Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk <h2>Focus and Scope</h2> <p>Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) is the journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners at all levels of chemistry education. It is published electronically two times a year; coverages include the following:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Research, and reviews of research, in chemistry education</li> <li class="show">Application of educational technology to enhance quality of teaching and learning in chemistry</li> <li class="show">Evaluations of effective innovative practice in the teaching of chemistry</li> <li class="show">In-depth analyses of issues of direct relevance to chemistry education</li> </ul> <p><a href="http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/history"><strong>Journal History</strong></a></p> <p>JRPK established in 2011 with print and online version. In 2011, the first online version published on website http://journal.chemistry-unj.ac.id, then in 2015 it moved to http://pubs.chemistry-unj.ac.d. In early 2017, JRPK is published on website http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk and under the supervision of LPPM UNJ.</p> en-US maria.paristiowati@unj.ac.id (Maria Paristiowati) ella.fitriani@unj.ac.id (Ella Fitriani) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Analisis Persepsi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia Terhadap Kualitas Laboratorium Kimia Kampus https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37483 <p><em>This study aims to analyze the perceptions of Chemistry Education students toward chemistry laboratories on campus. Researchers used the Chemistry Laboratory Environment Inventory (CLEI) questionnaire to identify student perceptions. In the questionnaire, students must assess the actual conditions of the laboratory with their ideal laboratory. This study involved 70 Chemistry Education students from four different levels. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the researcher selected one student at each level to be interviewed. The interview aims to determine more about the degradation of student perceptions at each level about the state of the chemistry laboratory FMIPA UNJ. The CLEI instrument is considered reliable and can be used for further research. The results also show that there is no significant difference between student's perceptions of the actual quality of the laboratory and the ideal conditions they expect. There is also no difference in perception between first-year students and fourth-year students. The results of this study are expected to contribute to improving the quality of a better chemistry laboratory.</em></p> Arini Izzataki Lathifah, Habstianing Dwi M, Endah Siti Fauziah, Elma Suryani, Hayyun Lisdiana Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37483 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Validasi Instrumen Untuk Menilai Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Kuliah Praktikum Mahasiswa Di Laboratorium Pendidikan https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37282 <p>Based on the results of the analysis and evaluation of the implementation of practicum activities at the chemistry education laboratory at UIN ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, lecturers supporting the chemistry practicum course are still constrained in assessing the activity of implementing practicum lectures in the laboratory. Objective How to validate practicum instruments to assess the activities of implementing practicum lectures that are developed. This type of research includes research and development (R&amp;D). The population in the study was students who carried out chemistry practicums in the chemistry education laboratory at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. The sample in this study were 30 students in third semester chemistry education. Instrument validation was developed using the FGD technique through five experts from different universities. The data obtained were analyzed based on the average score for each aspect given by the validator. The validity of each aspect of the developed instrument is determined based on the average total score for all aspects. The validity is described by referring to predetermined criteria. The results of the validation show that the developed instrument obtains a score of 94,73 or is included in the valid category.</p> Mujakir, Sabarni, Safrijal, M. Edo Ardiansyah, Zainuddin Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37282 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Strategi dan Media Scaffolding pada Pembelajaran Berbasis Inkuiri https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37321 <p><em>This literature review aims to analyze the forms of scaffolding strategies and their learning media used in inquiry-based learning (PBI).</em> <em>Scaffolding is a type of guidance given to students in the learning process with many types and strategies that are adapted to their learning objectives.