Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) validitas modul ajar berbasis hypercontent yang dikembangkan, 2) kepraktisan modul ajar berbasis hypercontent yang dikembangkan, dan 3) keefektifan terhadap penerapan setiap indikator kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan hasil belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development menggunakan desain ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh siswa-siswi kelas XI di sekolah SMA Negeri 1 Sei Suka. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah angket validasi ahli media, angket validasi ahli eksperimen, angket respon siswa, lembar observasi kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan instrumen hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian oleh ahli media diperoleh skor rata-rata 88,6% dengan kategori sangat valid dan untuk penilaian ahli eksperimen skor rata-rata 94% dengan kategori sangat valid. Hasil kepraktisan modul yang ditinjau dari angket respon siswa diperoleh skor kepraktisan sebesar 85,5%, dengan kategori sangat praktis. Adapun aspek keefektifan diperoleh adanya peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa sebesar 83% dengan kategori sangat efektif dan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa diperoleh n-gain sebesar 0,70 dengan kriteria cukup efektif.
Kata-kata kunci: modul Hypercontent, berpikir kreatif.
This study aims to determine: 1) the validity of the developed hypercontent-based teaching modules, 2) the practicality of the developed hypercontent-based teaching modules, and 3) the effectiveness of implementing each indicator of creative thinking skills and student learning outcomes. This type of research is Research and Development using the ADDIE design (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The population in the study were all students of class XI at SMA Negeri 1 Sei Suka. The instruments used in the study were media expert validation questionnaires, experimental expert validation questionnaires, student response questionnaires, observation sheets for creative thinking skills and student learning outcomes instruments. The results of research by media experts obtained an average score of 88.6% with a very valid category and for the assessment of experimental experts an average score of 94% with a very valid category. The results of the practicality of the module in terms of the student response questionnaire obtained a practicality score of 85.5%, with a very practical category. As for the aspect of effectiveness, it was obtained that there was an increase in students' creative thinking abilities of 83% with very effective categories and an increase in student learning outcomes obtained an n-gain of 0.70 with criteria quite effective.
Keywords: Hypercontent module, think creatively.
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