• Sumarno Sumarno Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: Program evaluation of Discrepancy model, BKK SMK


Each vocational high school in Regency of Bekasi has a Special Job Fair (BKK). The main function of BKK is to channeling the workforce of graduates. Evaluation of this program used the discrepancy model from Provus. The implementation consists of 4 stages: Design, Installation, Process, and Product. This research uses qualitative methods that produce descriptive data. The purpose of this study to determine the gap between the standard set by actual facts that occur. Data were collected by questionnaire instrument, interview, documentation, and observation. The data analysis determines each component with very inappropriate categories, not appropriate, appropriate, and very appropriate. The highest gap in the design phase lies in aspects of implementation guidelines, resources at the installation and reporting stages of the product phase, this is because BKK management is unaware of technical guidance due to lack of socialization from local Manpower Office. Socialization is not optimal due to lack of manpower of the coach/guides from the labor agencies. The best aspect of conformity is at the stage of the process, this is due to some activities integrated with the activities of street vendors. The average result is according to the standard, the decision of the program is continued with the recommendation of improvement on some components.

How to Cite
Sumarno, S. (2018). EVALUASI PROGRAM BURSA KERJA KHUSUS (BKK) SMK DI KABUPATEN BEKASI. Jurnal Evaluasi Pendidikan, 9(1), 30 - 35. https://doi.org/10.21009/JEP.091.04