</em> <em>the right scaffolding strategy will improve learning outcomes.</em> <em>Therefore, it is necessary to do a literature review to be able to determine the scaffolding strategy to be used.</em> <em>The study was conducted on 43 research articles that had been published from 2015 to 2022. These articles were selected based on the systematic steps of determining study questions, selecting publications, filtering articles based on keywords.</em> <em>Furthermore, the selected articles were reviewed with the aid of Atlasti.9.</em> <em>The results of this study concluded that the question prompt is a common strategy in guiding students to inquiry.</em> <em>Some of the media used to help students are worksheets and computer-assisted media.</em></p> Sukisman Purtadi, Suyanta, Eli Rohaeti Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37321 Mon, 27 May 2024 01:13:11 +0700 Elektroplating Eksperimen Sebagai Penguatan Konsep Elektrokimia https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37550 <p><em>Pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah berbagai aktivitas masyarakat termasuk juga dalam dunia Pendidikan, dimana peserta didik dan guru dituntut untuk dapat beradaptasi dalam kehidupan serta dapat menguasai materi esensial disetiap mata pelajaran.</em><em> Elektrokimia merupakan bagian dari ilmu kimia yang mempelajari hubungan antara reaksi kimia dengan energi listrik, yaitu transfer elektron yang terjadi. Materi tentang penyepuhan logam (electroplating) adalah bagian dari elektrokimia yaitu tentang sel elektrolisis, dimana peserta didik harus mengetahui reaksi yang terjadi di elektroda negatif (katode) dan elektroda positif (anode) serta larutan yang digunakan untuk menyepuh dan benda yang akan disepuh. Kompleksitas materi dalam elektrokimia membuat guru berfikir keras bagaimana caranya membuat kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas berlangsung dengan menyenangkan dan berkesan agar materi pembelajaran diingat peserta didik. Salah satu cara agar kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas menjadi “hidup” adalah melakukan praktikum. Dalam penelitian ini penulis melakukan praktikum yang berbeda dari tahun sebelumnya, yaitu melakukan penyepuhan pada logam yang dibawa peserta didik serta mempresentasikan hasilnya dalam bentuk video. Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas XIII IPA1 sejumlah 36 peserta didik di MAN 10 Jakarta. Sebelum kegiatan praktikum, guru memberikan Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD) agar peserta didik memahami langkah kegiatan praktikum yang akan dilakukan. Pada pelaksanaan kegiatan praktikum diawali dengan Pretest, praktikum penyepuhan dan membuat mading Kimia serta diakhiri dengan Posttest. Akhir penugasan adalah peserta didik membuat video presentasi dari hasil penyepuhan logam yang telah mereka lakukan dengan menunjukkkan mading kimia disertai penjelasan praktikum dan jawaban pertanyaan dari LKPD. Hasil akhir yang diperoleh adalah peserta didik menikmati kegiatan pembelajaran dan mendapatkan peningkatan hasil dari pre ke postest dari 65 menjadi 93,06 serta memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang terarah dalam presentasi video berdasarkan mading yang telah dibuatnya terkait konsep sel elektrolisis. </em></p> Yuliana Dwi Asworo Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37550 Mon, 27 May 2024 01:27:18 +0700 Analisis Miskonsepsi Pada Materi Kesetimbangan Dalam Asam Basa Dan Hidrolisis Garam https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37408 <p><em>This study aims to analyze students' misconceptions about acid-base equilibrium and salt hydrolysis using instruments from [1]. This research is descriptive-quantitative, and the subjects of this study were students of classes XI and XII MIPA at one of the State Madrasah Aliyah in west Jakarta in the 2022/2023 school year. Data was collected using the two-tier multiple-choice web-based misconception diagnostic test. Based on the results of the study, it was found that in class XI, there were 80% of students who did not understand and 15% of students had the wrong concept on acid-base material, while in class XII, 72% did not understand and 24% of students had the wrong concept on acid-base material. The answers with the most misconceptions were found in acid-base question number 4, where 76% of students cannot choose which, ionic group can be together with a solution that is at room temperature under conditions of H<sup>+</sup> ion concentration in a solution ionized by water of 1 x 10<sup>–13</sup> mol/L and the reason for the proper explanation. Students tend to only understand what acid-base or hydrolysis salts are without strengthening their deeper concepts.