for the ASEAN+5 region. The limitation of this study is that it only focused on five ASEAN countries, and the selection of IPR indicators was limited. Nevertheless, this study provides some important insights for policymakers and local merchants to focus and invest more on IPR in order to promote ASEAN's international trade in accordance with global norms.</p> Hemleen Soosai Manickam, Sidah Idris, Debbra Toria Nipo Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 04:15:48 +0700 Exploring Technology Readiness and Acceptance of Small-scale Farmers in Sabah towards the Adoption of Internet of Things Technology <p>This study aims to explore and propose a conceptual framework to study the determinants of Internet of Things (IoT) adoption intention of small-scale farmers in Sabah for their farming practices. Report from Twelfth Malaysia Plan presented a tremendous decrease of workforce in agriculture sector over the years. In addition, in this contemporary era marked by technological advancements, all industry players in the agriculture sector are compelled to integrate new technologies relevant to agrobusiness. Hence, there is an urgent need of intervention to solve this issue as it will affect food production in Malaysia in the near future. The objective of this study is to formulate a conceptual framework based on semi-structured literature reviews on agricultural technology, incorporating theoretical frameworks from case studies, government reports and statistics. The paper discusses on which framework and its mode of integration that could be adopted in order to study the intention of IoT adoption among small scale farmers in Sabah. This initial conceptual framework provides insights into the needs and concerns of small-scale farmers regarding IoT adoption, serving as a guide for IoT service providers and policymakers in shaping initiatives for agricultural transformation in Sabah.</p> Nurul Alam Mohd Yaakub, Viduriati Sumin, Ling Ling Ung Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 04:18:46 +0700 Descriptive Study of Demographic Factors and Takaful Subscription in Kota Kinabalu Sabah Based on The Theory of Planned Behaviour <p><em>This study investigates the multifaceted relationship between demographic attributes and the preferences for Takaful Protection within the diverse workforce of Kota Kinabalu City. Employing the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as its foundational framework, the research explores the collective impact of gender, age, religious affiliation, marital status, education, occupation, income levels, and work experience on individuals' decisions regarding Takaful Subscription. Using a cross-sectional research design and structured questionnaires administered to 102 respondents, the study reveals compelling insights. It demonstrates that age, marital status, education level, occupation background, income range, and work experience significantly influence Takaful choices, whereas gender and religious affiliation have minimal impact. Additionally, the study identifies the most preferred Takaful products and highlights barriers to participation, shedding light on a generally low Takaful Subscription within the surveyed population. The research applies descriptive statistical analysis, cross-tabulations, and chi-square tests as analytical techniques to unravel the intricate interplay of these demographic factors within the TPB framework, providing nuanced insights into the dynamics of Takaful decision-making among a diverse workforce. The findings of this study underscore the complex interplay of demographic factors in shaping Takaful participation within a diverse workforce in Kota Kinabalu City. While gender appears to have minimal influence, age, marital status, educational background, occupation background, income range, and work experience are the key determinants of insurance choices. </em></p> Mohd Rozie Mohd Damit, Rozita @ Uji Binti Mohammed Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 04:21:57 +0700 Impact of Covid-19 on Indonesia's Education System <p>This study aims to assess the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education system in Indonesia. The problem studied is the shift of society's overall culture to online activities in their respective homes, including the learning process that is carried out online/on-screen. This research examines the theory of online learning with a digital innovation approach. The method used is qualitative using secondary data analysis. The results show that the impact of online learning has changed the Indonesian education system which is not only limited to students, but also affects parents and teachers, who experience high levels of stress. In addition, students also experience decreased academic progress, loss of motivation to learn, delays in emotional development, and may become victims of verbal abuse. On the other hand, teachers face challenges in assessing students' development optimally.