Learning German to Improve Students' Writing Skills with AWAN ASA Application

  • Prahoro Yudo Purwono Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Mohammad Fafa Rasiawan Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Ocka Vivianita Wijaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Foreign languages ​​are a means of communicating between people across countries, so learning a foreign language is considered a unifying language and can be used for communication purposes. On the other hand, foreign languages ​​are also a necessity and current trend as a language that must be learned, and German is no exception. However, in learning German for students in lectures, especially writing skills or Schreiben, there are still obstacles. These obstacles are in the form of the lack of learning media used in learning, as well as writing skills in German which are still not developed, especially for students who come from high schools without German subjects. Thus, it is very necessary for learning media that are able to help students in lecturing writing skills or Schreiben. The purpose of this study is to describe the process of learning German to improve students' writing skills assisted by the AWAN ASA application, to describe the results of learning German to improve students' writing skills assisted by the AWAN ASA application, and to describe how students respond to learning German to improve students' writing skills assisted by the AWAN ASA application. The research method used is percentage quantitative research. The results showed that student learning outcomes were quite good, with an average score of 79.2 and were able to write conjunctions or conjunctions in their essays ranging from 1-4 words in one paragraph. Thus, it can be concluded that the methods and applications used in learning German for students are very appropriate, because apart from being important and quite helpful in their learning in lectures, the methods and media used in learning German are quite suitable for improving their writing and vocabulary skills. 


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How to Cite
Purwono, P. Y., Rasiawan, M. F., & Wijaya, O. V. (2021). Learning German to Improve Students’ Writing Skills with AWAN ASA Application. Brila: Journal of Foreign Language Education, 1(2), 55 - 67. Retrieved from https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/brila/article/view/21945