Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><strong>Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil</strong> was first published in February 2012 in a printed version under Jurnal PenSil (<a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1341301882">p-ISSN: 2301-8437</a>). After four years running with a printed edition, in February 2016, Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil started its electronic edition (Open Journal System). In 2018 Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil got the <a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1533716856">e-ISSN: 2623-1085.</a>&nbsp;The Building Engineering Education Study Program's commitment to publish articles of vocational education in the field of Civil Engineering. Since 2020, Jurnal Pensil has been published 3 times a year, in January, May and September.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil is intended for all academics in Civil Engineering Vocational Education. The presence of the Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil is expected to contribute to the scientific development of educational and vocational technology in civil engineering. </span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">The scope of the Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil includes the results of quantitative, qualitative research, experiments, surveys, development, competence, construction management, and scientific studies in the form of literature studies that aim to improve quality and build innovation in technological and vocational education in the field of Civil Engineering. The focus in the Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil includes:</span></p> <ol> <li class="show"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Media and Civil Engineering Learning Materials</span></li> <li class="show"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Civil Engineering Curriculum and Learning Methods</span></li> <li class="show"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Civil Engineering Education and Training Management</span></li> <li class="show"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Civil Engineering Learning Strategies</span></li> <li class="show"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Civil Engineering Education Financing</span></li> <li class="show"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Competence and Work in the Civil Engineering Sector</span>, and</li> <li class="show"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Development of Civil Engineering Education and Training</span></li> </ol> <p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odc2ZJFMWzA">Register Account Video</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77Zf4JT61EY&amp;t=169s">Preparing Article Video</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f4HiTlewlk">Preparing submission Video</a></p> LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta en-US Jurnal Pensil : Pendidikan Teknik Sipil 2301-8437 Front Matter Jpensil Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024 https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/43614 Editor Jpensil Copyright (c) 2024 Editor Jpensil https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 13 1 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.43614 Back Matter Jpensil Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2024 https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/43615 Editor Jpensil Copyright (c) 2024 Editor Jpensil https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 13 1 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.43615 STUDY ON IMPLEMENTATION OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT IN MINIMIZING CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL WASTE https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/37863 <p><em>The implementation of a building construction project is unavoidable from the emergence of waste material. Construction material waste is defined as something that is over what is required. This study intends to find the application of construction waste management in building construction projects to minimize the waste material. Data was collected using observation, interviews, and distributing questionnaires to 4 building project parties in Central Java using a random sampling method. Data analysis was carried out by descriptive analysis to determine the type and cause of the highest waste material and supported by regression and correlation analysis to assess the application of ways to minimize waste material. The results of data analysis show that the most types of waste material are formwork wood, reinforcing steel, concrete, and cement. The factor causing waste material that most often occurs is the design change factor that comes from the design phase. Based on the analysis, the effort to minimize waste material that is the most influential on it is improving the quality of tool and material management by providing training to construction personnel related to materials construction used</em></p> Haryo Aji Kurniawan Fajar Susilowati Ria Miftakhul Jannah Copyright (c) 2024 Haryo Aji Kurniawan, Fajar Susilowati, Ria Miftakhul Jannah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 13 1 1 12 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.37863 THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOTS-BASED TECHNICAL MECHANICAL SUBJECT INSTRUMENTS USING A CLASSICAL TEST THEORY APPROACH https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/40225 <p>The need for the development of instruments for higher-order thinking skills of vocational students related to the demands of the era and&nbsp;the&nbsp;lack of teachers’s capability on arrange it requires a strengthening in the learning evaluation process, especially in measuring the ability of students. SMK in building competence focuses on creating superior human resources to be ready to contribute to the civil sector. Along with the rapid development of the construction world, competitiveness to work in this field has become tight so that graduates must have a differentiator that can be a special attraction to the company. In SMK of building competence, the subject that require an understanding of concepts in solving problems is techincal- mechanical subject. This subject is knowing as a subject that applies derived concepts of mathematics, physics, and logical thinking. This study was conducted as an effort to support the improvement of these capabilities and provide an overview of the preparation of HOTS-based techincal-mechanial instruments in building engineering. This research used Research and Development Methods using the Classical Test Theory approach where after being tested on 574 respondents of vocational school students in several areas in Jakarta it was found that the reliability results were good, and most of the questions had a medium level of difficulty, and high differentiation.