Journal International Seminar on Languages, Literature, Arts, and Education (ISLLAE) Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Jakarta en-US Journal International Seminar on Languages, Literature, Arts, and Education (ISLLAE) 2685-2365 The Spheres Of Action And Narrative Function Analysis In Eternals Movie <p>This research used Vladimir Propp's theory to evaluate the characters in the movie Eternals, paying particular attention to the movie's seven action spheres and 31 narrative functions. What classes of action are present in the Eternals movie? How all these spheres of action be tied to narrative function. These are the challenges with this research. The purpose of this study is to examine the process of activity in the movie Eternals and determine whether these areas of action are related to the movie's narrative function. Vladimir Propp's theory was applied by the researcher in a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. The results of this research showed that there are three spheres of action which appear in the movie <em>Eternals</em> which are Villain, Hero, and False Hero and there were fifteen narrative function from thirty-one that were found.</p> Audi Gibran Saputra Romel Noverino Copyright (c) 2023 Journal International Seminar on Languages, Literature, Arts, and Education (ISLLAE) 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 5 1 1 8 10.21009/ISLLAE.05101 The Paradox Of Morality: A Deconstructive Reading Of Seno Gumira Ajidarma’s Pring Re-Ke-Teg Gunung Gamping Ambrol <p><em>Deconstruction reading looked for ways to obscure, betray, reverse, and overthrow the existence of the text. Seno Gumira Ajidarma’s Pring Re-ke-teg Gamping Ambrol told a tale about the paradox of morality and how the binary opposition between goodness and badness is unrevealed through the series of contradictory markers. This article used a descriptive analytical method to identify and analyze the meanings of morality presented in the short story. The result showed complex meanings of morality and how the binary opposition contradicts itself in presenting different values within the text. The good and the bad are showcased in various markers that contradict one another and produced a complete new meaning.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nurul Adha Kurniati Copyright (c) 2023 Journal International Seminar on Languages, Literature, Arts, and Education (ISLLAE) 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 5 1 9 18 10.21009/ISLLAE.05102 Analisis Buku Teks Pelajaran Bahasa Mandarin Jenjang SMA <p>Textbooks have an important position and function in learning Mandarin. One of the obstacles faced by Mandarin teachers when choosing and determining textbooks is the incompatibility with the character of Indonesian students, most of whom are beginner learners (level zero) with a background in Indonesian or regional languages as their mother tongue (B1) and have diverse cultural backgrounds. This research is early-stage research that evaluates several Chinese textbooks used in high schools from several angles, namely 1) the linguistic elements included in these books; 2) linguistic competence contained within the scope of learning achievement; and 3) level of difficulty of teaching materials. This study took data from several Chinese textbooks that were most widely used in learning Mandarin at the senior high school level as a research sample. The research was conducted using note-taking techniques. It is hoped that this research will provide input on the condition of the Mandarin textbooks used by teachers and students at the high school level.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Hudiyekti Prasetyaningtyas Copyright (c) 2023 Journal International Seminar on Languages, Literature, Arts, and Education (ISLLAE) 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 5 1 19 29 10.21009/ Analisis Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi dan Kualitas Soal Buatan Guru Bahasa DKI Jakarta <p>Pengembangan keterampilan berpikir siswa melalui penyajian soal-soal yang berkualitas sebagai bagian dari pengembangan asesmen pembelajaran menjadi keharusan guru-guru bahasa di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi atau high order thinking skill (HOTS) pada soal-soal sumatif buatan guru-guru bahasa DKI Jakarta. Data dikumpulkan secara insidental dan diperoleh 28 naskah soal bahasa dari level yang berbeda dan mata pelajaran yang berbeda. Teknik analisis dilakukan dengan melihat level kognitif tiap soal berdasarkan kata kerja operasional untuk menentukan LOTS atau HOTS, berbagai macam stimulus soal berupa teks, gambar, grafik, atau lainnya, dan kualitas soal buatan guru menggunakan 30 butir kriteria. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh 1) jumlah soal HOTS adalah 395 butir soal atau 41,10% lebih sedikit dari soal LOTS sebanyak 566 butir soal atau 58,90%; 2) Soal-soal HOTS disusun semua mengandung stimulus berupa teks, gambar, atau tabel; dan 3)&nbsp; rata-rata nilai soal secara keseluruhan berdasarkan rata-rata tiap item butir kriteria yang berjumlah 30 butir, diperoleh nilai sebesar 3,62 atau pada kategori sangat baik yang berarti bahwa soal-soal bidang bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, dan Bahasa Arab yang disusun oleh guru memenuhi unsur-unsur soal yang ditetapkan secara teoretis dan praktis.</p> Samsi Setiadi Copyright (c) 2023-09-28 2023-09-28 5 1 الموضوعات والحالات والوظائف والمفاهيم في فلم أبناء الغد تضمينها في تدريس مهارة الكلام <p>: The purpose of this research is to discover the Topics, Situations, Functions and Notions in film Abnaul Ghad that can be implicated in teaching speech skills.</p> <p>The methods used in this research are qualitative descriptive and classification table.</p> <p>The results of the research are Topics and Situations found n 100 expressions and spread in 14 types. The Topics and Situations have 14 types: Personal Identification 7 (7%), Daily Life in 14 (14%), Education and Future Career prospects 4 (4%), Free Time and Entertainment 6 (6%), Travel 5 (5%), Relationships with Others 58 (58%), Health and Social Welfare 2 (2%), Shopping 1 (1%), and Food and Drink 3 (3%).</p> <p>The results found in Functions are 100 and spread in 6 types. The functions involve 6 types: Imparting and Seeking Factual Information 8 (8%), Expressing and Discovering Intellectual Attitudes 40 (40%), Expressing and Discovering Emotional Attitudes 25 (25%), Expressing and Discovering Moral Attitudes 8 (8%), Getting Things Done (persuasion) 6 (6%), and Socializing 13 (13%).</p> <p>The results found in Notions are 25 and spread in 8 types. The concepts consist of 8: Existential 2 (8%), Spatial 6 (23%), Temporal 9 (38%), Quantitative 4 (16%), Relational 1 Expression (4%), and Deixis 3 (12%).</p> Raden Ahmad Barnabas Copyright (c) 2023 Journal International Seminar on Languages, Literature, Arts, and Education (ISLLAE) 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 5 1 154 163 10.21009/ISLLAE.05104