Jurnal Tata Rias https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Translation" data-ved="2ahUKEwi9hfWJ6JWCAxXAzTgGHXlrAiQQ3ewLegQIBhAQ"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">The Cosmetology Journal is a journal published twice a year (March &amp; November)</span></pre> Program Studi Pendidikan S1 & STr. Kosmetk dan Perawatan Kecantikan, Universitas Negeri Jakarta en-US Jurnal Tata Rias 2303-2391 Pengaruh Penggunaan Masker Kulit Buah Manggis Pada Kulit Wajah Berjerawat https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr/article/view/35887 <p>Mask is a cosmetic preparation used on the face to get a tightening and cleaning effect from dirt attached. Mangosteen peel which chemically contains xanthones as active chemicals that are antioxidants that can replace the function of chemical drugs to overcome acne on the face. This study aims to find out about the effect of using mangosteen peel masks on the healing results of acne on acne-prone facial skin. The research method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method (pseudo-experiment). The data collection methods used are observation, interviews, and experiments. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics. The results of the research on making masks have a smooth texture in accordance with the texture of masks in general, a fairly distinctive smell, attractive colors or pigmentation, appropriate and good adhesion and stick to the face and hands, so that the mask is liked by all panelists who have been tested as many as 14 panelists.</p> Azizah Zahrah Firara Rifanda Linda Rosalinda Indra Saputra Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tata Rias 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 14 1 1 14 10.21009/jtr.14.1.01 Kelayakan Masker Tradisional Biji Pepaya Dan Ketan Hitam Untuk Perawatan Kulit Wajah Kering https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr/article/view/35888 <p>Skin problems, especially on the face, are things that are considered to reduce appearance and have to spend a lot of money even though treating the face with natural ingredients is safer because it does not contain a mixture of chemicals. The natural ingredients in question are: Papaya seeds contain papain enzymes that can prevent wrinkles, shrink pores and moisturize the skin. Black sticky rice in addition to being a food ingredient can also be beneficial for skin beauty which can slow down premature aging, because it contains high antioxidants and anthocyanins, vitamin E and high fiber. This study aims to find out how the physical properties of papaya and black glutinous rice seed masks include color, aroma, texture, and preferences of panelists. This research is an experimental research with the object of research on papaya seed masks and black sticky rice. This type of research is quantitative using experimental methods.The data collection method used observation and testing of panelists' preferences for color, aroma, texture, adhesion of 2 makeup and beauty lecturers, 10 female students within the scope of UNP. The results showed that there was an influence of the use of papaya seed masks and black glutinous rice on dry skin care and had gray color criteria from mixing papaya seed powder and black glutinous rice, fragrant and delicious aroma, very smooth texture, moist, good elasticity felt tight and chewy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Fathya Azzahra Sairi Monica Zabrina Guzeynova Tiara Laila Putri Linda Rosalina Indra Saputra Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tata Rias 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 14 1 15 25 10.21009/jtr.14.1.02 Kelayakan Shampo Berbahan Dasar Lidah Buaya Dan Jeruk Nipis Untuk Perawatan Rambut Rontok https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr/article/view/35889 <p>Hair is an important part of head protection from exposure to outside air. The problem of hair loss is suffered by many people. Aloe vera is a natural ingredient that is traditionally used to overcome the problem of hair loss. Some studies show the use of aloe vera can be used as an alternative hair care that plays a role in treating dry hair, strengthening hair roots, and reducing hair loss. Lime is one of the medicinal plants that can be used to kill bacteria that cause dandruff. Objective: Knowing the effectiveness of aloe vera gel extract on hair growth so that hair does not fall out and the scalp is clean anti-dandruff. Method: Experimental research with 9 panelists, including 2 lecturers, 3 general public, and 5 students.