Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Islami Terhadap Anak Autis

(Studi Kasus Kelas 5 dan 6 SDLB B dan C di SLB Al-Gaffar Guchany Pondok Gede Kota Bekasi)


  • Amalia Safitri Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Syamsul Arifin Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Sari Narulita Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Internalize the Islamic Value, Autis Children, Religion Attitude


To internalize the islamic value is very important for all children, for both the normal child and also autis. The children who have the disorder of autisme also important to be internalized and be described about the islamic value to them.The purpose of this study is to know the internalization of islamic value for the autistic children of class of 5 and 6 SDLB in SLB Al-Gaffar Guchany. Method used on this research is case study method. In collecting of its data the researcher use interview and observation . The research namely the internalized value by the teacher is private islamic attitude value, family religion attitude, social religion attitude and religion attitude to the country. From four value teacher have ben do all three step namely value transformasion step of value transaction and step of value transinternalization.But in social religion attitude. But in social religion value is only one sector which is not success namely the autis child who still do not success yet in socialization to their friends well.Also there are changings occurred alter teacher internalize the value of islamic namely the changing in cognitive media, affective and its psychomotoric.



How to Cite

Safitri, Amalia, Syamsul Arifin, and Sari Narulita. “Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Islami Terhadap Anak Autis: (Studi Kasus Kelas 5 Dan 6 SDLB B Dan C Di SLB Al-Gaffar Guchany Pondok Gede Kota Bekasi)”. Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an 10, no. 2 (July 1, 2014): 132–144. Accessed February 23, 2025.

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