</p> Nadiah Nurli Fadilah, Karuniana Dianta, Aditya Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 04:28:13 +0700 Fun and E-learning (A Hybrid Teaching Factory Model) <p>Educators must possess the capacity to create engaging instructional sessions that are tailored to specific time periods and generational attributes. This study explores the concept of an engaging educational setting within the context of the generation Z period. Furthermore, technological advancements have offered individuals supplementary prospects to cultivate and nurture social connections in what is commonly referred to as e-learning. Classroom management encompasses the coordination of classroom activities to enhance learning, along with the teacher's proficiency in creating an optimal learning environment through the use of technology, in line with the demands of the digital era, to address any challenges that arise during the learning process. The primary objectives of utilizing (digital) technology in classroom management are to enhance the learning quality and maximize the overall learning experience (e-learning). Attaining educational objectives is essential for guaranteeing the excellence of the learning process. Classroom management abilities encompass educators' capacity to effectively establish and sustain an ideal educational setting by adeptly employing technology in accordance with contemporary trends and the distinctive learning attributes of Generation Z students. Efficiently managing the teaching and learning process requires a systematic approach that encompasses tasks such as planning, organizing, controlling, and supervision. These actions are conducted concurrently, thoroughly, and in an integrated manner. A learning approach using technology carried out in a hybrid according to the teaching factory concept is a good solution for achieving learning objectives.</p> Dewi Nurmalasari Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 04:32:56 +0700 The Effect of Financial Literacy on Consumptive Behaviour: A Theoretical Approach <p>The current research was conducted to analyze the effect of financial literacy on consumptive behaviour. The problem on this research is Indonesian’s consumptive behaviour. This research studies on financial literation on consumptive behaviour theoritically and historically. This research also explains theoretical measuring factor for the next research and to describe, explain,measure about consumptive behaviour based on theoretical study. This research uses qualitative method that involves analysing relevant literature and theoretical sources. Based on literature studies that there is a significant result &nbsp;among financial literation on consumptive behaviour. The more people have good literation, have less consumptive behaviour.This analysis is aimed to show a deeper understanding of how the level of financial literacy can affect the consumptive behaviour of Indonesian society. The findings of this research is intended are expected to provide valuable guidance for th development of more effective financial education strategies and policies that can help overcome the problem of consumptive behaviour.For future researchers it is recommended to analyse other factors that influence consumptive behaviour outside of this study.</p> Exaudi Situmorang Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 05:16:54 +0700 Empowerment of BTPN Syariah Customers in the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Bogor Regency during the Industry 4.0 Era <p>This research aims to develop the business of BTPN Syariah customers in Bogor district, West Java and to take part in the operation of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the industrial era 4.0. through a theoretical study approach. This study elaborates several findings from previous researchers as a reference and explores the grounded theory of BTPN Syariah customer development. A qualitative research method with a literature study is carried out to obtain a research reference model in explaining the factors that influence the performance of BTPN Syariah customers in developing their business, capital and strategy. This study also provides suggestions for the development of factors in performance measurement, and variables that affect the performance of MSME entrepreneurs. The results of the study provide recommendations that work skills, digital literacy and economic literacy as a reference in developing MSMEs in the Industrial 4.0 era. MSME training by Bestee friends from BTPN Syariah is a mandatory and routine program to improve customer welfare because it is a successful work program and an indicator of economic growth. But there are very few performance evaluation programs and ongoing development.</p> Taufik Irwansyah Taufik Irwansyah, Agus Wibowo, Aditya Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 05:20:56 +0700 The Components of Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance: An Investigation of Indonesian Banking Companies <p>This paper investigates whether intellectual capital components (capital employed, human capital, structural capital) have meaningful information on firm performance. 39 listed Indonesian banking companies make up the full sample, which was chosen between 2017 and 2021 based on a number of factors. This study is quantitative, employing panel data regression as the research model and E-Views as the testing tool. Additionally, we discovered a strong detrimental impact of VACA on firm performance as well as a big favorable impact of VAHU. However, we were unable to demonstrate the impact of STVA on firm performance in our study. Based on our research, we advise managers to enhance their management of the company's financial resources and its people resources, both of which will benefit the business in the long run.</p> Agustina Dian Putri Manurung, Isfenti Sadalia, Syahyunan Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 05:23:29 +0700 The Analyzing F&B Instagram Digital Marketing in State University Jakarta: A Student Perspective <p>In digital marketing on Instagram, there are several forms, including Instagram Ads Marketing, KOL Marketing, and UGC Marketing. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of <br>the effectiveness of each variable on the interest and purchasing decisions of F&amp;B consumers through the social media platform Instagram. This research employs a quantitative descriptive <br>approach using the Structural Equation Model with the Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) method. The results of this study demonstrate that Instagram Ads and KOL Marketing significantly influence Purchasing Decisions for F&amp;B Products, whereas UGC Marketing does not significantly affect Purchasing Decisions for F&amp;B Products. Instagram Ads, KOL, and UGC Marketing have a significant influence on Purchasing Intentions for F&amp;B Products. Purchasing <br>Intentions significantly influence Purchasing Decisions for F&amp;B Products. Purchasing Intentions can mediate the significant impact of Instagram Ads Marketing on Purchasing Decisions. Purchasing Intentions can mediate the significant impact of Key Opinion Leader Marketing on Purchasing Decisions. Purchasing Intentions can mediate the significant impact of User Generated Content Marketing on Purchasing Decisions. This research provides various <br>implications that are valuable for companies, marketers, and researchers in gaining a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of advertising on social media platforms, especially Instagram.</p> Brinda Angelica Prakoso, Maisya Rosada, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 05:26:50 +0700 The Development of Local Government Financial Performance Research in Indonesia in the VUCA Era: A Conceptual Review <p><em>This study aims to provide empirical evidence on the development of Government financial performance research in Indonesia. Researchers identified articles with financial performance cause-and-effect relationships. This study analyzed 18 articles on government financial performance in Indonesia obtained from 13 nationally accredited journals indexed by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristedikti), namely Sinta 1 and Sinta 2. The researcher classified the articles based on the variables used, then analyzed them using the charting field method. This study found that financial factors such as expenditure, intergovernmental revenue and leverage are more frequently used in research. In addition, there are some variables that give inconsistent results and should be studied further to find these inconsistencies. VUCA indirectly creates new trends that are important for practitioners and academics.</em></p> Fahtia Nur Hanifah, Jaka Winarna Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 23 Feb 2024 05:55:07 +0700 PT Gojek Indonesia: Maintaining Corporate Sustainability with Innovation and Customer Perception <p>This research has a special problem in considering how much influence innovation management has on technological innovation, customer satisfaction on customer loyalty, as well as the impact of technological innovation and customer loyalty on corporate performance and corporate sustainability. The aim is that PT. Go-Jek Indonesia can consider things that can maintain corporate sustainability in a business context. This research uses quantitative research methods as its research method by distributing questionnaires to Go-Jek users who will later provide their views on PT. Gojek Indonesia. Researchers found that there is a close relationship between all variables and corporate sustainability directly and indirectly. This illustrates theoretically that maintaining innovation and customer perspective with good intentions will have an impact on the corporate's sustainability in the long term or the sustainability of PT. Gojek Indonesia. The research concludes that technological innovation, innovation management, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and organizational performance all<br>significantly and positively impact PT. Gojek Indonesia’s sustainability. The findings emphasize the need for PT. Gojek Indonesia to prioritize these variables to ensure the corporate's long-term sustainability and success.</p> Brilian Dwi Saputra, Dinda Virgia Yurendira, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Wed, 28 Feb 2024 21:27:24 +0700 Analysis of Factors Affecting the Loyalty of GoPay Customer through Customer Satisfaction <p>The purpose of this research is to investigate how customer satisfaction for GoPay customers in Jabodetabek is impacted by the interplay of variables such as brand image, loyalty program, and service quality. Partial Least Square - Structural Equation (PLS- SEM) was the data analysis approach employed in this study, and the data were obtained utilizing a purposive sampling strategy. The validity and reliability tests are the analytical methods that are employed. Descriptive analysis factors, outer loading analysis, construct validity and reliability, path coefficient discriminant validity value, r-square value, and significant indirect impact were also employed in this study. The study's findings indicate that while brand image has a favorable but not statistically significant impact on consumer satisfaction, loyalty programs and service quality factors have a considerable positive influence.