</p> <p>Based on the results of this study shows the effect of the use of aloe vera and lime in scalp and hair care on increasing the results of reducing hair loss.Based on experimental results from several samples selected on color with panelists preferring Fr 3, which is attractive with a score of 44.44%. The aroma level with panelists liked on Fr 3 very distinctive smell with a score of 77.77%. The froth power with panelists preferring Fr 3 is quite frothy with a score of 33.33%. The favorability level with the panelists likes FR 3 is very like with a score of 55.55%.</p> Hilda Wanti Wanti Syakira Kurnia Sari Nadia Lasmi Fidella Eriza Putri FharaDita Ariyani Siska Miga Dewi Indra Saputra Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tata Rias 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 14 1 26 32 10.21009/jtr.14.1.03 Kelayakan Hair Tonic Daun Pare (Momordica Charantia L) Untuk Perawatan Rambut Rontok https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr/article/view/37214 <p>Daun pare (<em>Momordica Charantia L) </em>dapat digunakan sebagai bahan utama untuk membuat tonik rambut karena daun pare mengandung <em>flavonoid</em> dan vitamin C yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan alternatif untuk mengatasi kerontokan rambut. Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah Untuk a) untuk mengetahui cara pembuatan daun pare sebagai <em>hair tonic</em>, b) untuk mengetahui kelayakan <em>hair tonic</em> daun pare dilihat dari kandungan kimia seperti <em>flavonoid</em> dan vitamin C, c) untuk mengetahui kelayakan <em>hair tonic</em> dilihat dari evaluasi sediaan seperti uji organoleptik dan pH, d) untuk mengetahui kelayakan <em>hair tonic</em> dilihat dari uji hedonik (kesukaan panelis terhadap <em>hair tonic</em> daun pare), e) untuk mengetahui kelayakan daun pare dijadikan <em>hair tonic</em>. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Tempat untuk melakukan uji kandungan <em>flavonoid</em> dan vitamin C dan pH, penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium FMIPA UNP dan Labor Farmasi Universitas Perintis Indonesia. Sasaran penelitiannya adalah daun pare yang diolah menjadi tonik rambut untuk mengatasi kerontokan rambut. Kelayakan Daun Pare sebagai <em>hair tonic</em> dinilai dari uji labor, uji organoleptic dan uji hedonic. Hingga 7 orang di ruang diskusi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan menunjukkan persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, pada penelitian ini sediaan daun pare dibuat dalam bentuk cair, kandungan <em>flavonoid</em> daun pare sebesar 16 mg/100 g (1,63 %), dan Vitamin C sebesar (33,24 %). Berdasarkan uji organoleptik menunjukkan indikator bau memperoleh nilai 71% kategori berbau khas daun pare, indikator warna memperoleh nilai 71% kategori berwarna coklat tua, indikator daya serap memperoleh nilai 71% kategori cukup menyerap. Kelayakan <em>hair tonic </em>daun pare dilihat dari hasil uji hedonik (kesukaan panelis) memperoleh nilai 57% kategori suka. peneliti berharap&nbsp; untuk jurusan tata rias dan kecantikan, hasil penelitian tentang kesesuaian tonik rambut daun pare untuk rambut rontok ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk penelitian selanjutnya dan dapat disempurnakan.</p> Mayang Safitri Ringga Novelni Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tata Rias 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 14 1 33 45 10.21009/jtr.14.1.04 Hubungan Motivasi Belajar dengan Minat Berwirausaha Siswa Kelas XI Tata Kecantikan SMK Negeri 3 Payakumbuh https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr/article/view/38283 <p><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis motivasi belajar, minat berwirausaha dan hubungan motivasi belajar dengan minat berwirausaha siswa kelas XI kecantikan SMK 3 Payakumbuh. </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">Penelitian ini menggunakan </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">deskriptif asosiatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">. </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">Populasi</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">nya adalah</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15"> siswa kelas XI kecantikan SMK Negeri 3 Payakumbuh</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">. </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">Jumlah sampel 60 orang</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15"> yang berasal dari KC 1 dan KC2. Jenis data adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan penyebaran lembar kuesioner dalam kelas XI Tata Kecantikan. &nbsp;Uji instrument menggunakan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Teknik analisis data yaitu analisis statistck deskriptif, uji prasyarat analisis terdiri dari uji normalitas dan uji linieritas, uji hipotesis menggunakan korelasi </span></span><span class="s11"><span class="bumpedFont15">pearson produck moment</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data variabel</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">motivasi