Anime is a typical Japanese animation which is usually characterized by colorful pictures featuring characters in various locations and stories, aimed at various types of audience. One of the famous animation in Japan is the animation Chainsaw Man. Makima is one of the most beautiful and strongest characters from the animation Chainsaw Man whose appearance is normal, has long pink hair tied back and also has a characteristic orange eyeball. Behind her beautiful and calm face, Makima is known as a very cunning and manipulative figure in the animation Chainsaw Man. Character make-up is a make-up that is applied to change a person's appearance in terms of age, character, face, ethnicity, and nation so that it matches the character being played. The purpose of this research is to apply the basis of make-up in making character make-up by adapting the character Makima, developing the knowledge and skills acquired during college, especially in the concentration of make-up.