Menara: Jurnal Teknik Sipil 2024-06-14T11:20:44+07:00 Dr. Ir. Irika Widiasanti, M.T. Open Journal Systems <p><a href=""><strong>Menara: jurnal Teknik Sipil</strong></a> is addressed to academics and practitioners in Civil Engineering. <a href=""><strong>Menara: jurnal Teknik Sipil</strong></a> can contribute to the development of science in Civil Engineering. It can also provide references for those who participate in it.<br>The Scope of <a href=""><strong>Menara: jurnal Teknik Sipil</strong></a>, such as the result of experimental research, qualitative research, quantitative research, and development research as well as scientific studies in literature studies. This aim is to improve quality and innovation in Civil Engineering.</p> <p>Focus in <a href=""><strong>Menara: jurnal Teknik Sipil</strong></a>, includes:</p> <p>1. Structure<br>2. Construction Management<br>3. Transportation<br>4. Water resources<br>5. Environmental<br>6. Other development scopes in Civil&nbsp;Engineering</p> ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN AIR BERSIH PDAM TIRTA KUALO DI KECAMATAN DATUK BANDAR 2024-06-14T11:14:17+07:00 Fynnisa Z Muhammad Irwansyah Moraida Hasanah Zuraidah Siregar Sophia Az Zahra P Risma Aprilia <p><em>Water is one of the most vital sources of livelihood for all living things on earth. However, not all people have the ability to process water.</em> <em>Datuk Bandar District is one of the areas that has a large number of residents and facilities for schools, offices and other public facilities. In this study, we analyze the demand for domestic and non-domestic clean water in Datuk Bandar District for the next 20 years by projecting the need for population growth until 2041 based on data from the Central Statistics Agency. The method used in this study is the method of arithmetic, geometry, and least square. From the results of the analysis, the projected population of Datuk Bandar Subdistrict in 2041 using the geometric method is 81,670 people and the projected clean water needs of 85,105 l/second, while for now the production capacity of PDAM Tirta Kualo for Datuk Bandar Subdistrict is in WTP II service, namely of 90 l/sec. so that until 2041 the need for clean water for Datuk Bandar District is still fulfilled.</em></p> 2023-08-04T21:18:40+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fynnisa Z, Muhammad Irwansyah , Moraida Hasanah , Zuraidah Siregar , Sophia Az Zahra P , Risma Aprilia EVALUASI FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT PADA GEDUNG LABORATORIUM PGSD UNIVERSITAS SAMUDRA 2024-06-11T18:52:51+07:00 Chayril Firdasari Meilandy Purwandito <p>Perkembangan pembangunan gedung semakin lama semakin meningkat. Tingginya peningkatan pembangunan tersebut, harus didukung dengan adanya penerapan sistem proteksi terhadap bangunan gedung guna mengantisipasi kecelakaan dan bencana, salah satunya adalah dengan penerapan sistem proteksi kebakaran. Adapun tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian dan keandalan manajemen proteksi kebakaran di Gedung laboratorium PGSD Universitas Samudra. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa Metode analisis deksriptif, bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan sistem proteksi kebakaran terhadap bahaya kebakaran, melalui pengamatan langsung, berdasarkan peraturan Menteri pekerjaan Umum No.26/PRT/M/2008 dan lembar penilaian Pd-T-11-2005-C, tentang Pemeriksaan Keselamatan Keabakaran Bangunan Gedung. Hasil dari penelitian ini, pada penerapan sarana penyelamatan menghasilkan nilai bobot nilai 2,163 ≈ 2 yang menyatakan kondisi penerapan fire savety management Laboratorium PGSD Universitas samudra sudah sesuai dengan peraturan, dan sistem proteksi pasif menghasilkan bobot nilai 2,542 ≈ 3 yang menyatakan, kondisi penerapan fire savety management Laboratorium PGSD Universitas samudra sudah sangat sesuai dengan peraturan, sedangkan untuk perhitungan, Nilai Keandalan Sistem Keselamatan Bangunan (NKSKB) sebesar 77,34 % hal ini menunjukan bahwa nilai keandalan bangunan Laboratorium PGSD Universitas Samudra cukup.