belajar memperoleh nilai 51,67% kategori baik. Hasil penelitian variabel minat berwirausaha diperoleh hasil skor rata-rata nilai 41,67% kategori baik. Hasil indikator percaya diri memperoleh nilai 48,33% kategori baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat terdapat </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15">hubungan yang linier antara variabel motivasi belajar dan variabel minat berwirausha dengan nilai </span></span><span class="s11"><span class="bumpedFont15">sig devination from linearity</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont15"> sebesar 0.875 &gt; 0.05, dengan derajat korelasi yang sempurna yaitu 0,879. &nbsp;Disarankan kepada sekolah &nbsp;untuk dapat menjadikan hasil penelitian sebagai acuan dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa untuk meningkatkan minat dalam berwirausaha.</span></span></p> Dinda fahrani Azzahra Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tata Rias 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 14 1 46 56 10.21009/jtr.14.1.05 Analysis of a Makeup Artist's Ability to Identify Clients' Skin Conditions Based on Their Educational Background https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr/article/view/37503 <p><em>Makeup Artist is a profession that requires skill. The ability to apply makeup can be obtained through formal, non-formal, or informal education. A Makeup Artist must not only have the ability to apply makeup to clients but also to identify their skin conditions, which will affect the treatment that should be applied to each different skin condition. The purpose of this research is to analyze the ability of Makeup Artists with formal (university), non-formal, and informal education backgrounds to identify skin types. The research subjects were people who worked as Makeup Artists in Semarang with a minimum of 1 year of experience. Data collection techniques used in this research were interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. The research findings showed that out of the 45 MakeUp Artists with formal, nonformal, and informal education, the dominant level category was at the moderate level, with an average percentage above 60%. This indicates that the MakeUp Artists have fairly good abilities and are capable of identifying various skin conditions effectively. However, upon closer examination, there is a slight imbalance between the low and high levels. The analysis results demonstrated that MakeUp Artists with formal education have better theoretical, attitudinal, and practical skills in applying makeup for clients with different skin conditions. Informal education excelled in the affective and psychomotor skills. On the other hand, nonformal education showed significantly low percentages in both the affective and psychomotor abilities.</em></p> Shafa Adrine Sevia Ade Novi Nurul Ihsani Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tata Rias 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 14 1 57 71 10.21009/jtr.14.1.06 Multimedia Video Tutorial Development for Gala Style Hair Styling with Braiding Technique https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr/article/view/39149 <p><em>Hair styling is all stages starting from washing, styling to beautifying the shape of the hair. The aim of this research is to identify the use of media in hair styling material in the Hair Beauty and Beauty course, design and create multimedia video tutorials on gala style hair styling using braid techniques, validate with material experts and multimedia experts and user trials and carry out analysis and revision to find out multimedia feasibility. The method used in this research is the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method which is used to produce products and test the effectiveness of these products. The procedure for developing multimedia video tutorials goes through: (1) Identification Phase, (2) Planning Phase, (3) Creation Phase, (4) Validation Phase, (5) Revision Phase, (6) User testing phase. The results of multimedia video tutorial validation by material experts obtained an average percentage value of 92.1%. The results of multimedia expert validation obtained an average percentage value of 92%. The results of user trials obtained an average percentage value of 88.6%. The findings in this research indicate that the multimedia video tutorial on gala style hair styling using the braiding technique is in the very good category and is very suitable for use as learning multimedia because it only requires slight improvements to the multimedia video tutorial that has been made and the material that has been presented. </em></p> Aisyah Fourindha Pipin Tresna Prihatin Asri Wibawa Sakti Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tata Rias 