Unjuk Kerja Teknik Higi-wydler pada Penerjemahan Idiom dalam Novel Herr der Diebe Karya Cornelia Funke

  • Tria Ananda Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing YAPARI-ABA Bandung https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1158-2339
  • Dasim Karsam Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing YAPARI-ABA Bandung
  • Hermin Djajaprawira Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing YAPARI-ABA Bandung
Keywords: idiom, Herr der Diebe, novel, terjemahan, teknik Higi-Wydler


The objective of this research is twofold: (1) To provide a description of the use of the Higi-wydler idiom translation technique in the translation of the German novel "Herr der Diebe" (2000); (2) To categorize and analyze the outcomes of the idiom translation using the Higi-wydler's technique. This research aims to influence the decision-making process in selecting sub-techniques of Higi-wydler's as a general guideline or rule of thumb, particularly for translators. This study used a descriptive analytic approach to compare the original and translated versions of a book named "Pangeran Pencuri/The thief lord" (2006) in both German and Indonesian languages. Data collection in this study involved the utilization of note-taking strategy. To validate the data, the Idiom Dictionary Duden Redewendungen (DR) (2013) and Kamus Idiom Bahasa Indonesia (KIBI) Abdul Chaer (1984) were employed. The results of this investigation are as follows: (1) The Higi-wydler idiom translation approach was most commonly used for the null Äquivalenz category, namely for 45 idioms, which accounts for about 97% of the total; (2) Only 3% or 1 idiom, fell under the total Äquivalenz category; (3) None of the 46 detected idioms could be classified as partielle Äquivalenz. This demonstrates the considerable challenge in finding suitable counterparts for translating such idioms. Therefore, it is necessary to rephrase the translation of idioms owing to the distinct differences in both the structure of Bahasa Indonesia and its culture compared to the German language and its culture. Doing so would present a formidable challenge for the interpreter.


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How to Cite
Tria Ananda, Karsam, D., & Djajaprawira, H. (2023). Unjuk Kerja Teknik Higi-wydler pada Penerjemahan Idiom dalam Novel Herr der Diebe Karya Cornelia Funke. Brila: Journal of Foreign Language Education, 3(2), 48-59. Retrieved from https://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/brila/article/view/39143