Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan pendekatan STEM-Project Based Learning berbantuan Aplikasi Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite (PTSS) untuk meningkatkan berfikir kreatif siswa pada materi koefisien gaya gesek. Model pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model STEM-Project Based Learning. Langkah-langkah nya terdiri dari Scientific Inquiry, Technological Application, Engineering Design, dan Mathematics Processing. Hasil penelitian pendahuluan yang dilakukan kepada siswa SMA di Jakarta dengan total 44 responden didapatkan hasil: penggunaan media pembelajaran selama belajar dari rumah sebanyak 29,5% responden menggunakan Google Classroom, sebanyak 22,7% responden menggunakan WhatsApp Group, sebanyak 20,5% responden menggunakan Zoom Meeting, sebanyak 11,4% responden menggunakan Google Meet, sebanyak 2,3% responden menggunakan Youtube, sebanyak 2,3% responden menggunakan PowerPoint dan sebanyak 2,3% responden menggunakan E-Modul, sebanyak 90,9% responden belum mengetahui adanya aplikasi PTSS. Maka, dalam penelitian ini dipilih aplikasi PTSS untuk menunjang kegiatan pembelajaran fisika dan akan dilakukan pengujian kepada sejumlah siswa di tingkat SMA.
Kata-kata kunci: STEM-Project Based Learning, aplikasi PTSS, materi koefisien gaya gesek.
This study aims to apply the STEM-Project Based Learning approach assisted by the Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite (PTSS) application on the friction coefficient material. The learning model used in this study is the STEM-Project Based Learning model. The steps consist of Scientific Inquiry, Technological Application, Engineering Design, and Mathematics Processing. The results of preliminary research conducted on high school students in Jakarta with a total of 44 respondents obtained the results: the use of learning media while studying from home, as many as 29.5% of respondents using Google Classroom, as many as 22.7% of respondents using WhatsApp Group, as many as 20.5% of respondents using Zoom Meeting, 11.4% of respondents using Google Meet, 2.3% of respondents using Youtube, 2.3% of respondents using Powerpoint and 2.3% of respondents using E-Modules, 90.9% of respondents don't know about the PTSS application yet. So, in this study, the PTSS application was chosen to support physics learning activities and will be tested on several students at the high school level.
Keywords: STEM-Project Based Learning, application PTSS, friction coefficient material.
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