Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berupa modul elektronik dengan pendekatan ICARE (introduction, connection, apply, reflection, extension) berbantuan articulate storyline pada materi inti atom dan radioaktivitas SMA yang layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Model penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE yang meliputi lima tahapan yaitu tahap perencanaan (design), tahap pengembangan (development), tahap impelementasi (implement), dan tahap evaluasi (evaluate). Modul elektronik yang dikembangkan didesain dengan pendekatan ICARE yang meliputi lima tahapan yaitu: 1) Introduction, 2) Connection, 3) Apply, 4) Reflection, 5) Extension. Berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan yang dilakukan kepada 35 peserta didik kelas 12 SMAN 79 Jakarta, hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan: sebanyak 80% (28 responden) sulit memahami pelajaran fisika dengan PJJ; 57,1 % (20 responden) menganggap bahwa materi inti atom dan radioaktivitas sulit; 94,3% (33 responden) tertarik belajar fisika menggunakan modul elektronik; 91,4% (32 responden) setuju modul elektronik yang dikembangkan bersifat interaktif dilengkapi video, animasi dan simulasi; 97,1% (34 responden) setuju modul elektronik dikembangkan dengan pendekatan ICARE. Kesimpulan penelitian awal ini dengan judul modul elektronik dengan pendekatan ICARE (introduction, connection, apply, reflection, extension) berbantuan articulate storyline pada materi inti atom dan radioaktivitas SMA adalah layak dilakukan dengan karakteristiknya produk yang dihasilkan ditulis dengan bahasa komunikatif, dilengkapi gambar, animasi, simulasi, dan video.
Kata-kata kunci: Modul elektronik, pendekatan ICARE, articulate storyline, inti atom dan radioaktivitas
This study aims to develop learning media in the form of an electronic module with an ICARE approach (introduction, connection, apply, reflection, extension) assisted by an articulate storyline on the atomic nucleus and high school radioactivity that are suitable for use in learning. The research model used is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model, which includes five stages: the planning (design) stage, the development stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. The developed electronic module is designed with the ICARE approach, which includes five stages, namely: 1) Introduction, 2) Connection, 3) Apply, 4) Reflection, and 5) Extension. Based on the needs analysis conducted on 35 grade 12 students of SMAN 79 Jakarta, the results were: 80% (28 respondents) had difficulty understanding physics lessons with PJJ; 57.1% (20 respondents) think that atomic nuclei and radioactivity are difficult; 94.3% (33 respondents) are interested in learning physics using electronic modules; 91.4% (32 respondents) agree that the electronic module developed is interactive with videos, animations, and simulations; 97.1% (34 respondents) agreed that the electronic module was developed using the ICARE approach. The conclusion of this initial research with the title of an electronic module with an ICARE approach (introduction, connection, apply, reflection, extension) assisted by an articulate storyline on atomic nuclei and radioactivity is feasible with the characteristics of the resulting product written in the communicative language, equipped with pictures, animations, simulations, and videos.
Keywords: Electronic module, ICARE approach, articulate storyline, atomic nucleus, and radioactivity
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