Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) banyak digunakan sebagai metode pelapisan karena memiliki nilai efisiensi yang tinggi. Parameter yang berpengaruh terhadap hasil EPD terdiri atas dua bagian yaitu suspensi dan sistem kelistrikan. Teknik EPD dikembangkan untuk membuat laminat, lapisan tipis dan coating, (FGMs), dan keramik bertekstur. Bidang aplikasi EPD relatif luas salah satunya material untuk implantasi. Studi ini menginvestigasi EPD untuk pelapisan zircon pada material paduan MgAZ31. Penelitian diawali dengan preparasi sampel MgAZ31 dan dilanjutkan proses EPD. Karakterisasi sistem suspensi meliputi identifikasi morfologi permukaan dengan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), pengujian ketebalan lapisan, dan nilai kekerasan. Pemrosesan dengan EPD dilakukan pada elektroda seluas 1 cm2, dengan jarak 2 cm dan arus sebesar 1 mA dengan variasi waktu selama 35, 45, dan 55 menit. Setelah dilakukan pelapisan, sampel di keringkan pada suhu ruang. Selanjutnya sampel diamati dengan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Berdasarkan pengamatan, lapisan yang paling rapat dihasilkan dari proses EPD dengan waktu proses selama 55 menit. Waktu merupakan salah satu parameter proses EPD yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap morfologi maupun sifat mekanik suatu material. Dimana semakin lama proses coating maka semakin tebal lapisan oksida yang terbentuk.
Kata-kata kunci: MgAZ31, Electrophoretic deposition, Lapisan Oksida, waktu coating.
Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) is widely used as a coating method because it has a high efficiency value. The parameters that affect the results of the EPD consist of two parts, namely the suspension and the electrical system. The EPD technique was developed to make laminates, films and coatings, (FGMs), and textured ceramics. The field of application of EPD is relatively broad, one of which is material for implantation. This study investigates EPD for zircon coating on MgAZ31 alloy material. The study began with the preparation of the MgAZ31 sample and continued with the EPD process. The characterization of the suspension system includes identification of surface morphology with a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), testing of coating thickness, and hardness values. Processing with EPD was carried out on electrodes with an area of 1 cm2, with a distance of 2 cm and a current of 1 mA with variations of time for 35, 45 and 55 minutes. After coating, the samples were dried at room temperature. Then the samples were observed with a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Based on observations, the most dense layers were produced from the EPD process with a processing time of 55 minutes. Time is one of the EPD process parameters which greatly influences the morphology and mechanical properties of a material. Where the longer the coating process, the thicker the oxide layer formed.
Keywords: MgAZ31, Electrophoretic deposition, Oxide coating, coating time
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