</em></p> Muhamad Asep Hidayat Amin, Yuliana Dwi Asworo, Yuli Rahmawati, Irwanto Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37408 Mon, 27 May 2024 01:32:18 +0700 Analisis Perspektif Lingkungan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Tingkat Pertama Perguruan Tinggi https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37302 <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the perspectives of a university or college-level classroom learning instrument, the college and university classroom environment inventory (CUCEI), and then use it to compare students' actual and preferred perceptions of their classroom learning environments at the upper secondary and higher education levels. This study also examined differences in perceptions according to faculty and student expectations. A sample of 30 students participated in this study. The reliability of the modified CUCEI scale ranged from 0,28 to 0.88 for actual form and 0,65 to 0.94 for preffered form. When the two forms of instruments were compared, students in the first year of higher education had a perception of an actual learning environment that was less good than ideal in the cooperation dimension. Therefore, there is a need to improve the learning environment on the cooperation aspect.</p> Rahma Nurmalita, Ruhul Aflah Nur'aini, Nur Wakhid Hasyim Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37302 Mon, 27 May 2024 01:44:57 +0700 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbantuan Lectora Inspire pada Materi Reaksi Redoks https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37301 <p><em>Lack of a variety of learning media was one of the issues contributing to poor student learning results in chemistry. One of the subjects that students found challenging was redox material since it involves complicated and abstract concepts that call for a thorough knowledge in order to grasp them. The goal of this study was to create educational materials on redox reactions with the help of Lectora Inspire. Up to 30 people participated in this study at SMA Negeri 1 Batang Kuis in class X, IPA 5. Research and development (R&amp;D) was the approach employed, and the ADDIE paradigm, which has five parts (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation), was used. At the analysis stage, needs and idea analysis were completed. The collection of analytical data was carried out using interview sheet and questionnaire. Furthermore, the learning media helped by lectora inspire was conceived and developed. The developed media was validated by media expert validators who were also material expert validators as many as 3 Unimed chemistry lecturers by providing questionnaires based on criteria following the National Education Standards Agency (BNSP), namely the feasibility of content, language, presentation, and graphics. In addition, to measure student learning outcomes utilizing pre-test and post-test questions. The results of the research at the analysis stage achieved in the chemistry learning process in students still tend to find it difficult to understand concepts and calculations in chemistry learning and students consider chemistry a boring topic. In addition, the findings of the material expert assessment were achieved with an average percentage of 92% with a very feasible category, media expert evaluation with an average percentage of 90% with a very feasible category. While the learning results were acquired from the average of N-gain value, which was 0.7 with the medium category, where the averages of pre test and post test were determined to be 35.33 and 80.33, respectively. Therefore, those had met the minimal completeness condition ≥75. Thus, the learning media helped by lectora inspire on redox reaction content has met the BSNP standard criteria and was suitable for use as a learning media and students learning outcomes might be improved.</em></p> Sri Adelila Sari, Julianda Haripah Rambe, Hanisah Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37301 Mon, 27 May 2024 01:55:28 +0700 Hilirisasi Penelitian Rekontruksi Sains Ilmiah Berbasis Pengetahuan Masyarakat Mengenai Budaya Ngeteh Sebagai Kearifan Lokal Bangsa Indonesia https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37581 <p><em>Indonesia has known tea and ngeteh culture since its ancestors and until now this culture has been preserved. Thus "Ngeteh" is the local wisdom of the Indonesian people. The community also has knowledge about the diversity of tea, the benefits of tea for health, how to make tea, and know the taste and aroma of tea. This research aims to downstream the results of the reconstruction of the original knowledge of the community into a culture of tea in the context of ethnoscience as a vehicle for learning chemistry, as well as for the conservation of tea culture as a form of Indonesian local wisdom. This type of research is research with an ethno-scientific approach which includes data collection activities, verification and reduction, conceptualization and validation, as well as scientific reconstruction and explanation. The results of the reconstruction of scientific knowledge are documented as a learning resource for organic chemistry of natural materials and to equip students with the character of local wisdom. Data analysis was carried out in a descriptive qualitative manner regarding the results of the reconstruction of scientific knowledge based