الموضوعات والحالات والوظائف والمفاهيم في فلم أبناء الغد تضمينها في تدريس مهارة الكلام

  • Raden Ahmad Barnabas
Keywords: Communicative, Speech Skills, Teaching


: The purpose of this research is to discover the Topics, Situations, Functions and Notions in film Abnaul Ghad that can be implicated in teaching speech skills.

The methods used in this research are qualitative descriptive and classification table.

The results of the research are Topics and Situations found n 100 expressions and spread in 14 types. The Topics and Situations have 14 types: Personal Identification 7 (7%), Daily Life in 14 (14%), Education and Future Career prospects 4 (4%), Free Time and Entertainment 6 (6%), Travel 5 (5%), Relationships with Others 58 (58%), Health and Social Welfare 2 (2%), Shopping 1 (1%), and Food and Drink 3 (3%).

The results found in Functions are 100 and spread in 6 types. The functions involve 6 types: Imparting and Seeking Factual Information 8 (8%), Expressing and Discovering Intellectual Attitudes 40 (40%), Expressing and Discovering Emotional Attitudes 25 (25%), Expressing and Discovering Moral Attitudes 8 (8%), Getting Things Done (persuasion) 6 (6%), and Socializing 13 (13%).

The results found in Notions are 25 and spread in 8 types. The concepts consist of 8: Existential 2 (8%), Spatial 6 (23%), Temporal 9 (38%), Quantitative 4 (16%), Relational 1 Expression (4%), and Deixis 3 (12%).
