J-KOMA : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Aplikasi https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jkoma <p>J-KOMA publishes journals, scientific works, articles, research related to computer science and its applications.</p> en-US J-KOMA : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Aplikasi 2620-4827 Expansion of Aqua Breeding Application with Addition of Inventory Feature for Determining Basic Prices of Fisheries Products Based on Android https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jkoma/article/view/47271 <p>Freshwater fisheries cultivation is one of the fisheries sources in Indonesia. In cultivation, it is important to record inventory indicators such as fish feed, fish supplements, pond assets, pond electricity, and fish seed, which are useful in determining fish selling prices. This research aims to expand the application of Aqua Breeding by adding inventory features for recording inventory usage and determining minimum fair fish prices. Data for this study were derived from discussions with freshwater fish cultivators from JFT (J Farm Technology) and literature studies involving relevant research journals. These discussions resulted in user requirements that guided the creation of a web service backend and its implementation on a mobile frontend. The system development method employed was Scrum with five sprints, utilizing Flask with Python for the backend and Flutter with Dart for the frontend technologies. The final outcome of this research is a web service in the form of a REST API with documentation, integrated into an Android-based application, validated through unit testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT).</p> Akbar Maulana Alfatih Muhammad Eka Suryana Med Irzal Copyright (c) 2023 J-KOMA : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Aplikasi 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 2 1 1 20 10.21009/j-koma.v2i1.47271 Designing UI/UX for Dermanifest Bodycare Product Sales Using the Design Thinking Method https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jkoma/article/view/47281 <p>The digitalization trend has driven many companies to transition to websites, including those in the bodycare industry, due to challenges in product inventory, manual ordering processes, and fierce competition in e-commerce. One such affected entity is Dermanifest. Dermanifest is a bodycare product sales company committed to enhancing customer service through innovation. Throughout its business journey, Dermanifest has faced difficulties in accessing product information and interacting with sellers. To address these issues, a UI/UX design was developed using the design thinking method to meet user needs effectively. The process involved five stages: Empathize through interviews with Customers and Admins, Define to establish key problems, Ideate for solution generation, and Prototype and Test stages. Effective UI/UX design was crucial to developing a website that meets both business internal needs and customer requirements. This research successfully produced two UI/UX prototypes—low-fidelity and high-fidelity—with 25 specific pages for Dermanifest Admin and 15 pages for Customers. These designs received an Excellent rating for all aspects in achieving Dermanifest users' goals based on User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) evaluations. Subsequently, Usability Testing was conducted using the Maze platform, resulting in a score of 87.2 out of 100 for the Admin interface. In conclusion, employing a user-centered approach, the UI/UX design effectively addressed Dermanifest's challenges and is poised for further implementation. Keywords: Design thinking, UI/UX, Dermanifest, UEQ, Usability Testing, E-commerce, Prototype.</p> Putu Sanisa Pascaline Fariani Hermin Indiyah Ari Hendarno Copyright (c) 2023 J-KOMA : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Aplikasi 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 2 1 21 42 10.21009/j-koma.v2i1.47281 Prototype Fish Genus Classification System Using Viola-Jones Feature Extraction and Boosting Based on Decision Tree https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jkoma/article/view/47278 <p>Sektor budidaya perikanan di Indonesia adalah sebuah sektor ekonomi yang bernilai besar bagi ekonomi masyarakat Indonesia, namun sektor ini masih memiliki problem yang lumayan besar dalam klasifikasi ikan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode Viola-Jones Feature Extraction dan Boosting Berbasis Decision Tree untuk melakukan klasifikasi ikan. Langkah pertama dalam metode ini adalah dengan melatih weak classifier untuk mengklasifikasi beberapa fitur beberapa kelas ikan, diikuti dengan Boosting, dan pembuatan sebuah cascade untuk mempercepat proses klasifikasi. Hasil dari proses ini adalah sebuah program yang dapat mengklasifikasi dan menganotasi ikan berdasarkan input gambar.