Stairs <p><strong><span data-preserver-spaces="true"><a title="Google Scholar" href=";hl=en&amp;oi=ao">Google Scholar</a>STAIRS: English Language Education Journal</span></strong></p> <p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">e-ISSN: 2807-8594</span></p> <p><span class="JsGRdQ"><strong>STAIRS: English Language Education Journal</strong> is a biannual open-access publication issued in May and November. <strong>STAIRS</strong> aims to provide the international audience with original studies encompassing a variety of topics in English language education, including English Teaching and Learning, Second Language Acquisition, English for Specific Purposes, ICT in English Language Education, Material and Curriculum Development, Translation, and other related topics. All manuscripts have undergone editorial screening and peer-review process. <strong>STAIRS</strong> is published by the Research and Community Service Institution of <span id="result_box" lang="en">Universitas Negeri Jakarta</span>, Indonesia, and managed by the English Language Education Study Program.</span></p> Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Jakarta en-US Stairs 2807-8594 From the Library Review Perspectives: Strategies to Instill Efficient Character Education Values in Indonesian EFL Learning Dynamics <p>There should be a decent complementary element to equalize the<br>proficiency-based learning activities attempting to breed skilled,<br>innovative, and knowledgeable target language academicians.<br>Following this belief, professional second language educators<br>should incessantly transmit various kinds of efficient character<br>education values in their daily classroom learning routines as<br>learners begin to showcase more promising and positive learning<br>behaviors in sustaining the continuity of language exposure. This<br>current small-scale library study was enacted to profoundly<br>investigate the possible pedagogical strategies second-language<br>educationalists can internalize to holistically infuse more<br>meaningful character education values in Indonesian EFL learning<br>dynamics. To fulfill this study objective, the researcher employed a<br>thematic analysis approach in this current small-scale library<br>investigation to systematically cluster the most identical research<br>results into some relatable themes. Accordingly, 20 prior character<br>education studies ranging from 2018 to the 2022 year were selected<br>to produce more reliable robust findings. From the thematically<br>categorized research results, the perfect embodiment of efficient<br>character education values was ascertained when Indonesian EFL<br>teachers are willing to play roles as supportive learning facilitators<br>and implement variegated teaching strategies in their regular<br>classroom learning dynamics. Some future recommendations were<br>also depicted for the constant advancement of this educational<br>research field.</p> Kristian Florensio Wijaya Copyright (c) 2024 Stairs 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 5 1 1 11 10.21009/stairs.5.1.1 Artificial Intelligence in the English Classroom: Middle School Teachers' and Students' Perceptions <p><em>The utilization of artificial intelligence in learning is evolving, with a focus on language learning. This study addresses the research issue of how SMP 1 Nurul Basmalah students and teachers feel about the usage of artificial intelligence in the English classroom. In this qualitative study, focus groups and interviews are used to determine that AI saves students time and is more personalized because it engages in conversations with interviewers. It also dismisses worries about the use of electronic devices, stating that such teaching approaches require a teacher to be prepared. It is necessary to incorporate findings such as the strengths. It also dismisses expectations about the use of electronic devices, stating that such teaching approaches require a teacher to be prepared. There is a need to use discoveries such as the strengths and drawbacks of using AI in educational institutions, how to apply ethics in the use of AI, and how to incorporate practical ways of using AI to improve learning outcomes and stimulate student creativity.</em></p> Ikhsan Dinn Islam Syafrizal Syafrizal Yudi Juniardi Copyright (c) 2024 Stairs 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 5 1 12 24 10.21009/stairs.5.1.2 The Communicative Language Strategies of CEFR in TikTok Video <p>As a widely established scale a standardized assessment of<br>language competency in Europe as well as worldwide, CEFR<br>provides a clear baseline for assessing language ability. However,<br>its representation in videos on TikTok, as one of the most potential<br>language learning platforms remained unexplored. This study<br>seeks to examine communicative language strategies linked with<br>the CEFR in TikTok videos. Using a qualitative method and<br>ATLAS.ti software, the data were collected from 200 videos using<br>the hashtags #learnenglish and #communicationstrategies.<br>Production was recognized as the most common communication<br>strategy, with planning appearing in 43 videos. Moreover, videos<br>in the B1 level were the most frequent, appearing in 86 videos. The<br>results suggest that a systematic strategy, as seen in TikTok videos,<br>requires a well-designed learning plan that includes regular<br>intervals for listening, speaking, reading, and writing practice.<br>Future studies should encourage educators to adopt these<br>practices, to promote successful language education.