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Chayril, Firdasari, Meilandy Purwandito UJI ULTRASONIC PULSE VELOCITY PADA BETON NORMAL YANG MENGGUNAKAN BATU KARANG SEBAGAI PENGGANTI KERIKIL 2024-01-19T15:32:48+07:00 Alva Yuventus Lukas Jusuf Wilson Meynerd Rafael <p><em>Meluasnya penggunaan beton dalam konstruksi bangunan mengakibatkan kebutuhan lebih banyak pada bahan penyusun beton. Masalah yang timbul, turunnya jumlah material penyusun beton yaitu kerikil. Pecahan batu karang atau crushed coral limestone adalah salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas beton menggunakan batu karang sebagai pengganti kerikil pada variasi 5%, 25%, 50%. dan pengaruh umur beton, mutu beton dan prosentasi batu karang terhadap kecepatan rambat gelombang menggunakan UPV. Metode penelitian adalah experimen laboratorium. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah batu karang pulau timor dengan prosentasi 25%&nbsp; dapat digunakan sebagai material alternatif pengganti kerikil dengan rata-rata gelombang UPV 4,56 km/s dan usia beton 28 hari, menunjukan kualitas beton berada pada kategori “bagus” dan koefisien variasi pada kategori “sangat bagus (excelent)”. Sedangkan pada penambahan batu karang sebesar 5% dan 25%, terjadi peningkatan kecepatan gelombang UPV, dan menurun pada variasi 50%, penggunaan batu karang.</em></p> 2023-08-07T21:03:21+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Alva Yuventus Lukas, Jusuf Wilson Meynerd Rafael FLEXURAL CAPACITY OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS WITH CIRCULAR OPENINGS AND REINFORCEMENT DETAILING IN COMPRESSION AND TENSION ZONES 2024-06-05T17:35:18+07:00 Ghalib Setyo Budi Mohamad Galuh Khomari Dadang Dwi Pranowo M. Shofi’ul Amin Eva Olivia Hutasoit <p>The pipes placed below the beams are intended for aesthetic purposes and are subsequently covered by the ceiling, resulting in an unused space. The height of this space will always be determined by the size of the pipes installed below the beams. One alternative plan to route the piping installations above is by creating circular holes with detailing in the beams. The testing conducted in this study involved the flexural testing of beams with simple supports. The concrete beams used as the flexural test specimens were sized at (10 x 15 x 100) cm. The research results indicate that the capacity of the beams increased due to the presence of holes in the tensile and compressive areas. In terms of percentage, when compared to the control beam, the flexural capacity increased by 13% for BBTE1, 4.425% for BBTE2, 6.667% for BBTA1, and 5.607% for BBTA2. The observation of crack patterns revealed that overall failure in the beams occurred through flexural failure for beams BN, BBTE1, BBTE2, BBTA1, and shear failure for beam BBTA2.</p> 2023-08-17T14:20:50+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ghalib Setyo Budi , Mohamad Galuh Khomari , Dadang Dwi Pranowo , M. Shofi’ul Amin , Eva Olivia Hutasoit EVALUASI KERUSAKAN DAN OVERLAY RUAS JALAN UPUA BAGUALA KOTA AMBON 2024-01-19T15:31:41+07:00 Fakri Hidayat Mochsin Soumokil Hengki Johny Sjafrudin Lattar <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>The method used is the method of </em><em>BINA MARGA </em><em>(2005), namely by conducting a survey in the field and the results of the survey are divided into several segments. The damage seen includes cracking , rutting , potholes or patches , and depression .</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of the analysis using the </em><em>BINA MARGA </em><em>Method, it is necessary to use a 10 cm thick Laston pavement , 20 cm thick foundation layer ( class A aggregate ), and 20 cm thick carry-on foundation layer ( class B aggregate) so that the road becomes more suitable for driving. through all of society.</em></p> 2023-08-23T13:08:56+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fakri Hidayat Mochsin, Soumokil Hengki Johny, Sjafrudin Lattar UNSUR SENYAWA KIMIA DARI LIMBAH MASKER MEDIS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KINERJA CAMPURAN ASPAL 2024-01-19T15:31:01+07:00 I Gusti Agung Ananda Putra I Nyoman Arya Thanaya I Made Agus Ariawan Yenni Ciawi <p><em>Masker adalah perlindungan pernafasan yang digunakan sebagai metode untuk melindungi individu dari menghirup zat-zat bahaya atau kontaminan yang berada di udara. Meskipun masker sangat diperlukan untuk menghindari penyebaran virus Corona, namun pembuangan masker mengancam lingkungan. Masker medis terdiri&nbsp; dari&nbsp; tiga&nbsp; lapisan,&nbsp; lapisan luar&nbsp; dan&nbsp; lapisan&nbsp; dalam&nbsp; adalah&nbsp; kain&nbsp; non-woven yang tahan&nbsp; air dan lapisan tengah adalah bahan&nbsp; yang&nbsp; meleleh. Sebagian besar, komposisi kimia dari masker medis adalah polipropilena. Pada review ini akan dibahas penggunaan limbah masker yang mengandung polipropilena sebagai bahan aditif dalam pembuatan campuran aspal. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dari peneliti terdahulu dan analisis penambahan limbah masker yang mengandung polipripilena yang berpengaruh terhadap campuran aspal. Sumber utama refrensi artikel ini berasal dari Research Gate, Science Direct, dan Google Scholar. Ditemukan bahwa unsur senyawa yang paling dominan pada masker medis adalah Si (Silika) sebesar 59,11%. Penambahan silika pada campuran aspal dapat meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap kerusakan alur, peningkatan nilai modulus, dan umur fatigue. </em></p> 2023-09-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 I Gusti Agung Ananda Putra, I Nyoman Arya Thanaya, I Made Agus Ariawan, Yenni Ciawi COMPARISON OF MAINTENANCE OF AUTOMATIC AND CONVENTIONAL DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ON HORENSO CROPS (Greenhouse Keboenumiku Cibodas-Lembang) 2024-01-22T09:58:55+07:00 Fatwa Ibnu Isa Vitta Pratiwi <p><em>Drip irrigation systems are installed in drylands that can provide stable water so that water delivery is better. With the development of technology drip irrigation systems can be controlled automatically which includes electronic devices to command the state of a system. This research uses 2 methods, namely the conventional method and the automatic drip irrigation method which aims to determine the need for water and fertilizer in Japanese spinach/horenso plants and compare maintenance from cost, time and human labor. The results of the study of water released using conventional methods amounted to 29,228 liters and automatic drip irrigation method amounted to 10,000 liters. The difference of 19,228 liters with a percentage of 66.78%, it can be interpreted that the automatic drip irrigation method is more efficient. The fertilizer spent using the conventional method was 20,120 liters and the automatic drip irrigation method was 9,000. The difference of 11,120 liters with a percentage of 55.26%, it can be interpreted that the automatic drip irrigation method is more efficient. The need for water and fertilizer using the automatic drip irrigation system method is more efficient and effective because in giving it not too much is wasted than using conventional methods.</em></p> 2024-01-09T15:12:15+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fatwa Ibnu Isa, Vitta Pratiwi IDENTIFIKASI KERUSAKAN JALAN METODE PCI STUDI KASUS DI RUAS JALAN KABUPATEN GRESIK 2024-01-19T15:28:25+07:00 siswoyo Akhmad Maliki Soepriyono Soepriyono <p><em>Research on level and types of road damage in Golokan – Ujung Pangkah Street, Gresik Regency using PCI (Pavement Condition Index) method aimed to determine the dominant degree and level of road damage as well as the sequence road priority which must be immediately taken the handling based on the results of road damage condition score of the roads. The PCI score is calculated by substracting the value of 100 with maximum CDV (Corrected Deduct Value), PCI = 100 – CDV = 100 – 22=78. Based on the results, it can be concluded that types of damages on Golokan – Ujung Pangkah Street, Gresik Regency is based on the ASTM D6433-11 and Guidance of Highways, the highest PCI score was 90 ( Excellent ) and the lowest one was 58 ( Good), and it is recommended for the damage handling to conduct routine maintenance in the form of 4 Cm and 7 Cm overlay works.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 siswoyo, Akhmad Maliki, Soepriyono Soepriyono OPTIMIZATION OF MAINTENANCE SYSTEMS IN SCHOOL BUILDINGS (Case Study of SMA Negeri 2 Meulaboh) 2024-01-21T20:52:13+07:00 Rita Fazlina David Setiawan Rinaldy Veranita Astiah Amir Raina Parmitalia Dinda Zulyaden <p><em>In an effort to maintain the condition of the school building in order to remain in good condition, it is necessary to carry out routine maintenance. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of participation of users of the SMAN 2 Meulaboh building on routine maintenance. