Call for Reviewers and Editors
Mr/Mrs. Researcher in the field of community service and empowerment
SATWIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta is an Open Journal Access based on an anonymous review.
In developing and improving the quality of publication manuscripts, SATWIKA expects you to join as a Reviewer and Editor. To become a SATWIKA Reviewer and Editor, please complete the form using the following link:
Reviewers are assigned to provide feedback from SATWIKA Editors regarding the quality and contribution per field of the manuscripts submitted by the author. In addition, Reviewers are expected to provide timely, collegial, and constructive assessments. The Editor is responsible for managing the manuscript assigned to be processed until it is published.
So, we'd like to thank you for your attention as a candidate for Reviewer and Editor with a high level of expertise and the ability to evaluate each manuscript objectively, fairly, and professionally.
Benefits and Authority for Reviewers and Editors:
- The reviewer's name and affiliation will be listed on the Journal website:
- Reviewers and Editors get a letter of assignment and e-certificate from the Chairman of Editor in Chief SATWIKA.
- If submitting papers to SATWIKA, reviewers and editors are free of charge (free).
Editor in Chief