Pengembangan Video Tutorial Teknik Jahit Bulu Mata Pada Tata Rias Pengantin India

  • Nazla Alinkaputri Tresna Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Sri Irtawidjajanti Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Kosmetik dan Perawatan Kecantikan
Keywords: Video Tutorial,Cosmetic,India Bride, , Eyelash Sewing



Making eyelash sewing tutorial videos for Indian brides is a video that contains Indian bridal makeup and eyelash sewing techniques. This study aims to make a product in the form of a proper video tutorial. Indian bridal makeup has a facial makeup look that produces bold makeup. Has a characteristic on the eyebrows and eye makeup that makes the eyes look sharper. The eyelash sewing technique makes our eyes seem more open and makes the eyes rounder.The process in making this video consists of the planning, production and pos.This research is a research and development (R & D). The results of making this video meet the validation criteria with the results obtained by material experts 80%, by media experts 100%. It can be concluded that the video is feasible to be used as an alternative media and makes it easier to get information and knowledge related to eyelash sewing tutorial videos for Indian brides.t-production processes.