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. Primary data collection is obtained by observation, interviews, documentation, and distributing questionnaires, while secondary data is obtained from related institutions or institutions. Data analysis was processed using the Likert Scale method. The sampling technique used is proportionate stratified random sampling. The results of the analysis obtained are 81 students (95.294%) are in the medium participation category, 4 students (4.706%) are in the high participation category, 21 teachers (70%) are in the moderate participation category, 9 teachers (30%) is in the high participation category, for 9 school staff and 1 school custodian, the results obtained are 6 respondents (60%) are in the medium participation category, 4 respondents (40%) are in the high participation category, and none of the respondents are in the low participation category.&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-01-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) TINJAUAN PERHITUNGAN RAB PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG BERDASARKAN PERMEN PUPR NO. 1 TAHUN 2022 (Pada Pembangunan Ruang Kelas Baru Madrasa Tsanawiya Negeri 6 Maluku Tengah) 2024-01-19T15:27:12+07:00 Marvin Patrick Patty Pieter Lourens Frans Willem Gaspersz <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Cost budget plan is a careful cost budget planning needed in the implementation of the construction of a project that contains budget details in the form of workers' wages, material costs and tools to be used. The Ministry of Public Works issued an Analysis of the Unit Price of Work in 2016 and updated with the Analysis of the Unit Price of Work 2022 issued on January 5, 2022 through Public Works and Public Housing Regulation number 1 of 2022. In the new classroom construction project, MTS N 6 Central Maluku uses the calculation of the project cost budget according to Unit Price Analysis of Work Minister of Public Works and Public Housing number 28/PRT/2016, this is because planning was carried out before the issuance of Unit Price Analysis of Work 2022. With the Unit Price Analysis of Work update in 2022, the author will use Public Works and Public Housing Regulation number 1 of 2022 as a basis for review to analyze the Cost Budget Plan for the MTS N 6 Central Maluku project. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Cost Budget Plan, Unit Price Analysis of Work, Public Works and Public Housing Regulation number 1 of 2022</em></p> 2024-01-15T19:34:20+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Marvin Patrick Patty, Pieter Lourens Frans, Willem Gaspersz ANALISIS BANGKITAN DAN PEMODELAN PERGERAKAN MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS PEMBANGUNAN NASIONAL "VETERAN" JAWA TIMUR 2024-06-14T11:20:44+07:00 Dwi Citrawati Ibnu Sholichin Fithri Estikhamah <p>Masalah di bidang transportasi sering timbul akibat pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk yang berbanding lurus dengan meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan, juga terbatasnya fasilitas transportasi. Dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut, diperlukan upaya dalam perencanaan transportasi. Permasalahan laju pertumbuhan penduduk juga berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan sistem pendidikan. Berdasarkan pola pergerakan masyarakat yang cenderung bergerak menuju pusat kegiatan yang dalam hal ini adalah perguruan tinggi, maka akan berpengaruh pula pada kinerja sistem transportasi di sekitar perguruan tinggi. Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur sebagai perguruan tinggi, telah membuka program studi baru yang ditunjang dengan pembangunan gedung baru. Adanya hal tersebut berpotensi menambah daya tampung mahasiswa. Hal ini berpotensi menimbulkan masalah lalu lintas pada ruas jalan di sekitar kampus. Maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui jumlah bangkitan pergerakan mahasiswa Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur yang dihitung dengan matriks asal tujuan menggunakan metode furness yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor bangkitan perjalanan. Persamaan model bangkitan didapatkan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak SPSS. Dari analisis regresi linear berganda, penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil berupa persamaan model bangkitan Y = 280,429 – 11,355 X1 – 1,873 X3, dimana X1 adalah usia dan X3 adalah jarak tempuh, sedangkan perkiraan jumlah mahasiswa pada umur rencana 5 tahun adalah sebesar 30.098 mahasiswa.</p> 2024-01-17T12:16:44+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Citrawati, Ibnu Sholichin, Fithri Estikhamah