</p> Salma Maharani Zidni Husnurofik Eva Maria Sianturi Awaluddin Tjalla Lussy Dwiutami Wahyuni Ninda Ayu Narassati Copyright (c) 2024 Salma Maharani, Zidni Husnurofik, Eva Maria Sianturi, Awaluddin Tjalla, Lussy Dwiutami Wahyuni, Ninda Ayu Narassati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 13 1 13 23 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.40225 DEVELOPMENT OF TIKTOK VIDEO BASED LEARNING MEDIA IN SOFTWARE APPLICATION SUBJECT FOR XII DPIB STUDENTS SMK ISLAM 1 BLITAR https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/39119 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research is motivated by the lack of use of interactive learning media in software application and interior design subjects. This study aims to develop efficient and interactive tiktok video-based learning media in order to help students more easily understand the learning material delivered by the teacher. This research uses the Research and Development (RnD) development model and the ADDIE research method which consists of 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. To determine the feasibility of this learning media, a design validity test was conducted by media experts, material experts, and users (students). The results of the media expert validity test get a value with very feasible criteria, as well as the results of the material expert validation get a value with very feasible media result validation criteria, the results of small group trials on students get a value with a percentage of 91.54%, then on the other hand the results of large group trials on students get a value with a percentage of 86.79%. Thus, Tiktok Video-Based Learning Media for XII DPIB Students of SMK Islam 1 Blitar in Software Application and Interior Design Subjects can be said to be feasible to use as supporting material in learning.</span></p> Fanny Iga Widiastuti Isnandar Isnandar Muhammad Aris Ichwanto Copyright (c) 2024 Fanny Iga, Isnandar, Muhammad Aris Ichwanto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 13 1 24 33 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.39119 ANALYZING TRANSFERABLE SKILLS OF VOCATIONAL STUDENTS TO ALIGN WITH INDUSTRY DEMANDS https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/39803 <p>The rapid development of the world in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) era has led to changes in various sectors, including the education sector. According to the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in August 2022, Vocational High Schools contribute the highest unemployment rate of 9.42% compared to other educational levels. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the level of Transferable Skills, which refers to skills that can be transferred and consistent in continuous learning, among Vocational High School students and their fulfillment of the needs of the working industry. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative with a survey technique through a cross-sectional approach to gather information. The instruments used in this study consist of questionnaires distributed to vocational high school students in Indonesia who have undergone job training and supervisors in the industry where the students conducted their job training in various regions in Indonesia. The findings of this research indicate that, overall, the vocational high school students have a satisfactory level of Transferable Skills. However, there are still several aspects that need improvement. This research contributes significantly to understanding the level of transferable skills among vocational high school students and the needs of working industry in the VUCA era. The results of this study can serve as a basis for the development of more effective and relevant vocational education programs to prepare students to meet the demands of an increasingly complex and dynamic job market.</p> Sri Rahayu Danny Meirawan Muktiarni Muktiarni Zahra Ghinaya Zenita Sabitri Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Rahayu, Danny Meirawan, Muktiarni, Zahra Ghinaya, Zenita Sabitri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 13 1 34 46 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.39803 ROUTE ANALYSIS LEARNING MODULE BASED ON GOOGLE EARTH ROAD CLASSIFICATION FOR GEOMATICS COURSE https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/39828 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Due to limited learning resources and low student grades in the Geomatics course, it is very important to carry out this research to improve the quality of special learning activities in the Geomatics course. This research aims to develop a route analysis learning module based on Google Earth Road Classification. This research uses the Thiagarajan Research and Development (R&amp;D) model, known as 4D design. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire to reveal the validity of the product based on material experts, media experts, and user responses. The result of this research is a product development using a 4D R&amp;D model with stages (1) defining, which refers to needs based on competency in Geomatics subjects, especially in operating the Google Earth application; (2) design, which includes four learning activities on A4 paper size and 12pt Arial font; (3) development, which was completed with validation results from material experts totaling 122 scores with an average of 4.07 (suitable); from media experts, 201 scores with an average of 4.28 (very appropriate); as well as the development stage. user feasibility results of 3666 scores with an average of 4.52 (very feasible); (4) the dissemination stage, which is carried out by distributing learning modules to lecturers in geomatics courses and uploading the products developed to Google Drive to be used as learning media. The implications of this research will provide changes to learning activities, and the existence of learning modules is expected to improve student learning outcomes.</span></p> Sunar Rochmadi Bening Jannati Rupi Nuryadin Eko Raharjo Nur Hidayat Wisnu Rachmad Prihadi Rudi Nur Syamsudin Copyright (c) 2024 Sunar Rochmadi, Bening Jannati Rupi, Nuryadin Eko Raharjo, Nur Hidayat, Wisnu Rachmad Pribadi, Rudi Nur Syamsudin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 13 1 47 59 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.39828 BESTMITTEL AND SILICA FUME EFFECT ON CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH WITH SEAWATER CURING https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/39103 <p>The frequency of tidal floods&nbsp;caused&nbsp;by seawater threatens coastal buildings. This study aims to see how using seawater for concrete treatment affects the resulting compressive strength. This study used additives such as Bestmittel to expedite hardening and boost compressive strength, as well as silica fume to increase porosity and prevent concrete from becoming porous owing to chloride ion intrusion from seawater. The findings of concrete compressive strength tests were achieved through laboratory testing using cylindrical test objects measuring 150 mm in diameter and 300 mm in height. The test specimens were ordinary concrete with 0.6% bestmittel and a Silica Fume combination with varying percentages of 15%, 20%, and 25% substituting partial cement. Meanwhile, the concrete treatment employs both fresh water and seawater. Pressure tests were performed at 14 and 28 days. At 14 days, concrete with fresh water treatment and a bestmittel content of 0.6% and silica fume concentrations of 15%, 20%, and 25% have compressive strengths of 25.53 MPa, 27.11 MPa, and 26.04 MPa, respectively. Meanwhile, it was 26.34 MPa, 27.61 MPa, and 26.75 MPa after 28 days of concrete age. At 14 consecutive days of concrete age, concrete with seawater treatment had a reduced compressive strength. 19.66 MPa, 22.13 MPa, and 23.07 MPa, respectively. Meanwhile, at 28 days, the pressures were 20.53 MPa, 24.77 MPa, and 25.53 MPa. Using 6% bestmittel followed by 15-20% SF can boost the strength of the concrete and let it survive reduced compressive strength due to seawater infiltration.</p> Frianto Tandilino Lolom Evalita Hutabarat Risma Masniari Simanjuntak Copyright (c) 2024 Frianto Tandilino, Lolom Evalita Hutabarat, Risma Masniari Simanjuntak https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 13 1 60 71 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.39103 HIERARCHICAL TWO-WAY SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS IN DIVERSE BENEFIT SCENARIO OF MATENGGENG DAM FEASIBILITY https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/37725 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Indonesian government formulated plans for the construction of the Matenggeng Dam, aiming to enhance local agricultural productivity. This dam will store water from the Cijolang River, a tributary of the Citanduy River. The construction of Matenggeng Dam encompasses option of municipal water enhancement and four normal water levels: 190m, 194m, 197m, and 199m. According to the hydrology, social-economic, and dam structure design reports, each option entails distinct benefits and costs. The report informed dam’s agriculture potential benefit, land use, and cost by each water level option. To assess the project's viability, an economic analysis and hierarchical two-way sensitivity analysis has been conducted to examine the impact of water level variations on the economic evaluation outcomes. Results obtained at a discount rate of 10.08% indicate that 194m and 197m water level options exhibit positive NPV, IRR greater than the interest rate, PBP less than 50 years, and a BCR exceeding 1. While both options demonstrate feasibility, the 194m appears more favorable. Despite the 197m water level presenting a slightly higher IRR by 0.02%, respectively, it incurs a cost deviation of IDR 100 billion. However, the 194m water level emerges as a more enticing choice due to its lower cost implications.</span></p> Andreas F. V. Roy Tan Leonardo Yonathan Copyright (c) 2024 Andreas F. V. Roy, Tan Leonardo Yonathan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 13 1 72 82 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.37725 DURABILITY OF ASPHALT CONCRETE MIXTURE (AC-WC) USING CRUMB RUBBER WASTE AS AN ADDITIONAL MATERIAL AND PALM FRUIT ASH AS FILLER https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/37742 <p>The mixture of road pavement layers that is commonly used in Indonesia is a mixture of Asphalt Concrete (AC-WC). Addition of wastecrumb rubber (crumb rubber) in asphalt concrete mixture is a solution for highway planning and reducing waste pollutioncrumb rubber (crumb rubber) produced from a rubber tire factory. The purpose of this research is to determine the maximum percentage addition crumb rubber (crumb rubber) in the AC-WC mixture withfiller palm fruit bunch ash and to determine the residual strength index (RSI) value of the mixture which has a durability value that meets the requirements of General Specifications for Highways 2018 Revision 2. This study uses bitumen content with the percentage of mixed wastecrumb rubber used in the determination of OAC of 0%, 3%, and 6% by weight of asphalt andfiller palm fruit bunch ash 4% by weight of one AC-WC sample. The results of this study indicate testing marshall on variations crumb rubber 0% (without crumb rubber) as a normal mixture and 3% has met the specifications while the 6% variation does not. Maximum test results on the combination crumb rubber 3% resulted in the highest stability value of 1,028.85 kg at 0.5 hour immersion. The results of the durability test showed that the RSI value with a variation of 0% and 3% only fulfilled the 3 hour immersion time.