Java Power Of Culture In Babad Tawangalun Wiracarita Blambangan In A Frame Of Tembang

  • Wahid Khoirul Ikhwan Indonesian Language and Literature of Education Study Program Trunojoyo University of Madura
Keywords: Culture, Power, Babad Tawangalun


Folklore provides an idiosyncrasy in Indonesian literature, such as the Babad Tawangaalun story developed in various Javanese songs. The Babad Tawangalun story is very interesting to study in terms of the culture of power. The power of the king in Javanese culture has an absolute character, and the king must be have wisdom in exercising power. On the other that, the king must have the character of the majesty of binatharan, meaning that the power and duties of a king contained in the teachings are practiced appropriately, so the people will not question the power of the great king that is
appropriate or not. Whereas, this research data is in the form of the Babad Tawangalun script, so that the research uses descriptive qualitative analysis methods and data analysis in this study using content analysis method. The results of this study indicate that there is a concept of the Javanese king's power in the Babad Tawangalun script that a king must have a cosmic element, pulung, adikodrati, metempiris, cosmopolitan, kawulo gusti, and keagungbinataraan. This element must be supported by bawa leksana, ambeg adil para marta, which is a broad noble and noble character and fairness with affection.
