Microcontroller Learning Using Grove 4-Pin Connector-Based Modules at MAN 2 Ciracas

jaran Mikrokontroler Menggunakan Modul Berbasis Konektor Grove 4 – pin di MAN 2 Ciracas

  • Haris Suhendar
  • Upik Rahma Fitri universitas negeri jakarta


A community service activity has been conducted at MAN 2 Ciracas, East Jakarta, to introduce microcontroller learning to the students. To support the learning process and make it easier for students to create circuits, a PCB board connected to a 4-pin Grove connector was created. Each Grove pin is connected to one of the microcontroller pins, allowing students to easily connect sensors to the microcontroller. In this learning activity, ESP8266 is used as the microcontroller. The results of the learning show that the students are very enthusiastic and actively engage in following the given instructions, even though some of them have never had experience with microcontrollers. Some participants in the learning process are able to follow it well, while others face some difficulties.
