Bingo Game Learning Media on Students’ Arabic Vocabulary Mastery

  • Refi Selfiani Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Bingo game, Arabic Vocabulary


Lack of using of varied method in learning Arabic resulted the students have difficulties in learning Arabic. Therefore, the researcher used a Bingo game in learning Arabic, to improve the mastery of Arab vocabulary for students .This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. The subjects of this study were 36 students of class X sciense 4 SMAN 1 JATITUJUH. Instrument used to obtain the data, including the documentation and testing. Researcher did research in SMAN 1 JATITUJUH. Samples took by researcher were students of class X science 4 with a number of 36 students. The results obtained indicate a significant difference between the use of Bingo games to mastery of Arab vocabulary for students .Based on these findings, the authors recommend Bingo method is to use the Arabic language teachers in delivering the lesson.