</p> Panca Ardhio Saputra, Alfian Maulana, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Thu, 29 Feb 2024 23:21:19 +0700 The Influence of Purchasing Decisions Based on Brand Image and Product Quality <p>The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of brand image on consumers. I am decided to purchase AQUA water. The problem studied is the intense competition between bottled water products in Indonesia. This study examines the impact of brand image and product quality on consumers purchasing decisions. The methods used are qualitative and based on literature and library research approaches. Theoretical and historical analyses are used to understand purchasing decisions. Consumer's perception of brand image, product quality, price, advertising, and brand image play an important role in purchasing decisions. This study also describes theoretical measurement elements for future research to describe, explain, and measure purchase decisions based on theoretical research.</p> Rany Cahyani Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Fri, 01 Mar 2024 18:22:54 +0700 Islamic Marketing In The Context Of Buying And Selling <p><em>Marketing in the context of Islam that is appropriate is marketing that follows the teachings and sunnah of the Prophet SAW. In the work environment, the attitude of maintaining honesty must be instilled so that consumers obtain various information about the products and services sold. The Prophet (peace be upon him) always guaranteed himself what he sold to his customers. The type of research used in this writing is literature research and the author collects information including books, scientific articles, research-related sources, and sources collected. Marketing is a science that is developing very quickly. So is the marketing department of a company with a very strategic position. This can be understood because marketing is a benchmark for a company's success. When a company/industry produces a product or service but cannot market it, the company it manages faces problems. Therefore, profits are the spearhead of the survival of a company. Marketing is a social process allowing individuals and groups to offer, produce, and exchange products and services freely. The results of this study can be seen that in the integration of Islamic marketing in the context of buying and selling, consumers, individuals, and groups will get their needs and desires by creating offers and exchanging products or value with other parties.</em></p> khalifa syakir, Rahadian, Leonita Siwiyanti Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 02 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Influence Technological Innovation, Social Media & Marketing Increasing Productivity and Growth Jakarta's UMKM <p>The growth and sustainability of DKI Jakarta's micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) in the current digital era is greatly influenced by their ability to utilize technological innovation, social media, and effective, interactive, and creative marketing strategies. This research aims to study the effect of using technological innovation, social media and creative, interactive and effective marketing media on the productivity and growth rate of UMKM in DKI Jakarta. This case study was conducted on Jakarta residents, and data was collected through a questionnaire survey. The results of the analysis show that DKI Jakarta UMKM that are successful in utilizing the latest technology and integrating it into their daily operations experience a significant increase in productivity and business growth. The use of apps, interactive marketing on social media and product and service innovation are key factors that support the success of this study. This research makes an important contribution in understanding the role of technology, marketing media and social media in supporting DKI Jakarta UMKM. The implication of the findings of this research is the importance of training and mentoring in assisting DKI Jakarta UMKM in developing their digital skills. In addition, cooperation with e-commerce platforms and the use of interactive marketing strategies also need to be improved.</p> Aisyah Nur Sadjadah, Adristy Yumi Andini, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 09 Mar 2024 10:31:51 +0700 Conceptual Framework of B40 Women’s Entrepreneurial Intention in Malaysia using Theory of Planned Behavior <p>Despite Malaysia's rapid economic growth, a substantial income gap persists, and women-owned businesses remain a minority. The study employs the Theory of Planned Behavior to create a conceptual framework for understanding the factors that influence B40 women's entrepreneurial intentions. It examines the effect of attitude towards entrepreneurship, family support, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy as crucial drivers of women's decisions to engage in entrepreneurship. The research methodology will involve using questionnaires that will be distributed to a diverse sample of B40 women in Malaysia. The implications of the study include contributing to Malaysia's National Entrepreneurship Policy, enhancing support for women entrepreneurs, and motivating more women, particularly those with unstable incomes, to pursue entrepreneurship, thereby fostering greater gender equality and economic development.