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 14 1 72 84 10.21009/jtr.14.1.07 Kelayakan Masker Mentimun Dan Tepung Beras Untuk Mencegah Kulit Berjerawat https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr/article/view/36222 <p>Buah mentimun merupakan salah satu jenis sayuran yang dapat dijadikan bahan dasar pembuatan masker. Mentimun dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan penyegar yang dingin, obat pembersih sekaligus pelembab dan untuk perawatan kulit berjerawat. Untuk mencegah kulit berjerawat dapat menggunakan masker dari bahan alami yaitu mentimun dengan campuran tepung beras. Mentimun banyak mengandung vitamin seperti vitamin A dan vitamin C, sedangkan kandungan dari tepung beras yaitu gemma oryznol yang berkhasiat dalam pembentukan pigmen melanin, sebagai antioksidan dan penangkal sinar ultraviolet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kelayakan masker mentimun dan tepung beras untuk pencegahan kulit berjerawat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif eksperimen. Dengan melakukan uji organoleptik dan uji hedonik.. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan persentase. Tingkat kesukaaan panelis berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa masker berbahan dasar mentimun dan tepung beras layak untuk digunakan untuk pencegahan kulit berjerawat.</p> zahra_zegita_2002 zahra_2002 Rahmiati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tata Rias 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 14 1 85 97 10.21009/jtr.14.1.08 Adaptasi Tokoh Makima Dalam Anime Chainsaw Man Pada Make Up Karakter https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr/article/view/32712 <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Terjemahan"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">Anime is a typical Japanese animation which is usually characterized by colorful pictures featuring characters in various locations and stories, aimed at various types of audience. One of the famous animation in Japan is the animation Chainsaw Man. Makima is one of the most beautiful and strongest characters from the animation Chainsaw Man whose appearance is normal, has long pink hair tied back and also has a characteristic orange eyeball. Behind her beautiful and calm face, Makima is known as a very cunning and manipulative figure in the animation Chainsaw Man. Character make-up is a make-up that is applied to change a person's appearance in terms of age, character, face, ethnicity, and nation so that it matches the character being played. The purpose of this research is to apply the basis of make-up in making character make-up by adapting the character Makima, developing the knowledge and skills acquired during college, especially in the concentration of make-up.</span></pre> Regita Arisanty Mila Karmila Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tata Rias 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 14 1 98 105 10.21009/jtr.14.1.09 Kelayakan Hair Tonic Jahe Pada Jenis Rambut Rontok https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jtr/article/view/36546 <p>This study aims to analyze a ginger-based hair tonic product in preventing hair loss. The hair tonic is made from natural ginger, which has been known for its potential in improving hair health and preventing hair loss. The study was conducted using a quantitative experimental method involving 12 female participants with hair loss issues. The participants were divided into a treatment group that used ginger hair tonic and a control group that used other commercial products proven effective in preventing hair loss. The results showed that the use of ginger hair tonic significantly reduced the hair loss rate in the participants of the treatment group. During the 2-week usage period, the participants reported increased hair thickness, significant reduction in hair loss, as well as improved shine and softness of their hair. Hedonic testing was also conducted to evaluate the users' preference for the ginger hair tonic. The results of the hedonic test showed that the majority of respondents liked the aroma and absorption power of the ginger hair tonic, but there were some uncertainties regarding the texture and color of the product. Nevertheless, the ginger hair tonic still showed potential as a preferred product among the majority of respondents. In further development, it is important to consider the feedback from the hedonic test to improve the formulation of the ginger hair tonic. This study provides promising preliminary evidence on the feasibility of using ginger hair tonic in naturally preventing hair loss.</p> Rossa Sinaga Arima Putri Zera Rahmiati Yevawelita Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Tata Rias 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 14 1 106 114 10.21009/jtr.14.1.10