Tiga Golongan Penghafal Al-qur’an Dalam Surah Fatir Ayat 32 Perspektif Adi Hidayat


  • Salimatun Naviyah Naviyah Universitas Nurul Jadid
  • Universitas Nurul Jadid Probolinggo




memorizing Qur'an, Adi Hidayat, surah Fatir 32


The purpose of writing this article is as a study that is very important to understand, especially for Qur'an memorizers. This article discusses the class of Qur'an memorizers contained in the al-Qur'an surah Fatir verse 32, especially according to Adi Hidayat. With his educational background and life since he was a child, he was educated to love Qur'an, the preaching he conveyed could not be separated from the study of memorizing the Qur'an. Qur'an memorizers are Allah's chosen people who have been given the gift to be closer to Qur'an and the mandate to protect it. The final result of this discussion is that Adi Hidayat states that in the Qur'an there are three groups of Qur'an memorizers, namely Dzalimun Li Nafsih, Muqtashid, and Sabiqun Bil Khairat. And the fact that at this time is that memorizing the Qur'an is more focused on the number of memorization and forgetting to understand and memorize the verses that are memorized, so that memorization does not benefit him. This study uses a type of media text research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through observation and documentation.


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How to Cite

Naviyah, Salimatun Naviyah, and Abd. Hamid. “Tiga Golongan Penghafal Al-qur’an Dalam Surah Fatir Ayat 32 Perspektif Adi Hidayat”. Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an 17, no. 1 (January 27, 2021): 131–146. Accessed February 23, 2025. https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jsq/article/view/18354.