</p> Lina Stephanie Winnie Peter Marius, Sylvia Nabila Azwa Ambad Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 09 Mar 2024 19:49:55 +0700 Does Climate Policy Affect The Price And Volume Of Indonesian Coal Exports? <p>This study aims to investigate the impact of climate policies, such as the Paris<br>Agreement and its derivatives, the Gasglow climate pact, on the reference coal price<br>and its effect on the volume of Indonesian coal exports. A qualitative approach,<br>utilizing secondary data from various international level journals, data from the<br>Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the World Bank, and other relevant<br>sources, was employed. The research method utilized literature study. The results of<br>this study indicate Climate policies the Paris Agreement, the Glasgow Climate Pact,<br>and benchmark coal price on Indonesia&amp;#39;s coal export volume is limited do not have a<br>notable effect the volume of coal exports do not significantly impact the reference.<br>Recommendation for Policy makers should conduct a comprehensive assessment of<br>coal export policies, with a particular focus on their alignment with the commitments<br>outlined in the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Climate Pact. This assessment<br>should include an examination of emissions targets and whether or not coal exports<br>are at odds with them.</p> Sekar Tri Widati, Nissa Nur Awaliyah, Ruth Abigail Tarigan Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 09 Mar 2024 21:19:57 +0700 Determinants of employees’ turnover intention: A conceptual paper <p><strong>Employee turnover is a critical concern for organizations seeking to maintain a stable and productive employee. This conceptual paper investigates the relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) practices and their influence on turnover intention. The study focuses on specific HRM practices, including Training and Development, Compensation, Performance Appraisal, Job Autonomy, and Career Development. The findings of this study have the potential to provide valuable insights for organizations aiming to reduce turnover rates. It is anticipated that a better understanding of the connections between HRM practices and turnover intention will lead to the development of targeted strategies for talent retention and human resource management.</strong> <strong>The conclusion drawn from literature support indicates that variables have an influence on turnover intentions.</strong><strong> This paper contributes to the existing body of knowledge in HRM and organizational behavior, offering practical implications for HR professionals and managers who seek to enhance employee satisfaction and commitment, ultimately mitigating the costly issue of turnover.</strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> DG KAMISAH AG BUDIN, Sylvia Nabila Azwa Ambad Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sat, 09 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Role of Entrepreneurial Education towards Entrepreneurial Intention : A Theoretical Approach <p>This study aims to analyze the extent to which entrepreneurship education affects entrepreneurial intention. The research was conducted using a qualitative method, with a theoretical rivew approach. This research elaborates on previous research as a reference. The results showed that through entrepreneurship education is proven to affect entrepreneurial intention, through entrepreneurship education a person will be able to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in entrepreneurship.</p> Larasati Indah, Suparno Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sun, 10 Mar 2024 10:26:18 +0700 The Relationship between Student Creativity and Accounting Learning Outcomes of Accounting Department Students of SMK Negeri 21 Jakarta <p>Law Number 20 of 2003 regulating the National Education System serves as the basis for regulations governing education in Indonesia. The curriculum implemented in Indonesia is always being updated and improved according to community needs. At school children are trained to only look for one answer to a problem. Answers must be single and uniform, according to what the teacher wants.</p> <p>The creativity achieved by students after participating in accounting learning activities is generally used as a parameter for success in learning accounting itself. Until now, the condition of accounting teaching is not as expected, criticism and highlights are still being expressed Creativity in good accounting teaching and learning means that teachers must be able to create an atmosphere that makes students enthusiastic about the problem. Teachers need to help activate students to think, because basically teachers are facilitators who encourage students to learn independently as best as possible. In this case, it also plays a role as a consultant in helping students plan activities and teachers should be able to accept differences between students in their ability to think of new ideas and in the speed of completing assignments given by their teacher</p> shofiany shofiany Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sun, 10 Mar 2024 10:58:45 +0700 The Determinants of Turnover Intention in the Public Healthcare Sectors Malaysia: A Conceptual Paper <p>This study investigates several factors that influence nurses' intentions to depart from their <br>professions in the Malaysian public healthcare system. The research explores the complex <br>interplay of determinants contributing to turnover intention among nurses in the public <br>healthcare sectors. This academic inquiry seeks to contribute deeper understanding of the <br>underlying explanations caused nurse retention in public healthcare sectors in Malaysia. <br>Various factors impact nurse