Pendidikan Anti Hoaks Era 4.0 Perspektif Al-Qur’an


  • Akhmad Shunhaji Pascasarjana Institut PTIQ Jakarta



Education, Hoax, Al-Qur'an perspective


The development of communication technology in the Era of 4.0, gave rise to various kinds of hoax news that could be consumed by various groups of society. The emergence of such massive hoax news, Al-Qur’an has described the impact and the solution. However, most Muslim communities are not aware of it. This paper explores the teachings of the Al-Qur’an about the possibility of hoax through various media developments and solutions. By using a descriptive qualitative approach, the author describes some of the hoax data that developed in Era of 4.0, did the assessment, and found a solutive step to address the hoax according to the Al-Qur’an. Hoax always occurs in the history of human life. The hoax has a negative side that damages many parties. In fact, hoax can interfere with life stability. Therefore, the hoax needs to be addressed wisely. Anti-hoax education from the perspective of the Al-Qur’an is the maximum effort in addressing hoax through the development of teogenetic awareness. In this paper, it was found that teogenetic is the potential of individuals who have an important role in dealing with life problems, including addressing hoax problems wisely.

Keywords: Education, Hoax, Al-Qur'an perspective


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How to Cite

Shunhaji, Akhmad. “Pendidikan Anti Hoaks Era 4.0 Perspektif Al-Qur’an”. Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an 16, no. 1 (January 31, 2020): 37–54. Accessed March 26, 2025.