</p> Benny Hamdi Rhoma Putra Alfian Malik Ermi Hidayati Rizqy Ridho Prakasa Elianora Elianora Copyright (c) 2024 Benny Hamdi Rhoma Putra, Alfian Malik, Ermi Hidayati, Rizqy Ridho Prakasa, Elianora https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 13 1 83 99 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.37742 OVERVIEW OF UNDERSTANDING AND PREPAREDNESS FOR EARTHQUAKES IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/38104 <p>Knowledge of disaster mitigation is the most essential component and a key factor for preparedness. The possessed knowledge typically influences attitudes and concerns, fostering readiness to anticipate disasters. Vocational High School students should be informed about the various disasters that frequently occur in their areas, as well as the procedures to face sudden disasters. The significant loss of lives and various damages to buildings and facilities in the vicinity underscore the need for a deeper examination of mitigation efforts. The objective of this study is to assess the level of understanding and preparedness of Vocational High School students regarding earthquake natural disasters. The research method employed is quantitative, with descriptive statistics as the analytical technique. The instruments used include test instruments and non-test instruments utilizing Google Forms to collect data from several Vocational High Schools in various cities in DKI Jakarta, Sukabumi, and Tangerang. The research findings reveal that 42% of students are unaware of earthquake disaster mitigation measures. Additionally, 69% of students lack knowledge about minimizing damage from earthquakes in terms of building construction. Furthermore, 65% of students are unfamiliar with images related to earthquake-resistant construction. Moreover, 52% of students still do not know the local earthquake resilience features of earthquake-resistant houses. Lastly, 52% exhibit a panicky attitude, hastily evacuating buildings during an earthquake. The conclusion drawn from this research is that the knowledge of Vocational High School students regarding earthquake disasters and their mitigation measures is still low.</p> Yuwita Novyanti Henita Rahmayanti Irika Widiasanti Copyright (c) 2024 Yuwita Novyanti, Henita Rahmayanti, Irika Widiasanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 13 1 100 109 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.38104 GLOW IN THE DARK MEDIAN FRONTAGE AND PEDESTRIAN AS A GUIDE FOR DRIVERS AT NIGHT https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/40052 <p>The condition of the road plays a significant role in the driving experience and traffic safety. However, excessive use of Street Lighting (LPJU) can have an impact on global warming. This research utilizes a Research and Development (R&amp;D) approach to develop phosphorescent paint technology for curbstones. The main goal of this research is to create a solution that aids the visualization of drivers and pedestrians in dark road conditions. Additionally, the research aims to reduce excessive electricity consumption, which is a crucial step in supporting efforts to mitigate global climate change. The research results show that the application of phosphorescent paint on curbstones can enhance visibility at night and provide clear visual guidance for road users. This technology also successfully reduces reliance on external street lighting, resulting in significant electricity savings. Thus, this research makes a positive contribution to improving traffic safety and supporting energy conservation efforts to protect the environment.</p> Amar Mufhidin Salma Ayu Rahmanita Rizalludin Rizalludin Tintin Asiyah Laelasari Laelasari Copyright (c) 2024 Amar Mufhidin, Salma Ayu Rahmanita, Rizalludin Rizalludin, Tintin Asiyah, Laelasari Laelasari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 13 1 110 119 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.40052 A IMPROVING VOCATIONAL STUDENT COMPETENCIES THROUGH INDUSTRIAL CLASS-BASED EXPERIANTIAL LEARNING https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpensil/article/view/38151 <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to evaluate the implementation of industrial class-based experiential learning in Vocational High Schools (SMK) and its impact on increasing student competency, which is considered crucial in facing the challenges of industrial development in Indonesia. This learning approach is expected to provide an authentic and relevant learning experience to the needs of the world of work, proven to increase students' motivation, learning outcomes and practical skills in various subjects through a literature review. However, the high unemployment rate of vocational school graduates and the lack of connection between the school curriculum and industrial demands show the urgency of developing learning models that better integrate education with industrial needs. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method was used to analyze ten related previous studies, showing that the experiential learning model had a positive impact on learning motivation and learning outcomes of vocational school students. However, research highlights the limitations of implementing industry-based experiential learning for it requires collaboration between schools, government and industry. Involving industry in the learning process is expected to provide students with direct experience, increasing their readiness to enter the world of work. This research contributes to detailing the benefits of industrial class-based experiential learning in vocational schools and highlights the need for increased implementation of this model. The findings of this research are the basis for further research and efforts to develop vocational education in Indonesia.</span></p> Marini Fania Tuti Iriani Riyan Arthur Copyright (c) 2024 Marini Fania, Tuti Iriani, Riyan Arthur https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 13 1 120 129 10.21009/jpensil.v13i1.38151