on community knowledge regarding the Ngeteh culture. The results of the study were concluded. The results of the analysis of the discussion data can be concluded (1) the process of reconstruction and explanation of the community's knowledge about tea, tea water, tea making, tea culture and its benefits for health has been produced, (2) informants as research subjects stated that tea and tea have been well known by the people of Indonesia and tea has benefits for the body (3) the method of making tea, ngeteh, and the taste of tea water contains scientific concepts related to chemical concepts regarding the process of extraction, oxidation, enzymatic reactions, and (3) in tea, tea water contains secondary metabolites of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and saponins which cause bitterness and cure disease</em></p> Sudarmin, Arif Widiyatmoko, Beni Setiawan, Rr Sri Endang Pujiastuti Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37581 Mon, 27 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pendekatan Dilemmas Stories Pada Materi Larutan Penyangga Dengan Metode Think Pair Square (TPSq) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/30502 <p><em>The aim of this study is to understand the integration and implication of dilemmas stories approach in learning the buffer solution using the think pair square (TPSq) method related to students‟ soft skills. The subject of this study is XI MIA 5 Senior High School 2 Tangerang, of forty students. This study is conducted from January 2015 until July 2015.</em></p> <p><em>This study used interterpretivism paradigm approach using the qualitative method. The focused of this study is the learning process and implication using dilemmas stories in learning the buffer solution using the think pair square (TPSq) method. This study consists two steps: preparation step and execution step. The sources of the data are the interviews with the students, the students reflective journals, and class observation supported by CCVLES questionnaire consisting seven indicators. The data collecting procedure refers to the seven indicators: emotion towards the story, plot, teacher support, teamwork, communication empathy, critical thinking, and contextual chemistry. Quality standards used in this study are credibility by using prolonged engagement, progressive subjectivity, dan member checking.</em></p> <p><em>Based on this study, it is found that the students are interested and motivated to learn chemistry through stories. They also learn to work in team, learn to appreciate other‟s opinions, and learn to solve problems in chemistry by thinking critically. Confidence, responsibility, curiosity, and creativity </em><em>can be seen through the posters and videos created by the students in the final step of the learning. Dilemmas Stories can be used as an alternative in learning the buffer solution.</em></p> Hayyun Lisdiana, Tritiyatma Hadinugrahaningsih, Yuli Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/30502 Mon, 27 May 2024 02:53:24 +0700 Uji Validitas dan Respon Siswa Pengembangan E-Modul Kimia Berbasis Science, Environment, Technology, Society (SETS) Terintegrasi Nilai-Nilai Keislaman Pada Materi Sistem Koloid https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37208 <p><em>Bahan ajar yang dapat digunakan untuk belajar mandiri oleh siswa, merangsang kemampuan berpikir siswa dengan cara mengaitkan konsep kimia dengan pendekatan sains, lingkungan, teknologi, dan masyarakat serta memuat integrasi nilai keislaman dibutuhkan agar siswa mendapatkan konsep yang utuh dan diharapkan siswa dapat menerapkan konsep pada situasi yang nyata. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan e-modul kimia berbasis Science, Environment, Technology, and Society (SETS) terintegrasi nilai-nilai keislaman pada materi sistem koloid. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan 7 tahap model RnD dari Sugiyono yaitu potensi masalah, pengumpulan informasi, rancangan produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, pembuatan produk, uji coba produk terbatas. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket analisis kebutuhan, lembar validasi, dan angket respon siswa. E-modul yang dikembangkan divalidasi oleh tiga orang validator untuk diukur kevalidannya dari segi materi, media, dan integrasi nilai-nilai keislaman. Revisi produk dilakukan sesuai saran dari para validator yang selanjutnya diuji coba terbatas untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap e-modul yang dikembangkan. Hasil validasi ahli materi, media, dan integrasi nilai keislaman secara berturut memperoleh rata-rata persentase sebesar 96,0%, 95,1%, dan 85,0% dengan kategori sangat valid . </em><em>Hasil respon siswa memperoleh reta-rata persentase sebesar 83,6% dengan kategori sangat baik.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Lovty Zeni Aprilia, Tutik Sri Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Kimia (JRPK) https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jrpk/article/view/37208 Mon, 27 May 2024 03:03:38 +0700