Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Please prepare your manuscript before submission, using the following guidelines and PINTER template to download the article template:

Writing Instructions:

1.  Manuscripts must be based on issues related to education, computer science, information systems, multimedia, computer networks, software engineering and educational technology.

2.  The articles must be based on research results or the results of studies that are equivalent to research. 

3.  Articles must be original manuscripts that have never been published in any media.

4.  Articles written in Indonesian or English correctly.

5.  Articles wirtten using Microsoft Word with a single-spacing, Times New Roman, size 12 and maximum of 20 pages.

6.  Each submitted manuscript will be reviewed first by the experts editors who have expertise in their respective fields. 

Writing Guidelines: 

1. Title

2. Author names (withous academic degree)

3. Abstrac and keywords

4. Introduction

5. Theoritical Review

6. Methodology

7. Results and analysis

8. Conclusion

9. References