</p> Hana Syakirah - Imam Santosa Copyright (c) 2024 Stairs 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 5 1 25 34 10.21009/stairs.5.1.3 Student Teachers Readiness and Challenges for Internship Program: A Survey on English Language Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta <p>For students majoring in education, the teaching internship<br>program is mandatory. Along with employing the Kurikulum<br>Merdeka in schools, student teachers must also prepare to use<br>it through the teaching internship program. This study aims to<br>investigate student teachers’ readiness and challenges for the<br>teaching internship program. This study employs both<br>quantitative and qualitative methodologies to achieve its<br>objectives. In all, 40 English Language Education Study<br>Program student teachers batch 2020 at Universitas Negeri<br>Jakarta completed questionnaires and participated in Focused<br>Group Discussions focusing on their readiness and challenges<br>based on key teaching competences, enabling competences,<br>professional conduct, and personality. The research uncovered<br>student teachers level of readiness and challenges in<br>'administration', 'methodology: knowledge and skills',<br>'assessment', and 'lesson and course preparation' to Kurikulum<br>Merdeka as ‘developing readiness’ and ‘mostly challenging’.<br>However, they perceived ‘approaching readiness’ and views<br>them as ‘mostly not challenging’ aspects as in 'digital media<br>implementation,' 'professional behavior', 'personality', and<br>'intercultural skills'. Because prior studies did not cover these<br>areas all at once, the knowledge obtained through this research<br>study applies locally.</p> Farah Shiba Fadhilah Ilza Mayuni Lasito Lasito Copyright (c) 2024 Stairs 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 5 1 35 46 10.21009/stairs.5.1.4 Gender Representation in The English Textbook Entitled “Stop Bullying Now” for SMA/ MA/ SMK/ MAK Grade XI <p>Textbook have a significant role to build students' views and<br>perceptions of gender. Gender representation in teaching<br>materials can influence the way students understand the roles of<br>male and female in society. This research aims to analyze gender<br>representation in textbook using a quantitative approach and the<br>gender representation grid developed by Brugeilles and Cromer<br>(2009). The findings reveal a significant dominance of male<br>characters in the representation within the textbook. The number<br>of male characters presented is considerably higher than that of<br>female characters. Moreover, male characters tend to be<br>assigned roles that align with gender stereotypes prevailing in<br>patriarchal societies. This indicates an imbalance in gender<br>representation within the textbook. These findings carry<br>significant implications for creating inclusive and diverse<br>learning materials to ensure they reflect gender equality and<br>diversity within society. By understanding and recognizing this<br>imbalance, it is hoped that content developers will be motivated<br>to produce more representative and gender-sensitive materials.</p> Zahra Sudarya Permana Rika Andayani Copyright (c) 2024 Stairs 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 5 1 47 60 10.21009/stairs.5.1.5 A Systematic Review of Research on Blended Learning in Teaching EFL: Student and Teacher’s Perception, Implementation, Interaction, Benefits, and Challenges <p>This study examines the existing research on blended learning in<br>English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms, focusing on the<br>views and experiences of both students and teachers. An analysis<br>of 30 published articles reveals that researchers have employed a<br>range of methods, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed<br>approaches, to collect data through questionnaires, interviews,<br>and literature reviews. The findings suggest that both students and<br>teachers have a positive outlook on blended learning, which is used<br>to teach various English skills and involves the use of online<br>platforms to assign different types of tasks. Effective interaction<br>between students, teachers, and peers is crucial to the success of<br>blended learning. The benefits of blended learning include<br>improved English proficiency, enhanced learning behaviors, and<br>developed digital skills. However, challenges such as technical<br>difficulties, inadequate training, time management issues, and<br>learner preparedness can hinder its implementation.</p> Musfi Kotul Koniah Rizkia Aura Putri Shafinaz Aulia Anindita Zakia Reeva Masayu Copyright (c) 2024 Stairs 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 5 1 61 74 10.21009/stairs.5.1.6 Vocational High School Teachers’ Perception of Project-based Learning Method in English Language Teaching: A Case Study <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><em>As Vocational High School (VHS) students are prepared to work in &nbsp;certain fields, project-based learning (PjBL)becomes one of the teaching and learning methods that teachers can use to meet the expectations in the work field. Even though the effectiveness of PjBL implementation is related to how the teacher perceives the method, less attention is given to studies that focus on teachers' perception of the principles of PjBL. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the English teachers' perception of the PjBL method in terms of the objectives, principles, and teachers' roles. The descriptive case study was employed as the research design to answer the formulated research questions. Semi-structured interviews with English teachers at SMKN 26 Jakarta were conducted to collect the data. The findings show that all teachers have a good perception of the objectives of the PjBL method. Most teachers fully understand their role in the PjBL method. However, there was some misunderstanding in teachers' perception of the principle of challenging problem/question and public product. 75% of the teachers did not see sustained inquiry and reflection as the principle of the PjBL method. Therefore, teacher professional development training related to the principles of the PjBL method needs more attention.</em></p> Melvira Tanila sri sulastini imas Wahyu Agustina Copyright (c) 2024 Stairs 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 5 1 75 87 10.21009/stairs.5.1.7