call to action, website pembelajaran, interaksi pada websiteAbstract
We are social data shows population penetration compared to the number of connected mobile phones at 124% in January 2020. This data shows a vast number. Since the introduction of online learning, internet access and needs have even jumped again on many devices such as laptops and computers. As essential role holders in learning design, teachers compete to create digital teaching materials to facilitate this online learning. All things that are digital and online are materials that must be learned and mastered quickly by teachers. One of them is building a learning website. There are many pieces of training on learning websites, but there is still little specific training discussing additional features and interactions on the website, one of which is the call to action feature. Seeing this problem, the author feels the need to conduct training on the call to action feature on the website for teachers. The training results show an increase in skills related to learning website design and mastery of interaction features in the form of calls to action. Training participants can implement this feature on their respective learning websites.
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We are social 2019.
We are social 2020.