turnover intention in Malaysia, including work-related, personal, <br>and organizational aspects. These factors have been identified in several studies and can impact <br>the retention of nurses in the healthcare industry. Understanding and addressing these factors <br>are crucial for public healthcare sectors to improve nurse retention and provide better quality <br>of care. Hence, the main concern of this research is to examine the association between job <br>demand, work-life balance and turnover intention among nurses in public healthcare sectors. <br>This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on factors influencing turnover <br>intention among nurses in public healthcare sectors in the context of Malaysian nurses. The <br>findings underscore the need of addressing the causes of work-life balance concerns, such as <br>workload, working hours, and workplace quality, in order to increase nurse retention and, <br>ultimately, nursing care quality. By understanding the relationship between job demand, worklife balance and turnover intention, Malaysian public healthcare sectors can create a favorable <br>work environment to encourage nurse retention and improve patient outcomes.</p> Noryanne Binti Amer, Abdul Rahim Ridzuan, Sylvia Nabila Azwa Ambad Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sun, 10 Mar 2024 11:13:37 +0700 Indonesian Marketplace: Factors in Purchasing Decisions and Impact on Sales <p>The current development has made everything switch to digital form, one of which is in business in Indonesia. Currently, many marketplaces have followed the times to be able to survive in the many marketplace competitions that occur in Indonesia. To maintain it, the marketplace needs to identify influences in increasing its sales. This research discusses the influence of live streaming commerce, influencer marketing, discounts, online customer reviews, on purchasing decisions and their impact on sales in the Indonesian marketplace. This research uses quantitative research methods that collect data by distributing questionnaires to marketplace users. Then the data is processed to determine the relationship between one relationship and another. With this research, it is hoped that it can be a consideration for the marketplace in Indonesia for the sustainability of&nbsp;its&nbsp;business.</p> Chikita Putri Prameswari, Zahra Hafizha Isaura, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sun, 10 Mar 2024 11:32:00 +0700 Determinants of User Trust in Financial Technology Usage in Indonesia <p>The objective of this research is to examine the variables that influence the level of user <br>confidence when utilizing Financial Technology (Fintech) in Indonesia. There are six <br>hypotheses tested, each of which links the variables of perceived security, knowledge, ease of <br>use, and user experience with user trust in Fintech. Data was collected from respondents who <br>have used Fintech in Indonesia and analyzed using SmartPLS 4 software. The outcome of the <br>research indicated that security perception significantly and positively influences ease of use, <br>while knowledge has a positive and significant impact on user experience, and user experience <br>positively and significantly affects Trust. Nonetheless, the study found no significant influence <br>of security perception and knowledge on trust. The implication of these results suggests that <br>Fintech companies operating in Indonesia should consider these factors to promote user trust <br>in their services.</p> Zahra Hafizha Isaura, Chikita Putri Prameswari, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sun, 10 Mar 2024 11:59:23 +0700 Indonesian E-Commerce: The Influence and Factors on Tokopedia User Satisfaction and Loyalty <p>In particular, this study looks for a significant link between customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction, service quality, and user loyalty, product quality and customer loyalty, trust and customer satisfaction, trust and user loyalty, customer satisfaction on user loyalty, service quality, product quality, and trust in customer satisfaction on user loyalty. using a hypethetico-deductive research approach in conjunction with quantitative methods. The study's findings indicate that Trust has a significant and positive impact on both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, that customer satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty, and that service quality has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction and that product quality has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction and that the results indicate that service quality and customer loyalty are both important positive and insignificant intervening variables. Furthermore, there is a positive and insignificant relationship between product quality and customer loyalty and satisfaction, as well as trust in customer loyalty and satisfaction. In Tokopedia, customer satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty. the research found, and customer satisfaction is an intervening variable that is not significant in the relationship between service quality and product quality with customer loyalty, insignificant in the relationship between service quality and product quality with customer loyalty, and trust has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Tokopedia.