The Use of Spatial and Temporal Deixis in The Narrative Essay Written by X Grade Students of Wira Buana 2 Vocational High School
spatial deixis, temporal deixis, narrative essayAbstract
This study aimed to determine the use of spatial and temporal deixis that used in narrative essays written by X grade students Wira Buana 2 Vocational High School. This study use qualitative descriptive approach followed by content analysis technique. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, there are as many as 130 usage of spatial and temporal deixis findings. These findings consist of 66 findings of spatial deixis (50.77%) and 64 findings of temporal deixis (49.23%). This result indicate that the use of spatial and temporal deixis are equally dominant in narrative essays written by X grade students of Wira Buana 2 Vocational High School.
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