Penggunaan Alat Ukur dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran Laboratorium Fisika bagi Siswa Sekolah

  • Esmar Budi Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Teguh Budi Prayitno
  • Alayya Binta Maulida
  • Ajis Maulana
  • Muhammad Fajrin Sofyan


Measurement is an important aspect in physics learning, especially laboratory learning. The quality of measurement results is shown by data values ​​that are accurate (ketelitian) and precise (ketepatan). Measurement is a fundamental skill that must be possessed by students and researchers. A training on measurement skill has been carried out on the use of basic measuring instruments to improve skills and abilities in measurement, especially in the fields of mechanics, thermodynamics and electricity. The basic measuring tools used are a ruler, caliper, screw micrometer, bar thermometer, digital clock, spring balance and multimeter. The training participants were class X students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2, Ciracas, East Jakarta. The objective of the training is to improve basic skills for students in measurement and data processing. The training involves students and laboratory assistants as companions for the students participating in the training. The results of the training show that students' abilities and skills in measuring and processing measurement data have increased.