</p> Ade Ilhamulloh, Muhammad Fikri Alamsyah, Osly Usman Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Sun, 10 Mar 2024 12:06:50 +0700 Influencing Factors Affecting Performance in Sustainable Manufacturing among Malaysian Companies: A Conceptual Study <p>This research investigates the influence of sustainable manufacturing factors on the performance of manufacturing companies in Malaysia, with a specific focus on sustainable innovation, quality, cost efficiency, delivery, and operational flexibility. Grounded in the Dynamic Capabilities theory, it provides valuable insights that are pertinent to academia, policymakers, and the Malaysian manufacturing sector. The primary goal is to provide a conceptual framework for sustainable manufacturing that could improve organizational performance. Employing a qualitative approach, the study lays the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of these factors and their intricate relationships. It is important to emphasize that this research currently lacks empirical validation, necessitating further investigations to evaluate the applicability of Dynamic Capabilities, sustainable innovation, and flexibility in predicting organizational performance. Subsequent studies should consider incorporating quantitative methodologies and diverse, representative samples to bolster the generalizability of findings. This study underscores the critical significance of sustainable innovation and flexibility in molding organizational performance, highlighting the imperative need for their integration into sustainable manufacturing strategies. Furthermore, it equips manufacturing company stakeholders with valuable insights to refine their strategic communication pertaining to the advantages of sustainable manufacturing. The research not only offers substantial guidance to policymakers, industry practitioners, and the academic community but also underscores the urgency of further empirical research to confirm and expand upon these conceptual insights.</p> Hong Loong Ang, Suddin Lada, Kehui Wang, Xinyue Li Copyright (c) Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Employee Motivational Factors and Job Satisfaction: A Conceptual Study <p>The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between employee motivational factors and job satisfaction among pet shops in Shanghai, China. The fast economic and social progress in China, along with the rapid growth of urbanization, has led to a growing awareness of independence among residents of cities. As a result, there has been a significant increase in the number of individuals who prefer to keep pets to get emotional support. The rapid expansion of the pet industry in China may lead to job dissatisfaction among employees in this sector due to increased work demands and potential issues related to the treatment and welfare of pets, which can be emotionally challenging. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the influence of motivational factors on job satisfaction among employees of pet shops in Shanghai, China. Some of the issues being highlighted in the literature previously associated with the pet industry in China are related to antiquated motivational factors, conventional pet shop management, job dissatisfaction, and inefficiency of human resource management. Thus, this paper will discuss the main problems faced by pet shops in Shanghai related to motivational factors in their human resource practices and management.</p> Hong Loong Ang, Suddin Lada, Kehui Wang Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Mon, 27 May 2024 09:58:19 +0700 Analysis of Risk Management in Construction of Bin Qasim Industrial Park, Karachi. <p>With ongoing globalization and trade liberalization, most economies are now focusing on export-led development strategies. In this framework, industrial parks are considered to be essential resources for local industrial development. Clustering businesses within industrial parks offer various benefits for small, medium, and large enterprises. These advantages include access to public infrastructure, cost-saving opportunities through shared facilities, and enhanced access to research and vocational/technical resources, among other essential inputs (Abuja and Eaton, 2010). This in turn makes their products competitive in the domestic and international markets. A project Bin Qasim Industrial Park (BQIP) is an initiative in this regard an urban area. The project has been delayed for almost 2 years due to multiple reasons and not a well-controlled risk management process. Therefore, the business objectives have been reduced but somehow, the project is successful because the long-term goal has been achieved and still, organizations get some revenue. In this research, SWOT analysis has been revised against the need for such industrial parks in urban areas. An effort has also been made against findings of potential risks involved in establishing such large-scale industrial parks, risk identification, risk assessment, and their mitigation or response. Therefore, it has been summarized that a well-planned Industrial Zone for all categories especially an automotive-based industrial zone could cater to the needs of its potential investors and hence encourages them to invest capital in setting up industries suitable to the area. This study helps in risk management and the establishment of such projects.</p> Areeba Asif Baig, Quratulain Khalid , Muhammad Mutasim Billah Tufail Copyright (c) 2024 International Student Conference on Business, Education, Economics, Accounting, and Management (ISC-BEAM) Mon, 27 May 2024 11:55:55 +0700