The use of synthetic pesticides for pest and disease control in crops raises significant health and
environmental concerns. As an eco-friendly alternative, biological control using biofungicides such as
Trichoderma sp. has become increasingly important. Effective biofungicide production necessitates
precise determination of Trichoderma sp. population levels. This study aims to identify Trichoderma sp.
population levels (105, 106, and 107 CFU/ml) based on aroma data from an Electronic Nose (E-nose). The
experiment began with the rejuvenation of Trichoderma sp. samples, followed by inoculation on three
organic materials (sugarcane bagasse, peat, and bran). Gas sensor data were collected using the E-nose
after a 7-day incubation period in glass bottles. Feature extraction, using statistical and time domain
methods, was performed to identify the fungal population. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) demonstrated that the E-nose sensor responses effectively
differentiated Trichoderma sp. population levels based on the type of organic material. For the three
organic materials, PCA revealed that PC1 accounted for 79.76% and PC2 for 13.49% of the variance,
while LDA showed LD1 accounted for 62.54% and LD2 for 28.22% of the variance. Specifically, for the
sugarcane bagasse, PCA indicated PC1 at 79.77% and PC2 at 13.49%, with LDA showing LD1 at 60.93%
and LD2 at 28.58%.
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