</p> Nehemiah Austen Pison Muhammad Eka Suryana Med Irzal Copyright (c) 2023 J-KOMA : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Aplikasi 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 2 1 43 48 10.21009/j-koma.v2i1.47278 Improvisation of Web Crawling on Web Maps Using Distributed Algorithm with Socket Programming-Based Coordination Model https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jkoma/article/view/47277 <p>Search engines require a large amount of data to operate optimally. Handling large data necessitates massive crawling processes. This research aims to enhance crawling efficiency by implementing a distributed crawler using sockets as the communication medium between devices. The distributed architecture of the crawler system includes a tracker, manager, and client. Its primary goal is to improve crawling efficiency and effectiveness through distributed means. The final outcome of this innovation shows a distributed increase of 30% in data acquisition with two crawlers compared to individual crawlers, with no duplicated data.</p> Muhammad Ridho Rizqillah Muhammad Eka Suryana Med Irzal Copyright (c) 2023 J-KOMA : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Aplikasi 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 2 1 49 62 10.21009/j-koma.v2i1.47277 Scholarship Selection System Using Simple Additive Weighting Method at the Academic Affairs Bureau and Public Relations of Universitas Negeri Jakarta https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jkoma/article/view/47275 <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 6.0pt 14.45pt 6.0pt 14.45pt;"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">Education is the key to improving quality of life, but the high cost of higher education often becomes a barrier. Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), through its Academic and Student Affairs Bureau and Public Relations (Bakhum), offers various scholarship programs. However, the selection and data management processes are still manual. This research designs and builds the Scholarship Selection Information System at Bakhum UNJ using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. This website-based system integrates criteria such as academic achievement, non-academic achievements, and financial conditions to determine scholarship recipients. The use of Laravel and MySQL ensures efficiency in data management. At the end of development, the system underwent black box testing to assess functionality and usability testing to evaluate its usefulness. The black box testing achieved 100% functionality, indicating that the system features operate as expected. Usability testing using Likert scale analysis yielded a usability score of 99.15%, indicating high suitability of the system. It is expected that this system will improve selection efficiency, save time, and ensure scholarships are awarded according to criteria. As a result, UNJ can support deserving students, enhance data management quality, and allocate scholarships more accurately.</span></p> Andrew Alvaro Hazizi Ria Arafiah Mulyono Copyright (c) 2023 J-KOMA : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Aplikasi 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 2 1 64 74 10.21009/j-koma.v2i1.47275 Expert System for Laptop Damage Diagnosis Using Naïve Bayes-Certainty Factor Method Based on Website https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jkoma/article/view/47272 <p>Laptop damage is a condition where the laptop malfunctions caused by damaged components in the laptop. According to the ICT Survey and Its Implications for Socio-Cultural and Economic Aspects of Society in Indonesia, 41.55% of Indonesians are computer/laptop <em>user</em>s. Seeing that this number is quite large and not everyone can diagnose damage and handle laptop damage, this research is here to build an expert system for diagnosing laptop damage. This study discusses the development of a laptop-based expert system for diagnosing damage <em>website</em> as an effort to provide laptop damage diagnostic services along with suggestions or solutions that can be repair the damage experienced by the <em>user</em>'s laptop. This expert system was developed using the method<em>Naïve Bayes</em> and <em>Certainty factor</em>. The input given to the system is in the form of symptoms of damage experienced, along with its intensity. Method <em>naïve bayes</em> used to find the highest probability of the diagnosis. The results of this diagnosis are then processed using <em>certainty factor</em> to determine the level of confidence in the results of the diagnosis. This expert system comes in the form <em>website</em> built using <em>framework</em> CodeIgniter and MySQL. Based on the results of system testing using 40 expert data, it shows that the expert system for diagnosing laptop damage uses the method <em>Naïve Bayes</em>-<em>Certainty factor </em>shows the suitability of the results of system diagnostics with expert diagnoses that is equal to 85%.</p> Novitasari Ria Arafiah Mulyono Copyright (c) 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 2 1 75 86 10.21009/j-koma.v2i1.47272