Kurikulum Pendidikan Sejarah di Amerika Serikat

  • Bahri Bahri
Keywords: history curriculum, United States of America


The Bradley is a commission created in 1987 in response to concern over the shortage , both in quantity
and quality , of the teaching of history in America , both at primary and secondary school level . Indeed,
before 1892, the teaching of history is considered not too concerned, but for various cases at the high
school level , forcing the National Education Association case the importance of teaching all levels of
education. History must have particular relevance to struggle with the problem of irreversibility time
in their own lives , searching for meaning and commitment to themselves, and defines adolescents who
develop a sense of their own past of their relationship with the community. Four patterns in the teaching
of history in the teaching of history in secondary schools in the US, and the school was granted for
determining the pattern to be used

How to Cite
Bahri, B. (2017). Kurikulum Pendidikan Sejarah di Amerika Serikat. Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah, 4(1), 70 - 81. https://doi.org/10.21009/JPS.041.06